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Old June 5th, 2013, 18:05   #39
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Edmonton
Exclamation New HPA info?

Reviving an old thread here since I'm not quite satisfied with the answer... There have been developments in the field of HPA/ CO2 that allow an individual to sub-regulate the output pressure of a CO2 or HPA tank.


Previously there was not a way to easily regulate the output PSI of a HPA tank without knowing what you're doing and having custom work. This often would result in people putting ~800 PSI of HPA into things only rated for ~80PSI (Duster), ~130PSI (Propane/green gas). I use approximate pressures because of gas laws (PV=nRT) and nothing is every the exact same as lab conditions.
Vapour pressure charts:


C3H8 (Propane/ Green gas)

1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane/HFC-134a (Duster gas)
Pages 6 and 7 of

In case you're lazy...
1 Bar =100kPa ~=14.5 PSI
273.15K = 0C
800PSI ~= 55 Bar
450 PSI ~= 31 Bar
130 PSI ~= 9 Bar
80 PSI ~= 5.5 Bar

Anyways... Since the above adapter is said to be variable between 0 PSI and 1200 PSI, IF it was set to the appropriate pressure, I believe it would be safe to use HPA with duster and propane/ green gas. Although the HPA would now be considered MPA or LPA.

Final questions:

Q1: Can HPA be used in a CO2 device IF it is properly sub regulated down to the operating pressures of CO2? For example filling a CO2 mag with HPA at 800PSI or less.

Q2: By extension could the same principle be applied to duster (~80PSI) and propane/ green gas (~120PSI) devices? For example an Airsoft Innovations tornado grenade or a GBB green gas mag with HPA set at 100PSI.
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