Forum: General
July 5th, 2015, 10:30
Replies: 5
Views: 6,120
Forum: General
December 17th, 2014, 09:47
Replies: 160
Views: 840,857
Forum: General
December 17th, 2014, 09:31
Replies: 160
Views: 840,857
Forum: General
October 22nd, 2014, 19:55
Replies: 0
Views: 3,478
RIP Adj. Patrice Vincent and Cpl Nathan Cirillo
No comment needed, just: RIP to the two first Canadian Military who died in the War again ISIS on Canadian soil!!!
Aucuns commentaires nécessaires, juste: RIP aux deux premiers Militaires...
Forum: General
August 23rd, 2014, 07:03
Replies: 9
Views: 8,677
Forum: General
July 1st, 2014, 21:14
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
La discusion sera brève Ã* ce sujet pour ma...
La discusion sera brève Ã* ce sujet pour ma part, je ne connais pas le coupable.
La personne qui a agit Ã* titre d'intermédiaire Ã* laisser le Scar dans ma cours arrière comme prévu. Alors...
Forum: General
July 1st, 2014, 18:56
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Je comprends ton point de vu. Néanmoins, la...
Je comprends ton point de vu. Néanmoins, la victime voulais ravoir son bien sans poser de question et dans la mesure ou je me suis engagé Ã* assurer l'anonymat, rien ne vous empêche de faire vos...
Forum: General
July 1st, 2014, 17:22
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Dossier clos - Case closed
Quelqu'un est...
Dossier clos - Case closed
Quelqu'un est venu porter le Scar Ã* un endroit sur dans ma cours arrière pendant que j'étais sur la job.
Reste plus qu'Ã* l'envoyer au proprio!
Forum: General
June 30th, 2014, 21:43
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
I shall receive the gun in a day or two.
I shall receive the gun in a day or two.
I'll keep you in touch.
To make it clear, i was contact by an anonymous person with an anonymous email to tell me that the guy who stole the gun feel...
Forum: General
June 30th, 2014, 20:33
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Also true!
The problem remain with all the...
Also true!
The problem remain with all the guilty people in prison right now.
Should we give them another chance?
I had another chance when i was young. Nothing that bad, but i had the chance...
Forum: General
June 30th, 2014, 19:25
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Forum: General
June 30th, 2014, 13:38
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Forum: General
June 29th, 2014, 21:48
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Forum: General
June 29th, 2014, 14:04
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Forum: General
June 29th, 2014, 11:11
Replies: 50
Views: 39,613
Forum: General
April 4th, 2014, 18:49
Replies: 37
Views: 22,238
Forum: General
April 4th, 2014, 16:58
Replies: 37
Views: 22,238
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
February 8th, 2014, 10:07
Replies: 87
Views: 39,522
Forum: General
October 9th, 2013, 21:37
Replies: 29
Views: 15,936
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
September 3rd, 2013, 21:23
Replies: 9
Views: 8,884
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
September 2nd, 2013, 21:31
Replies: 9
Views: 8,884
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
September 2nd, 2013, 19:00
Replies: 9
Views: 8,884
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
March 1st, 2013, 16:53
Replies: 34
Views: 25,670
Except for the G&P (Magpul) m4 CQB MOE!
Except for the G&P (Magpul) m4 CQB MOE!
Only sale in Canada, the only piece i ad to change (except the spring) is the piston head. Everything else is impressive!
We bought 10 of those..........