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Search: Posts Made By: shiftline
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2014, 01:45
Replies: 5
Views: 5,584
Posted By shiftline
A little delayed but the only difference was the...

A little delayed but the only difference was the need for larger bushings :)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 18th, 2014, 00:54
Replies: 5
Views: 5,584
Posted By shiftline
Will the Internals all transfer over? Do I need...

Will the Internals all transfer over? Do I need any parts Side from some shims?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 18th, 2014, 00:30
Replies: 5
Views: 5,584
Posted By shiftline
G&G mec box shell in a TM?

Will a G&G m4 mec box shell work to fix a cracked TM one?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 17th, 2013, 00:21
Replies: 21
Views: 14,944
Posted By shiftline
Some fancy smd soldering station from eBay

Some fancy smd soldering station from eBay
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 19th, 2010, 01:09
Replies: 7
Views: 6,086
Posted By shiftline
Note on gaurdr clears, i tried one in my mp5 and...

Note on gaurdr clears, i tried one in my mp5 and it kept jaming every mag. Switched to modify and it worked fie.. the smaller lip was about .5 mm bigger iff that on the clear so you may or may not...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 16th, 2010, 20:51
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
Well bending it seemed to help, it goes pretty...

Well bending it seemed to help, it goes pretty far now and i can more or less tune it in.. theres a slight curve the the left in the last 30' of flight but that is probally from an uneven bend! but...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 16th, 2010, 15:27
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
Washing it didnt make much of a difference, still...

Washing it didnt make much of a difference, still only works decent well with the hopup full.

So maybe the rubber is worn down a bit or i just need to bend that metal clip some more.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 16th, 2010, 11:26
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
Will wash it today and try it out. to see if it...

Will wash it today and try it out. to see if it makes a difference

Thanks :)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 15th, 2010, 23:30
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
So the 9 ball did the trick? Mine only get far...

So the 9 ball did the trick? Mine only get far range on full hopup!

Did you bed the metal adjuster clip at all or just replace the hopup with the 9ball?

also is this the correct one you used?...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 15th, 2010, 19:57
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
So i bent the hopup tab thing a bit and with the...

So i bent the hopup tab thing a bit and with the hop-up almost full i get some decent range now.. Is it worth buying a new hopup rubber or was it just the mtal that needed to be bent
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 15th, 2010, 17:01
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
Well turning the hopup almost full gave me a bit...

Well turning the hopup almost full gave me a bit more rang, bb seems to curve to the right a bit (just twist barrel to the left to fix?)
That and i was shooting up hill, have to find a good place...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 15th, 2010, 03:19
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
Ill strip it down again tonight and take a look...

Ill strip it down again tonight and take a look at it.
Mk23 is supsoto go far like skladfins!

Im using .25 bbs with propane

What is a powerup bulb ?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 14th, 2010, 23:49
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
I would guess 60'-70' then it drops off

I would guess 60'-70' then it drops off
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 14th, 2010, 23:12
Replies: 28
Views: 22,352
Posted By shiftline
TM MK23 Range

I just got my TM Mk23 in the mail along with some Y&P Mags and a PDI tight bore barrel.

I put the new barrel in the gun and filled the mags with propane however it doesnt seem to have that great...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 13th, 2010, 01:08
Replies: 17
Views: 18,384
Posted By shiftline
I just soldered the front to deans and left the...

I just soldered the front to deans and left the back alone
Forum: Newbie Tank April 13th, 2010, 01:07
Replies: 59
Views: 34,947
Posted By shiftline
Airsoft is a work out! My legs are defiantly...

Airsoft is a work out!

My legs are defiantly feeling sundays game! Happy to be back in the action!
Forum: Gear Discussion April 12th, 2010, 03:12
Replies: 44
Views: 38,343
Posted By shiftline
Do you guys use that as "armor" or what is the...

Do you guys use that as "armor" or what is the purpose? Personally i just see it as adding bulk and getting in they way so enlighten me :D
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 9th, 2010, 21:54
Replies: 22
Views: 14,510
Posted By shiftline
1500mah = 1.5 2200mah = 2.2 ect

1500mah = 1.5
2200mah = 2.2

Forum: Airsoft Media April 9th, 2010, 03:33
Replies: 456
Views: 545,105
Posted By shiftline
Forum: Gear Discussion April 7th, 2010, 23:44
Replies: 36
Views: 29,379
Posted By shiftline
We sure are hardcore lol

We sure are hardcore lol
Forum: General April 7th, 2010, 22:58
Replies: 1,263
Views: 15,058,678
Posted By shiftline
A little off topic but i hate UPS! they screw you...

A little off topic but i hate UPS! they screw you in custom feeees ok im done venting :)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 21:40
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
Well the piston head is TM in mine (mp5) and its...

Well the piston head is TM in mine (mp5) and its already in pieces waiting for a replacement piston, so it might be a not bad mod providing its actually worth it and wont hurt anything :)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 20:31
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
Found the Thread ...

Found the Thread ( it if anyone is interested
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 18:30
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
so you draw small holes on the outer diameter...

so you draw small holes on the outer diameter where the o ring sits?

Does it make a big enough difference to drill out mine tomorrow night :P
Forum: Newbie Tank April 7th, 2010, 17:56
Replies: 48
Views: 36,753
Posted By shiftline
Im stoked for my mk23 to show up in the mail next...

Im stoked for my mk23 to show up in the mail next week. I ordered 3 mags for it but after reading this thread i almost wish i ordered more! although i don't do CQB to much but it sounds like a blast
Forum: Gear Discussion April 7th, 2010, 16:08
Replies: 36
Views: 29,379
Posted By shiftline
I have both but perfer glasses for standard out...

I have both but perfer glasses for standard out door games, for the fog/comfort reason as well
Forum: Gear Discussion April 7th, 2010, 14:52
Replies: 21
Views: 18,339
Posted By shiftline
While on the topic i cant find my motorola.. so...

While on the topic i cant find my motorola.. so may need to buy a new one.. What ones have the greatest range ? (claimed rangers are never actually achieved!)

I was just taking a look at the cobra...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 14:43
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
So with a tight bore, but stock length i will not...

So with a tight bore, but stock length i will not be getting the full advantage and there willbe a slight fps increase but not much
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 13:40
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
Wouldnt drilling hole also decrease the air...

Wouldnt drilling hole also decrease the air compression to fire the bb?

im running a pdi 170 spring
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 10:16
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
hah yea, sad but ture, i missed it to.. Is it...

hah yea, sad but ture, i missed it to.. Is it worth putting it back in? or just go back to stock setup and file off a tooth
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 01:39
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
Since im pretty sure the SORBO is what caused all...

Since im pretty sure the SORBO is what caused all the pain and suffering I think for now i will remove it and just replace the cylinder.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 00:32
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
Also would you loose much range with a .3 or .36...

Also would you loose much range with a .3 or .36 compared to a .25?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 7th, 2010, 00:13
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
Heavier bb's it is! Is it a big differance...

Heavier bb's it is!

Is it a big differance in .28 to say .4 (i know there is, but whats the best compromise? from those who have tried various weights)

so whats the vertic, is it worth the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 23:24
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
haha more internet orders :( .25 is most i...

haha more internet orders :(

.25 is most i can find locally

I swear the post man is at my house almost daily

is .28 optional or is it better to do .3?

So propane /tight bore normally...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 23:00
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
400 before or after hi flow mod? What...

400 before or after hi flow mod?

What weight of bb would you recommend?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 22:50
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
Well I have a PDI tight bore coming along with...

Well I have a PDI tight bore coming along with the mags.. and a propane adapter..

Think that is enough? worth going for the hi flow? I plan on using .25s as its what i use for everything......
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 22:32
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
hah was it 360 stock? was that on propane.. I...

hah was it 360 stock? was that on propane.. I basically want it to be my portable sniper rifles so i can pick people off (outdoors) when i dont want to give my postion away.

I ordered the mk23 in...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 20:51
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
high flows are a good 15$ each x 3 or 4 mags 60$...

high flows are a good 15$ each x 3 or 4 mags 60$ haah so i dont mind modding them, im still poor from ordering the mags/gun and tight bore:P

Are the posts a hollow air way?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 20:36
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
Are you filing away at the metal bars that...

Are you filing away at the metal bars that connect the top and bottom or filing the holes them self?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 20:20
Replies: 29
Views: 18,772
Posted By shiftline
DIY Hi-flow valves

Unconventional airsoft ( has a page from back in 03 about diy high flow valves.. have any of you guys done this? Do you...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 16:09
Replies: 22
Views: 12,566
Posted By shiftline
lol, yes its plastic im just trying to keep the...

lol, yes its plastic im just trying to keep the cost down as its my spare/second/gf gun lol
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2010, 15:46
Replies: 22
Views: 12,566
Posted By shiftline
As the back up plan, the echo1 does anyone know...

As the back up plan, the echo1 does anyone know if the rails are the same height as the stock upper receiver?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 6th, 2010, 01:03
Replies: 56
Views: 37,825
Posted By shiftline
I agree air soft isnt 100% accurate its groupings...

I agree air soft isnt 100% accurate its groupings which you can do with or with out an airsoft.. if you are camping out and dont want to hold the gun for ages.. if not find a nice stump to rest it on...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2010, 23:31
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
Along with the modify cyl or just keep stock and...

Along with the modify cyl or just keep stock and buy the piston/pistonhead/cyl head
Forum: General April 5th, 2010, 23:13
Replies: 36
Views: 24,754
Posted By shiftline
I prefer low caps, but still have a high cap as a...

I prefer low caps, but still have a high cap as a last resort
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2010, 23:07
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
haha yeas i realized i screw that one up now....

haha yeas i realized i screw that one up now. lol. can i move it over or is it to late maybe super glue? or will there still be issues? Think swapping it over would fix it?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2010, 20:12
Replies: 22
Views: 12,566
Posted By shiftline
Now now children no fighting! That first mod...

Now now children no fighting!

That first mod with the 1/4 section of the pipe looks promising, i tried super gluing metal tabs with holes but the pressure just snapped it off (metal 1 piece hop up...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2010, 20:04
Replies: 0
Views: 3,047
Posted By shiftline
MK23 Lam Opening measurements

Could someone with a MK23 measure the openings of the "laser aka red led" opening (prob 5mm) and the opening for the "flashlight" aka white led

I want to find a light that will fit the opening so...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2010, 18:51
Replies: 43
Views: 21,871
Posted By shiftline
And all of those will work no problem with the...

And all of those will work no problem with the Modify Enhanced Cylinder (300mm-450mm)

Also is there any real difference in that cyl vs the stock one?

Is there anything else i should be...
Forum: General April 5th, 2010, 18:27
Replies: 21
Views: 14,214
Posted By shiftline
I just had an order from VA got my parts promptly...

I just had an order from VA got my parts promptly and good service! I would recomend
Showing results 1 to 50 of 139

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