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Search: Posts Made By: Dire_Wolf
Forum: General June 3rd, 2013, 14:39
Replies: 23
Views: 15,178
Posted By Dire_Wolf
Echigoya was certainly a sight for sore eyes,...

Echigoya was certainly a sight for sore eyes, though that might have had something to do with it being raining and late at night. I'd agree gear is pretty damn expensive, but I'd argue most of it is...
Forum: General April 27th, 2011, 15:56
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,024
Posted By Dire_Wolf
People who post classified ads but can't be...

People who post classified ads but can't be bothered to respond to PMs while they're on the forums.... or who only respond to "interesting" PMs, while a quick "not interested, thanks" would be...
Forum: Airsoft Media April 14th, 2011, 13:05
Replies: 83
Views: 177,748
Posted By Dire_Wolf
you listed a BAD lever in the parts list.......

you listed a BAD lever in the parts list.... where'd it go? lol
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 12th, 2011, 11:37
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
i've traded my scar for a we m14, but i'm not...

i've traded my scar for a we m14, but i'm not sure if the guy wants bulletproof parts or not ;)
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 11th, 2011, 12:37
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
looking at those parts on real steel, they may...

looking at those parts on real steel, they may fit, but they won't work with WE's version, from what i can tell. so you'd have to replace both...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 8th, 2011, 17:40
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
problem would be acquiring one to copy... vltor...

problem would be acquiring one to copy... vltor doesn't even list them on their own site yet...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 6th, 2011, 01:45
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
then i'm left confused... how does that interfere...

then i'm left confused... how does that interfere with takedown? does it get in the way of the bolt carrier being pulled out?

I don't know of anyone up here in canuckistan that's actually...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 5th, 2011, 18:14
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
did you glue 27 to the hinge plate?

did you glue 27 to the hinge plate?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 5th, 2011, 13:09
Replies: 19
Views: 16,350
Posted By Dire_Wolf
I hear that... there was a 15 year old at last...

I hear that... there was a 15 year old at last week's game with more gear than I had for the first 2 years of my airsofting career.... depressing, really...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 27th, 2011, 00:12
Replies: 14
Views: 11,491
Posted By Dire_Wolf
heh... and now chopping BBs is the opposite...

heh... and now chopping BBs is the opposite issue.. too low :P

that needs the credit card fix lol
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 25th, 2011, 22:40
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
I don't think the spring moves at all, I think...

I don't think the spring moves at all, I think the force just gets transmitted to it by the hinge plate... If the hinge plate got reinforced from late gen 2, then it may be stronger than the metal,...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 25th, 2011, 15:04
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
no, the bolt carrier hits the hinge plate, and it...

no, the bolt carrier hits the hinge plate, and it translates all of the force to part 27 when it moves backwards. with the pvc block that i have, it still transfers some force there, but since it...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 25th, 2011, 13:17
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
weird... I've broken one hinge plate... when i...

weird... I've broken one hinge plate... when i used this friend of mine's lower receiver instead of mine to fix a trigger pack issue, but it didn't have the pvc mod, so hinge plate bit it... and my...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 25th, 2011, 10:44
Replies: 14
Views: 11,491
Posted By Dire_Wolf
no no, for sure... i wasn't suggesting jumping to...

no no, for sure... i wasn't suggesting jumping to grinding, i'm just providing possibilities a la brainstorm

and i agree with coachster and ross.... i simply can't conceive how it could possibly...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 25th, 2011, 10:40
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
^_^ of course!! ;) seriously though, best...

^_^ of course!! ;)

seriously though, best way to test something is to put in the hands of users that are known to break bits... i know of a guy here in calgary who's got a broken part 27, and he...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 24th, 2011, 20:31
Replies: 14
Views: 11,491
Posted By Dire_Wolf
Personally, I'd grind off the top of the shell a...

Personally, I'd grind off the top of the shell a 1/2 mm at a time or so, and move the screw tab down in the lower to accommodate... Instead of messing with the feed lips and seal and what not... But...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 24th, 2011, 19:14
Replies: 14
Views: 11,491
Posted By Dire_Wolf
hmm... dunno what it could be then... I have a...

hmm... dunno what it could be then... I have a few mags with the tabs behind the bolt catch parts broken off, but they all work just fine in my scar... maybe check for the top plate being level? if...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 24th, 2011, 18:55
Replies: 14
Views: 11,491
Posted By Dire_Wolf
when you resealed, did you also do the o-ring in...

when you resealed, did you also do the o-ring in between the gas port and the knocker valve? or add the credit card piece in there? if so, that might be your problem... also, check to make sure the...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 24th, 2011, 15:36
Replies: 9
Views: 8,131
Posted By Dire_Wolf
i think you're right, but model dependent... I'm...

i think you're right, but model dependent... I'm pretty sure the USP model ns2/system7 is interchangeable....

I know I can take the OLD style USP mags, put the system7 feed lips on them, and...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 24th, 2011, 09:25
Replies: 9
Views: 8,131
Posted By Dire_Wolf
Ksc/kwa will run on propane out of the box, on...

Ksc/kwa will run on propane out of the box, on 95% of the models I've seen.(and I only 95 because I can't guarantee there isn't one model that doesn't like propane) Trades are the only difference...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 23rd, 2011, 13:05
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
you could do user testing... send pieces to known...

you could do user testing... send pieces to known trouble guns... the open-bolt kit seems to put a lot more stress on 27 than the closed bolt system.... and i'm pretty sure my pvc block mod also puts...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 22nd, 2011, 18:59
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
the pot metal would have worked better if they...

the pot metal would have worked better if they had forged or stamped it, then drilled holes... by die casting, the crystal structure is essentially random, it doesn't get the nice aligned structure...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 22nd, 2011, 11:19
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
i think there would be quite a few interested...

i think there would be quite a few interested parties, for either method. Personally, if I didn't have to worry about breakage, i wouldn't be taking down the gun quite so much.
Also, given the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 21st, 2011, 12:35
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
as a possible alternative, maybe a machined part...

as a possible alternative, maybe a machined part that combines the hingeplate AND part 27? you'd lose the quick disassembly, and you'd have to unscrew the 4 screws on either side of the main frame...
Forum: General March 18th, 2011, 10:57
Replies: 78
Views: 46,929
Posted By Dire_Wolf
26, married, no kids, have played airsoft for 9...

26, married, no kids, have played airsoft for 9 years... tend to play skirmishes more due to local schedule, but recently have been going to one big milsim a year... (mason relic in claybank)

Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 18th, 2011, 01:20
Replies: 669
Views: 294,837
Posted By Dire_Wolf
the bolt doesn't strike that piece. it's a square...

the bolt doesn't strike that piece. it's a square frame that the hinge plate slides over, and has the sling attachment points on both sides.

except it's pot metal, and gets quite a bit more force...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 8th, 2011, 11:27
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
I don't think chopping BBs is a mag thing... that...

I don't think chopping BBs is a mag thing... that doesn't make sense. If you had just installed a new tightbore inner barrel, that would be the cause of it. As I recall, the tightbores cause the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 2nd, 2011, 17:59
Replies: 22
Views: 15,823
Posted By Dire_Wolf
the mag feed lips are the same across the m4,...

the mag feed lips are the same across the m4, 416, pdw, and scar, but the kits are designed with the rest of the rifle in mind. So the pdw kit will ONLY work with the pdw, SCAR with the SCAR, m4 (not...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 2nd, 2011, 17:42
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
lock pin on the front is the one that you push...

lock pin on the front is the one that you push through the lower frame to keep it on the rest of the body... when you pull it out, the lower frame detaches from the main body.

my scar had this...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 1st, 2011, 17:34
Replies: 22
Views: 15,823
Posted By Dire_Wolf
with a pdw, the kit comes with everything you...

with a pdw, the kit comes with everything you need, but any more than one mag you'll need the extra mag conversion kits for $3-5
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 1st, 2011, 00:41
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
still get the same recoil because the force is...

still get the same recoil because the force is still transferred to the rest of the gun in a backwards direction, it just doesn't do it solely through the hinge plate, it does it through the back of...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 28th, 2011, 23:58
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
PVC Block Mod pics for Ross... has so far avoided...

PVC Block Mod pics for Ross... has so far avoided any hingeplate destruction while this lower receiver was installed, no such luck while borrowing a friend's lower.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 28th, 2011, 11:16
Replies: 25
Views: 28,732
Posted By Dire_Wolf
His hinge plate broke, as I recall... and at one...

His hinge plate broke, as I recall... and at one game, I was using his lower assembly for the trigger mechanics, and within 15 shots, my hinge plate broke too.

However, MY lower assembly has one...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 28th, 2011, 09:12
Replies: 22
Views: 15,823
Posted By Dire_Wolf
One bonus of the open bolt system is not having...

One bonus of the open bolt system is not having to deal with a nozzle having a bent valve cage.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 24th, 2011, 13:24
Replies: 22
Views: 15,823
Posted By Dire_Wolf
Nice to see posters that read the original...

Nice to see posters that read the original question... Yes, that's the one you want for the closed bolt system that you like. Closed bolt has the brass tube that the larger nozzle/valve body thing...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 18th, 2011, 10:17
Replies: 8
Views: 8,598
Posted By Dire_Wolf
The inner barrel set that's included in the kit...

The inner barrel set that's included in the kit replaces the stock inner barrel. However, there will no longer be room for a stock battery in the frontend, so you'll either need to rear-wire the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 18th, 2011, 10:12
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
i've never seen a reinforced trigger for the...

i've never seen a reinforced trigger for the scar... ever. Apparently the stock ones are considered good enough to handle the punishment. I had to downgrade my triggerset because it had a reinforced...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 17th, 2011, 16:31
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
check the trigger shape, especially the secondary...

check the trigger shape, especially the secondary angle on the front top lip.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 17th, 2011, 16:27
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
the whole trigger assembly? or certain internals?

the whole trigger assembly? or certain internals?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 17th, 2011, 15:42
Replies: 1,025
Views: 708,310
Posted By Dire_Wolf
I had this exact issue with my SCAR. There's a...

I had this exact issue with my SCAR. There's a couple possible issues... lip on the front of the trigger is too worn down to hold the hammer when the disconnector lets go of it, which can be a result...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 14th, 2011, 18:46
Replies: 48
Views: 34,630
Posted By Dire_Wolf has them in...

has them in their store... I just need to find out if the mag conversions are the same for all of the mags to open bolt.... O.o and where to get a new reinforced...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 14th, 2011, 18:11
Replies: 48
Views: 34,630
Posted By Dire_Wolf
doesn't the nozzle get replaced by the...

doesn't the nozzle get replaced by the pistol-esque conversion? the newer version nozzle gets 4 structural posts instead of 3, but if it gets replaced by a completely different system, there's not...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 25th, 2010, 11:29
Replies: 17
Views: 18,252
Posted By Dire_Wolf
WETTI SCAR-L... all metal parts that are supposed...

WETTI SCAR-L... all metal parts that are supposed to be, anodized upper receiver... and... did i mention it's a GBBR? lol... it's an alternative I didn't see you mention...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 15th, 2010, 15:23
Replies: 12
Views: 7,052
Posted By Dire_Wolf
2 round bursts mean the front of the trigger is...

2 round bursts mean the front of the trigger is worn down and not catching the hammer when the disconnector slips off the hammer notch...

I looked at the trigger asm again, with regards to the...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 11th, 2010, 14:01
Replies: 12
Views: 7,052
Posted By Dire_Wolf
so it's caught by the full-auto sear at the back,...

so it's caught by the full-auto sear at the back, not the semi-auto disconnector? the mag might be getting in the way of the sear release arm at the front, that's the only thing i can think of... if...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 11th, 2010, 13:28
Replies: 27
Views: 16,625
Posted By Dire_Wolf
that much grease isn't really necessary, and I...

that much grease isn't really necessary, and I haven't gotten around to cleaning it off and using some teflon spray, silicone oil or something else... the grease is basically the factory slop they...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 11th, 2010, 01:42
Replies: 27
Views: 16,625
Posted By Dire_Wolf
ok, took some photos, definitely looks like your...

ok, took some photos, definitely looks like your selector switch rod is either reversed side to side (can't tell from above, on either my photos or yours) or rotated 180 degrees and the arms...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 10th, 2010, 12:28
Replies: 27
Views: 16,625
Posted By Dire_Wolf
when you took out the selector switch, did you...

when you took out the selector switch, did you take both arms off? if the switch was put back in the wrong way, or upside down, then that might explain the issues. everything else there looks fine to...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 8th, 2010, 16:17
Replies: 27
Views: 16,625
Posted By Dire_Wolf
when you put the selector shaft back through the...

when you put the selector shaft back through the receiver, did it go in the right way? The asymmetry is due to the arm on the full-auto sear, and the larger gap needs to be on the left side, under...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications May 19th, 2009, 13:57
Replies: 1
Views: 3,069
Posted By Dire_Wolf

Has anyone had any experience with the G36c to SL-9 mod kit from STAR? I'm looking at doing this conversion with a type-0 cylinder and 509mm inner barrel to get longer range results... found in...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 63

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