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Search: Posts Made By: NewType ZERO
Forum: General October 14th, 2007, 21:25
Replies: 13
Views: 11,790
Posted By NewType ZERO
I think the Cop should have just shot him.. put...

I think the Cop should have just shot him.. put an end to that quickly..
Forum: General October 13th, 2007, 00:21
Replies: 52
Views: 24,280
Posted By NewType ZERO
holy crap.. how did that guy get and keep that...

holy crap.. how did that guy get and keep that job? he really doesnt know what hes talking about does it?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 9th, 2007, 08:59
Replies: 14
Views: 8,841
Posted By NewType ZERO
dont go with the CA33E.. if you want an SG-1...

dont go with the CA33E.. if you want an SG-1 Type.. but you want full metal.. go with a Classic Army SAR Taktik Rifle II (G3 SG1).. CA33Es have those ugly ass mags.. that ONLY work on CA33's.....
Forum: Accessories Discussion February 8th, 2007, 13:39
Replies: 22
Views: 9,021
Posted By NewType ZERO
I have one for my G3-SG1. I like it because I...

I have one for my G3-SG1. I like it because I didnt have to spend $50 a piece on the normal TM mags. And its last me almost an entire day.. but using one all depends on how you shoot..
Forum: Gear Discussion February 4th, 2007, 03:36
Replies: 25
Views: 18,459
Posted By NewType ZERO
Ive got a US army issue FlakJacket in Woodland...

Ive got a US army issue FlakJacket in Woodland with only a little bit of paint on it.. should be easy to wash off..
Forum: General January 29th, 2007, 01:31
Replies: 40
Views: 17,281
Posted By NewType ZERO
During a game a Flagswipe.. near the end off the...

During a game a Flagswipe.. near the end off the day.. we are all so tired.. they walk us out past the ravine to some back area that felt like it was 30 min away into the bush. Game starts, we all...
Forum: General January 25th, 2007, 22:54
Replies: 40
Views: 17,281
Posted By NewType ZERO
naa.. it was a long fall... didnt really hurt...

naa.. it was a long fall... didnt really hurt though..
Forum: General January 25th, 2007, 22:48
Replies: 40
Views: 17,281
Posted By NewType ZERO
During a Wasaga game, my team had trouble taking...

During a Wasaga game, my team had trouble taking a small hill in the far left of one of the fields. I thought that if myself and another could get there fast enough, there wouldnt be anyone there or...
Forum: General January 22nd, 2007, 22:39
Replies: 138
Views: 58,201
Posted By NewType ZERO
I like to think of paintball and Airsoft as...

I like to think of paintball and Airsoft as different ends of the spectrum..

Paintball guns are fairly cheap.. but you can easily spend $100-200 a day on paintballs. With Airsoft you spend...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 10th, 2007, 11:06
Replies: 67
Views: 28,955
Posted By NewType ZERO
Sadly I work alone most of the time.. so I always...

Sadly I work alone most of the time.. so I always win.

I think the Kid should be left alone.. shit happens... and I look forward to reading about him in the paper.. but till then..

Theres no...
Forum: Airsoft Media January 8th, 2007, 08:44
Replies: 9
Views: 5,460
Posted By NewType ZERO
Thats pretty sweet..

Thats pretty sweet..
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 3rd, 2007, 02:43
Replies: 47
Views: 49,187
Posted By NewType ZERO
Thanks to Airsoft, I've been thinking about...

Thanks to Airsoft, I've been thinking about selling off a kidney or something for sometime. Those are sweet ass..
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 26th, 2006, 01:00
Replies: 27
Views: 16,432
Posted By NewType ZERO
I was in the Armoury the other day when they got...

I was in the Armoury the other day when they got some new stuff in and a TM Type 89 got put in my hands.. now those are actually very nice.. good weight.. great feel.. If I didnt already have most of...
Forum: Accessories Discussion December 19th, 2006, 04:44
Replies: 7
Views: 7,651
Posted By NewType ZERO
this is, what I believe is the standard HK mount...

this is, what I believe is the standard HK mount that will work well for a G3 and MP5.
Forum: Accessories Discussion December 16th, 2006, 23:00
Replies: 8
Views: 7,198
Posted By NewType ZERO
Ive heard of people drilling holes in handguards...

Ive heard of people drilling holes in handguards and bolting rails onto the handguard. But Id prefer a way that required less power tool usage.. personally..
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 6th, 2006, 11:21
Replies: 10
Views: 11,885
Posted By NewType ZERO
Go to...

Go to

select chinese Simplified to English

and then put in the website address and you can read pretty much everything on the page.
Forum: General November 28th, 2006, 12:38
Replies: 219
Views: 179,112
Posted By NewType ZERO
Change the world eh? Anyone have a couple of...

Change the world eh? Anyone have a couple of Nukes I can borrow? Think I could get what I want with those... make some changes.. straighten some things out.. "daydreams* ahh.. the antics..
Forum: General November 28th, 2006, 11:57
Replies: 219
Views: 179,112
Posted By NewType ZERO
I believe that the courts should be able to...

I believe that the courts should be able to legally sterilize people.. rapists, preists, bad parents.. people that do bad things that in some way relate to sex.. that would solve alot of problems..
Forum: General November 28th, 2006, 11:35
Replies: 219
Views: 179,112
Posted By NewType ZERO
Although.. I am a strong believer in Natural...

Although.. I am a strong believer in Natural Selection.. so if anyone dies from their own stupidity.. like pulling an airsoft gun on a cop or something.. kinda has it coming.. and the more it...
Forum: General November 28th, 2006, 10:01
Replies: 219
Views: 179,112
Posted By NewType ZERO
You guys are right.. that is the way things may...

You guys are right.. that is the way things may have been in the past.. but these are changing times. In the olden days and girl that was over the age of 12 was ripe for marriage and kids. But now...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 19th, 2006, 14:27
Replies: 18
Views: 11,991
Posted By NewType ZERO
you can pretty much go with any sling.. its all...

you can pretty much go with any sling.. its all about your comfort.
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 19th, 2006, 13:08
Replies: 18
Views: 11,991
Posted By NewType ZERO
um.. you are going to have to.. or want to.....

um.. you are going to have to.. or want to.. disconnect the battery wire that goes threw the stock.. but its a little connector so its easy.. and then the whole stock comes off.. no problems.. then...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 19th, 2006, 12:45
Replies: 18
Views: 11,991
Posted By NewType ZERO
you can take the stock off.. remove the 2 bolts.....

you can take the stock off.. remove the 2 bolts.. and there is 2 small screws the hold the stock onto the metal part that connects to the gun.. those might need tightening or it might need to be...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 19th, 2006, 12:29
Replies: 18
Views: 11,991
Posted By NewType ZERO
well its up to you if you want to replace parts.....

well its up to you if you want to replace parts.. or just put a sling on..
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 19th, 2006, 11:55
Replies: 18
Views: 11,991
Posted By NewType ZERO
wait... the front end is fine and the rear end is...

wait... the front end is fine and the rear end is the damaged part? well then you can look online and find replacement parts.. generally fairly cheap if your just getting the stock parts. and once...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 19th, 2006, 11:22
Replies: 18
Views: 11,991
Posted By NewType ZERO
theres already a sling mount at the front and on...

theres already a sling mount at the front and on the stock of the G3 SG1.. if your front end is damaged from being stepped on.. your going to want to either carry the gun by hand or reinforce the...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 18th, 2006, 23:45
Replies: 18
Views: 11,991
Posted By NewType ZERO
you can get reinforced metal barrels online to...

you can get reinforced metal barrels online to help with the wobble.. you can pretty much replace anypart that may have been damaged..

FirstFactory G3 Type Outer Barrel...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 16th, 2006, 10:27
Replies: 36
Views: 19,114
Posted By NewType ZERO
If you fight this much with people... why do you...

If you fight this much with people... why do you even want their opinions? Im just curious.. I dont care if you are or are not of age.. I dont care that most people here are acting like children.....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 5th, 2006, 18:56
Replies: 12
Views: 11,019
Posted By NewType ZERO
yea.. you really threw me off there.. I was...

yea.. you really threw me off there.. I was sitting here thinking.. "Well his AEP and GBB are gone.. " lol...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 5th, 2006, 18:42
Replies: 12
Views: 11,019
Posted By NewType ZERO
that place looks to be in the states..?

that place looks to be in the states..?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 5th, 2006, 18:34
Replies: 12
Views: 11,019
Posted By NewType ZERO
where did you order your Glock 18c AEP from?

where did you order your Glock 18c AEP from?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 4th, 2006, 23:48
Replies: 13
Views: 8,113
Posted By NewType ZERO
Dude, if you wanna talk about you and your...

Dude, if you wanna talk about you and your needs.. start your own thread.. speedjunkiesracing is asking different questions then what you are.

speedjunkiesracing, I'm in the process of getting a...
Forum: Reviews November 3rd, 2006, 10:07
Replies: 21
Views: 21,359
Posted By NewType ZERO
I keep wanting someone to show up to one of our...

I keep wanting someone to show up to one of our games with one. but alas.. no such luck. Even I could destroy that guy.
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi November 2nd, 2006, 10:23
Replies: 35
Views: 43,497
Posted By NewType ZERO
I love that rifle.. I want one..

I love that rifle.. I want one..
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 1st, 2006, 09:13
Replies: 16
Views: 10,335
Posted By NewType ZERO
Ive played around with a P90 once.. the owner was...

Ive played around with a P90 once.. the owner was new to it and was having trouble getting the hicap in.. when it was put in slowly the winder would get hit and it would completely unwind. Easily...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 28th, 2006, 02:13
Replies: 20
Views: 14,880
Posted By NewType ZERO
Could you guys imagin trying to assualt a hill or...

Could you guys imagin trying to assualt a hill or building with 2 of those guarding it? that would be so cool.. well you know.. not for us.. but yea.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 26th, 2006, 15:30
Replies: 24
Views: 15,603
Posted By NewType ZERO
I have an MP7A1, and I love the little thing.....

I have an MP7A1, and I love the little thing.. you can use it as a pistol or as a small SMG. It actually shoots very nicely, and you can get a really good leg holster. its both Semi, and full auto...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 25th, 2006, 15:24
Replies: 154
Views: 145,493
Posted By NewType ZERO
theres a guy sellin gone for $1000 in the sales...

theres a guy sellin gone for $1000 in the sales section.. and Im sure you can talk him down to 900 or maybe even 850 considering its used..
Forum: General October 23rd, 2006, 15:53
Replies: 104
Views: 43,061
Posted By NewType ZERO
Hey man.. I have a Sumbraro.. dont tempt me to...

Hey man.. I have a Sumbraro.. dont tempt me to come out with it to a game.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 17th, 2006, 15:19
Replies: 14
Views: 7,748
Posted By NewType ZERO
I recently go to use an SG1 for a day and...

I recently go to use an SG1 for a day and everyone talks about the creaking... Oh the creaking,, the creaking this and the creaking that... but have you ever noticed when your running through the...
Forum: General October 17th, 2006, 10:13
Replies: 104
Views: 43,061
Posted By NewType ZERO
are you kidding.. me.. that would make a great...

are you kidding.. me.. that would make a great game. Hunt the Noob. No guns, nothing.. just tell them to run into the game area and let them be hunted down... oohh.. I like that.. and Im sure Im not...
Forum: General October 17th, 2006, 09:00
Replies: 104
Views: 43,061
Posted By NewType ZERO
See if I ever said or did something like that Id...

See if I ever said or did something like that Id expect to be shot.. on the spot. Its not how much ammo you have, Its how you use the ammo you do have. Hell, Snipers tend to go out there with low...
Forum: General October 16th, 2006, 15:59
Replies: 104
Views: 43,061
Posted By NewType ZERO
Recently I was screwing around shooting at some...

Recently I was screwing around shooting at some paintballs on the ground.. when a fellow player threated to shot me. He point is gun at me, so I point mine at his groin.. all of a suddon he aimed and...
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 13th, 2006, 17:30
Replies: 14
Views: 7,896
Posted By NewType ZERO
lol.. I used thread.. tied it to a small allen...

lol.. I used thread.. tied it to a small allen key.. dropped it through.. and tired it on to the wires. but if you want to make it a bit easier. Take the cocking handle spring off the mp7 first and...
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 13th, 2006, 01:39
Replies: 14
Views: 7,896
Posted By NewType ZERO
Nevermind.. fixed it.. its a pressure thing. if...

Nevermind.. fixed it.. its a pressure thing. if the mechbox isnt pushed in hard enough when your putting it back together.. it doesnt enable semi-auto. so you have to make sure you really push it in...
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 12th, 2006, 23:03
Replies: 14
Views: 7,896
Posted By NewType ZERO
Please.. feel free to tell the rest of us how you...

Please.. feel free to tell the rest of us how you fixed it.. I put in a new 6.01mm barrel. and lost my semi-auto too. cant see what I did wrong. So please... help me.
Forum: General October 12th, 2006, 09:14
Replies: 104
Views: 43,061
Posted By NewType ZERO
I keep them in my inner velco pocket of my...

I keep them in my inner velco pocket of my combats.. you cant get in or out of that pocket without really trying..
Forum: General October 11th, 2006, 10:06
Replies: 104
Views: 43,061
Posted By NewType ZERO
Greylocks, Is right.. I honestly believe him when...

Greylocks, Is right.. I honestly believe him when he says he has seen all that. I mean for every rule or law, Theres some idiot that did something in order for it to be made. The one thing in my life...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 11th, 2006, 09:45
Replies: 13
Views: 7,883
Posted By NewType ZERO
the Star MP7A! 50rd Mags seem to work pretty...

the Star MP7A! 50rd Mags seem to work pretty good.. They chamber fine, its just getting them worked in as they seem to be not as smooth going in as the original mag that comes with the MP7A1. They...
Forum: General October 3rd, 2006, 00:04
Replies: 60
Views: 24,047
Posted By NewType ZERO
Your mom actually did that? my parents were more...

Your mom actually did that? my parents were more yellers the chasers.
Showing results 1 to 50 of 57

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