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fretwire May 27th, 2015 23:22

Shell Ejecting M1 Garand
Hi All,

Does anybody know if a gas powered clip fed shell ejecting M1 Garand exists?

I've done a ton of searching and the closest thing I can come up with is the Marushin M1 Garand, which is clip fed but not shell ejecting (and apparently discontinued). I'll probably end up just hunting for one of those but what I really want is a shell ejecting M1 Garand to go with my gas powered DBoys Kar98k shell ejecter. So I figured i'd ask here before shelling out the bucks on the Marushin.

I want one enough that I'd probably pay in the 600-700 dollar range depending on the gun but cheaper is obviously better!

P.S. This is for target shooting / collecting so the shell ejection would be a feature rather than a liability.

Thanks for any help!

lurkingknight May 27th, 2015 23:24

there is none.

fretwire May 27th, 2015 23:27

Thanks for the quick reply and what a drag ;(

At least now I can focus on finding me a Marushin instead of searching for a unicorn!

R.I.T.Z May 28th, 2015 00:01


Originally Posted by fretwire (Post 1948162)
Thanks for the quick reply and what a drag ;(

At least now I can focus on finding me a Marushin instead of searching for a unicorn!

unless you want it as a wall hanger, dont bother.
they're expensive and rather unfieldable.

best bet right now is the G&G or ICS ones.

Strelok May 28th, 2015 00:11

Don't bother with the G&G, Its a good performer as an airsoft gun goes. But its a very very bad replica. ICS has some proportion issues, but simply looks better overall.

N_Force May 28th, 2015 00:29

Marushin M1 Garand , I've got one. Get you age verify and check AV retailer section, you will find the way.

fretwire May 28th, 2015 00:46

There will never come a day when I'll give a complete stranger my full name and birth date on a piece of paper so I can get access to an internet forum.

So no plans to get age verified but I'll find one myself, worry not!

Really I just wanted to know if anybody ever made a shell ejecting version, which seems like a negative :(

BTW, not looking to field one it's just for target shooting. That and I have the Axis service rifle (Mauser K98k) so I want the Allied one that helped beat 'em!!

I'll get the Marushin - looks like the others mentioned are magazine fed instead of clip fed anyways.

Thanks for the help!!!

Strelok May 28th, 2015 01:03

Good luck!

redzaku May 28th, 2015 01:09


Originally Posted by fretwire (Post 1948171)
There will never come a day when I'll give a complete stranger my full name and birth date on a piece of paper so I can get access to an internet forum.

So no plans to get age verified but I'll find one myself, worry not!

Really I just wanted to know if anybody ever made a shell ejecting version, which seems like a negative :(

BTW, not looking to field one it's just for target shooting. That and I have the Axis service rifle (Mauser K98k) so I want the Allied one that helped beat 'em!!

I'll get the Marushin - looks like the others mentioned are magazine fed instead of clip fed anyways.

Thanks for the help!!!

then what are you doing here? to me, you are looking at 1 to 3 grand for the marushin but its extremely rare, which you can find here on ASC, at this point you might as well get a real garand, also, you still have to give up your information to the clerk, whom you probably don't know, what makes it so different from that and being verified? and its just a one time deal
just wondering and best of luck finding one

R.I.T.Z May 28th, 2015 01:15


Originally Posted by fretwire (Post 1948171)
There will never come a day when I'll give a complete stranger my full name and birth date on a piece of paper so I can get access to an internet forum.

pretty sure most people have more then that listed on their facebook accounts...
anyways I wish you luck.
There was one in the classifieds here like a year or so ago, I think it went for 1500$ or something

they're not cheap, and finding spare parts/mags are gonna be a bitch.
but if its a wall hanger/backyard plinker it might be a decent little gun

fretwire May 28th, 2015 01:29

I don't want one bad enough to drop $1500!! At least I don't think I do...

I use my K98k as a target shooter and it works well. It was cheap, and I ended up spending about what I spent on the gun on upgrades, plus it takes a fair bit of maintenance but I absolutely love it. Love it.

As far as getting a powder M1 Garand, that would be much too loud!

I'm also well aware of the privacy concerns with Facebook and I don't mean to ignore the others' comment wrt to age verification, just trying to keep things on topic. Though I guess that's a bit of a fail considering i'm talking about my Mauser in a thread I myself started about an M1 Garand!!

Sorry 'bout that ;)

Swattiger May 28th, 2015 01:40

I started collecting airsoft guns in 1980's. So far there is only the Maurshin M1 Carbine has shell eject version which was very hard to find one today.

I have one which and it has 2 gas chambers, one for shooting the bbs, and one for the blow black. Shells are plastic. Not very powerful but good for enjoying the functional experience of shell eject WW2 classic rifle.

Hectic May 28th, 2015 01:55

Oh there is at least one.
Not sure if they will ship to canada. Also no velocity listed so not sure if it will import at all. Plus you sugested that $1500 was too much so $3500 plus exchange and shipping from NZ with a prety good chance it gets held by cbsa....

fretwire May 28th, 2015 01:57

If you ever want to sell that send me a PM!! We can meet in person and if you think I look under 30 i'll happily show you my ID.

But you're also getting a big sloppy kiss for the complement.

Then I suppose you'll slug me.... but you'll walk away with some cash and i'll walk away with a sore jaw and a shell ejecting M1 Garand!

Seriously, these Airsoft guns are PERFECT for indoor target shooting so I really hope now that it seems to be everywhere companies will release guns that are designed for that purpose.


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 1948178)
I started collecting airsoft guns in 1980's. So far there is only the Maurshin M1 Carbine has shell eject version which was very hard to find one today.

I have one which and it has 2 gas chambers, one for shooting the bbs, and one for the blow black. Shells are plastic. Not very powerful but good for enjoying the functionally experience of shell eject WW2 classic rifle.

fretwire May 28th, 2015 02:00

Holy crap that's a chunk of change!!!

I definitely don't want one that badly...

I'd probably be happier with a magazine fed M1 Garand and $3k in my pocket.


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1948179)
Oh there is at least one.
Not sure if they will ship to canada. Also no velocity listed so not sure if it will import at all. Plus you sugested that $1500 was too much so $3500 plus exchange and shipping from NZ with a prety good chance it gets held by cbsa....

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