Standard First Aid Certifications. Interest?
Hello everybody:
In addition to being a new airsofter, I'm also a certified First Aid Instructor with the Royal Lifesaving Society; I worked as a lifeguard/swim instructor/first aid instructor for 8 years.
I've noticed that lots of MilSim games that have vehicles (4x4's, ATV's, Boats) require the operator to be SFA certified, if not Bronze Medallion/Cross certified. Whatever your needs, I am qualified to teach you these courses. If there is enough interest, I could even do an AED (Automated External Defibrillation) course.
If you are thinking of starting your own airsoft field, it would be a great idea to have your staff certified in Standard First Aid. In addition, if you're applying for insurance it might be mandatory to have certified people on staff. I would also custom-tailor my First Aid courses to Airsoft - (i.e. Sports injuries, Eye and Mouth injuries, etc).
Let me know if I can help you out!