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XP/Specarms Raided by CBSA



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Old September 13th, 2006, 15:11   #91
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When did this happen? I live basically right across the street from them so I figured I would have seen something or heard of something I know they closed off the roads a few days ago while the Dali lama was here (BTW Got to shake that old dudes had on my Way to work) but no I probably would have heard of this or seen it as when I look out my window and down the street I can see them in clear view
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Old September 13th, 2006, 16:36   #92
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Yeah I was shocked to hear this happend to XP cause you think I would be able to see something from a block away at the 8 floors up ...

I mean MY construction site is less then a block away and i can see the front door and well the whole building from where i work and i saw nothing man it must have happend after I got off work and to think I was going to head there to buy some new accesories (*sp)

Here is hoping this is just another anual scare :salute:

CBSA-----> :smack:
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Old September 13th, 2006, 16:47   #93
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The more I read, the more inclined I am to say that without any real news story, I doubt this is much more than a scare. Given the governments stance on guns and such, this story would have signifigant propaganda value in the "fight on guns and violence". I would tend to think that a headline like "CBSA Makes Large Seizure...." or "Gun Bust in BC..." would go far in silencing all the anti-gun nuts. Like has been repeatedly said, let's wait for the official word from those involved...
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old September 13th, 2006, 16:50   #94
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Mcguyver, what happened to your gun after that? Did you eventually get it? Or did the customs took it?

I'm pretty worried right now since my piece of gear ( a ranger body armor)has been in Van. customs for 2 weeks now, and with them raiding xp and such, I am so freaked out.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 17:35   #95
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Originally Posted by thephenom
Alright, I take my comments back, $100k could be the reasonable amount...but all I was trying to say is that it's just another speculation more than a reliable source. (Or at least from the sound of it)
I saw some pics of their warehouse a month or so ago...that is a pretty good estimate, IMHO.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 19:58   #96
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
My question to Mcguyver though is, wouldn't they have to do something illegal to loose the importation license? False declarition of an item or something like that? Or would we not have caught wind of the licenses being taken away as a whole a little sooner than this?
Define "illegal"? The customs agent Chuck "something or other" at Customs North Portal Division told the owner of Canadian Airsoft that he could do whatever he wanted and he was king in his world. He also said that these things should be banned and he raised a stink with the CFO, telling him that they must be selling them as they order too many for movie prop use. Under pressure from this fellow, the CFO decided it was best to revoke the license. With government officials like these, there is really no way you can win, and if you do, it will have cost you so much money that it wouldn't be worth it.

This Chuck piece of shit had no proof, only his own ideas. Now he siezes paintball guns like the BT Armalite, HK and AK ones because they look too much like the real steel, according to him. He's siezed stocks, barrels, mag looking expansion chambers because they are for these guns, which he says are prohibited.

And no, I never did get my gun. I had to order it elsewhere.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:08   #97
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Gosh, I hope my stuff doesn't end up like that.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:10   #98
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that chuck asshat sounds like this one guy @ the RCMP.

this dude was flying to meet his friends and he accidentaly dropped his ipod in the toilet, which caused a "bomb scare" among the flight attendants. so this RCMP guy goes through the dudes laptop and is like

No I dont, but that is not illegal in canada.
well i say it is. you better watch your tone.
the guy gets cleared and says to the RCMP guy: "Hey asshole. this isnt your country. fuck you. "
and left.
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Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:20   #99
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I think this thread may have outlived it's usefulness ... until we get concrete answers.
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:20   #100
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come on guys, isn't anyone of the hundreds of players across canada a lwayer. can't we all pitch in a few dollers and fight the damn government on this issue in supreme court? We could even get a cows eye and show the damage that these things could cause, and if they are gonna ban our stuff ( I am not saying they are or are not ) then why don't they crack down on the Canadian tire crap gunhs that are the same design but made of clear plastic?

Just my opinion, If I was a lawyer I would do this service free of charge for the entire airsoft community in canada includeing the retailers.

Just my 2 cents though, what do you guys think?
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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:33   #101
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No one wants to risk actually getting airsfot banned by taking it to the high court yet but the time may come. The clear guns are legal becaeu they are clear and you can see the internals. If they do happen to pass a law where every gun must be clear then I'm sure all of us will be out of the sport and the only people who buy them are kids who will paint them black and casue all kinda shit with them. Government stupidity for you.


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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:46   #102
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Originally Posted by ATREYU
I think this thread may have outlived it's usefulness ... until we get concrete answers.

Bingo. This thread outlived it's usefulness after the first page. All its become is speculation with out any facts and a whole lot of needless "the sky is falling!!!!!1111". No sense in panicing if you have no clue what this whole things about to begin with.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 20:50   #103
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Coach, fight the supreme government with what?

They got the soccer mom's man! Next to the Teachers union there is no stronger group OUT there! Besides why open up a bigger can of worms then we already got.

Atreyu seems to have a point, we have no sources of verification here. No news reports, no letters, no government broadcasts and no response from either XP or Specarms at the moment. Why not just wait this out and see what happens next? Cause he said she said is just gonna get us all boned up the ying yang here in the end.

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Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old September 13th, 2006, 22:37   #104
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If anyone at SpecArms or XP wants to comment here, just let me know and I'll unlock the thread. As you can tell people are dying to hear what's going on, but in place of real information are doing their level best to imagine things, so I'm sure alot of folks would appreciate some real info.

Let's just wait to see what actually happened, what the actual situation is (versus the first 5 day reaction) and find out what kind of appeal process there is. Both SpecArms and XP have run into trouble before with the eccentricities of the CBSA and weathered the storm, so cross your fingers for a healthy outcome to this latest spasm.
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