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Flakers - Why not have a game feedback system?



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Old October 26th, 2009, 22:05   #76
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Im a ASPX Programmer, I can set it up and write the software....
I find this darkly humorous considering the events at Wolfpack Primary a couple of years ago.

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Old October 26th, 2009, 22:08   #77
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Im a ASPX Programmer, I can set it up and write the software, but it is a considerable amount of effort to make it user friendly. I would need to sit down with a few of the hosts and see what kind of information they want to store in a database. It is a fair amount of work and unless I have the backing of the Community's hosts (I dont mean financial), it wont really be worth my time. Last thing i want is to make a tool noone will use.

Lastly, Brian is right, even once the software is finished, the game hosts have to participate and use it. I can think of a hundred ways this system can be abused (Tampering with data/falsifying data etc) so there must be some sort of understanding of the system as well as some sort of legitimization process of who can be called a host etc.

Jay, Brian. Shoot me a pm if this interests you.
This site is not built using ASP.Net but PHP, look at the URL, so unless you are making this on a separate server, which looses its appeal, it won't work.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 22:15   #78
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Originally Posted by BrokenBird View Post
This site is not built using ASP.Net but PHP, look at the URL, so unless you are making this on a separate server, which looses its appeal, it won't work.
Integrating with ASC may or may not be desirable. There are also other forms of integration you probably haven't considered - in fact there are a couple that would work without it being an onsite plug-in.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 22:33   #79
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Pre-paying is pointless.

1. I...and probably several no sweat $20-30. There's zero pressure to "BE THERE" from paying money up front.

2. Having a pocket full of money but no one to shoot is not going to fix your game when 30% of the people don't show. 70% of people are still going to be cheesed off and the game's off to a rocky start.

3. It's been proven that A LOT of players can't sort out what time to show up at a game...let alone be organized enough to commit to paying in advance for something. Hell, even if they're given a ride, loaned guns/gear...they still may not show.

The hosts all know the guys who say they'll be there and are there....and know that $10-20-30-50+ isn't the driving force for attendance or putting the car into drive on a rainy/cold game day.

Keep a list...enforce your list...differentiate between an easy going shoot-'em up vs. a tight run "mil-sim"/"theatrical" scenario. Both have their places...but be clear from the outset (not afterwards) and set up the proper expectations for both yourselves and the players.

Habitual flakers will find the doors closed to them...and will have to stick with the easygoing shoot-'em ups where it barely matters if the host shows, let alone how the teams are setup, who shows up/leaves when, etc... Those can be fun...but if they want a different type of event...they have to behave differently. (AKA...being an adult)
Amen to all that Tys

how many times hae we all lug out extra AEG/GBB to lend out to new players and they themself was a no show?

players that is consistenly late have no respect for the host or other players, as for prepayment on big events i think it's a must but for regular game what's $20?? we spend more than that on after game meals
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Old October 26th, 2009, 23:03   #80
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Personally, I really dislike the idea of this. It just seems like it would bring up more trouble than good.

I live a good two/three hours away from some of the more active airsofting areas in Manitoba. I'd like to make as many games as I can, but honestly don't have the resources to be confident about my attendance.

If I sign up for a game, and not be able to make it simply because I don't have the means of transport at the time, or that something comes up in my personal life. And I get penalized for it and get blacklisted for games in the future?

No thanks. Sounds like a whole load of bullshit to me.

I know people will say "If you're not sure, don't sign up at all." Well, sure. But if I do have the chance to show up, and haven't been added to the roster? That doesn't seem like it'd work too well.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 23:49   #81
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
I attended 3-4 games every month for the better part of a year and half. Always giving rides to locals, always arriving on time. In the mischance i could not attend, i would always let the game host know.

Oh and in case your to caught up in ASC to realize this, a lot of games are not even posted here. Why? Because of people with the same shitty attitude you have.

So piss off.
Seriously Ronan, you're so full of bullshit people all across Canada can smell it. Where were those so called 3-4 games you attended every month and who got to play with you ? I don't even get why you still try so hard to make other people believe in your lies ? I'm starting to doubt you even believe them yourself.

Last time I saw you post in to a game I dragged 3 of my friends with me just so we could get to shoot you and guess what happened ? You didn't show up and you never posted that you were out.

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Old October 27th, 2009, 00:44   #82
Brian McIlmoyle
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don't sign up if you are not sure you can make it. how hard is that?

if you can't commit.. you don't belong on the roster. and yes you may be shut out of games that you could go to.


so .. it's cool for you to hold a spot and maybe keep someone who "has the resources to be confident about his attendance" out of the game .. and then not show up?

You are a poster boy flakers everywhere.

Bring up trouble for who... um... guys like you who can't sort their shit out more than a day in advance.. maybe?

it's clear your position is self centered.. and you could give a rats ass about what your inability to meet your obligations means to anyone else.

Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Personally, I really dislike the idea of this. It just seems like it would bring up more trouble than good.

I live a good two/three hours away from some of the more active airsofting areas in Manitoba. I'd like to make as many games as I can, but honestly don't have the resources to be confident about my attendance.

If I sign up for a game, and not be able to make it simply because I don't have the means of transport at the time, or that something comes up in my personal life. And I get penalized for it and get blacklisted for games in the future?

No thanks. Sounds like a whole load of bullshit to me.

I know people will say "If you're not sure, don't sign up at all." Well, sure. But if I do have the chance to show up, and haven't been added to the roster? That doesn't seem like it'd work too well.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 02:36   #83
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Christ, Don't take it so personal.

I mean, airsoft is a game and hobby we all can enjoy. And there is no way in hell a person can guarentee their attendance to something we simply indulge in as a pass time, we are only human. Not only that, people who run games are perfectly capable of making rosters flexible for such an issue.

For the games I have intended to join, i've given notification in advance whether I could make it or not. I'm not the type of asshole who'd just wait 'til the last day before pulling out, or give no notification at all.

I just wish people would take into considoration that a lot of people have jobs and employers that fuck with you with a snap of their fingers. Not everyone has the assurance of being able to have X day off for the said event. And this applies to many things.

Personally, I'd kill to be able to attend a weekly game throughout the summer, but my location and my current job and school schedual will not allow me that.

Last edited by Strelok; October 27th, 2009 at 02:46..
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Old October 27th, 2009, 02:43   #84
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Sorry for my newbie question but if I say Tent and don't show up, I'm bad then?
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Old October 27th, 2009, 05:16   #85
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Christ, Don't take it so personal.

I mean, airsoft is a game and hobby we all can enjoy. And there is no way in hell a person can guarentee their attendance to something we simply indulge in as a pass time, we are only human. Not only that, people who run games are perfectly capable of making rosters flexible for such an issue.

For the games I have intended to join, i've given notification in advance whether I could make it or not. I'm not the type of asshole who'd just wait 'til the last day before pulling out, or give no notification at all.

I just wish people would take into considoration that a lot of people have jobs and employers that fuck with you with a snap of their fingers. Not everyone has the assurance of being able to have X day off for the said event. And this applies to many things.

Personally, I'd kill to be able to attend a weekly game throughout the summer, but my location and my current job and school schedual will not allow me that.
than what sort of nonsense are you speaking of? it's been mentioned several times over that this thread is about the flakers that have no consideration for the host or players and that life happens. people will understand if you have a legit reason to miss a game...even last minute...shit happens.

and can the good folks not take that personally? it affects my enjoyment of my affects MY time when people lack the common courtesy of posting something so simple as "sorry, got screwed by work...". how hard is that?

not having a ride? sure...i'll buy that if your ride bails...i can relate to that one. but you live in might as well be in the middle of the freakin arctic. dont tell me you dont have access to a vehicle. if it's broeken than sure, it's legit...but again...not the point of this thread.

clear enough? the considerate people wont be affected by a rating or a black list. why would anyone bother processing a name that was upstanding in the community? why go through the effort? it's the inconsiderate fucktards that like to waste peoples time that will end up having pretty much no where to play without commiting suicide by cop. Darwinism at it's best!!! i just feel bad for the cop that has to waste the bullet on a jackass like that.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 05:32   #86
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
1. Private fields are private...they're for playing with a closed group. That's great right!?! But it dies a strangling death when you're not letting in new blood. What if FTF closed it's doors to everyone who had not already been there? Or Harms Way? or Soldier Gear or Jayne Finch's, etc.... If you were the new guy just starting out...where would you play that wasn't fuck-around speedball?
lol. thanks for putting me in there tys. :tup:
i had a few flakers last game. from now on i'm taking attendance. looks like i'm not the only one who is sick of it we'll see how it goes.
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Old October 27th, 2009, 05:35   #87
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Originally Posted by WMK View Post
Sorry for my newbie question but if I say Tent and don't show up, I'm bad then?
Some host would say and have said they do not want you to post tentative at all, wait until you know for sure then post or not.

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Old October 27th, 2009, 06:16   #88
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Agreed. Tents are bothersome. I just need to know if you're in or not. That's all. I can't base numbers on tents
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Old October 27th, 2009, 06:49   #89
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My two cents for what it's worth is this:

This past season we started a website just for the LZ. We integrated a self register system that was designed by Smith so that people could sign up for games on the teams they wanted, or add themselves to a waiting list. You could move yourself around and join the other team or remove yourself completely.

The sad part is people would show up that did not sign up, and people didnt remove themselves in a timely manner if they had to bail. I kept a list of the chronic deserters and know who they are.

Pre pay was an option we tossed around but never implemented simply because it's not a guarantee someone will show up. Sure we got your money regardless but big deal, it's not about the money. It's about the sheer lack of commitment and childish behavior that is forcing us to close the doors next year and only let in a few people.

Yep the noobs are stuck and probably will not get invited in unless they are brought in by a respected/invited individual. I could give a rats ass if you don't have a car. Sort your shit out long before game day.

We are all supposed to be adults in the sport but more and more I see childish 20 somethings ruining it for everyone. Grow the fuck up, take some responsibility for your actions or inactions and move forward. If you cant sort your shit out don't expect any sympathy from me or any other game host/field owner. Your fucking with them and that's not cool. I'm not in this to wipe noses and spoon feed anyone.

Bottom line the immaturity and lack of commitment is what lead to the LZ being shut down to the public. My time is worth more than money just like yours so quit fucking with it and everyone else's. Ottawa is Unique in that we do not have the player base like Toronto or Calgary, Vancouver etc. So if you sign up for a game and don't show, it does effect the rest of us that were able to get our old fat asses out of bed and run all day having fun in the sun/rain.

I just don't get this lazy fucking attitude displayed by a very large number of fairly new players. We gave you all the tools to sign up, coordinate a ride, rent a gun, buy gear but it just didn't work because the commitment wasn't there to begin with.

Last edited by ex; October 27th, 2009 at 07:54..
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Old October 27th, 2009, 08:23   #90
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
This is gold. But the original formatted version almost made my blackberry throw up...

(again...this is all just summed up as being a responsible adult, right?)
Ya Tys it what all the problems boil down to in the end.
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