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Why you don't wear Military Insignia you haven't earned..


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Old April 29th, 2008, 08:35   #76
A Total Bastard
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Originally Posted by Omi-san View Post
To be fair, he posted his photos on the Reenactment / Airsoft / Paintball forum of It's not like if he was posing as a British soldier elsewhere.
Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
That website if full of attitude and misplaced testosterone. The reenacment part is just a feeding ground for those "real soldier power" guys that know it all.

A good bit of the "real" photos on that site are fucking airsoft anyway...

It's the intent. Not the patch itself, but what you are trying to add or take away from it and what it represents.

I don't wear actual unit patches on my airsoft stuff because I don't re-enact but I would/will if I do a Vietnam game in the future.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 08:59   #77
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While I'm not a fan of wearing rank/real patches/etc, not only for the "you didn't earn it" aspect but mostly because I find it overly poser-ish, I do have to ask everyone up in arms about: if those ribbons and trinkets are so unfathomably important why do people who earned them readily pawn them off for $3.50+shipping on eBay? Been to an Army Surplus store lately? I could make myself into a war -decorated general of just about any army for around $50.

Secondly, this massively condescending and frankly pathetic article, purportedly written by a member of the military (the author lacked sufficient gonads to actually claim credit for his essay) does little but cast members of the armed forces everywhere in a bad light: on or off the internet, words and actions of individual soldiers reflect on the forces they serve. This bloke basically showed the world that the major difference between an airsofter and a British soldier is that soldiers are Internet Bullies who'll pick on kids half way around the world. Very mature. Very classy. Big thumbs up.

Because yes, by the same token that site makes blanket derisive statements about airsofters, I can make a blanket observation about soldiers. (oh and I KNOW someone's all riled up reading this and about to quote it for a flaming reply, and to that person I say: BOO-fuckin-HOO. Get a grip, you douche, and try to apply a bit of Reading Comprehension skills here.)

No, I don't agree with wearing patches you didn't earn. But I agree even less with that article and that whole site, which to me wreaks of thuggery.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 09:49   #78
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Modern Day Larping with a little less gay

Originally Posted by Lawless View Post
Lets face it guys airsoft is just modern LARPing with a little less gay.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 09:51   #79
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I hate RP in airsoft it makes me feel retarded
although sometimes it can add some serious fun to the game...
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Old April 29th, 2008, 10:02   #80
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Originally Posted by decoy View Post
LMFAO now if only I could find a picture of that very same guy but in LARP gear.

I like the RP aspect in airsoft, I find it gets you more into it. Even if its just a simple skrim its nice to have a clear cut scenario of whats going on and whos who. Next game I call airsoft wizard. I will buy a large bag of yellow BBs and throw them at people. And wear a kilt.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 10:27   #81
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Originally Posted by Lawless View Post
I like the RP aspect in airsoft, I find it gets you more into it. Even if its just a simple skrim its nice to have a clear cut scenario of whats going on and whos who. Next game I call airsoft wizard. I will buy a large bag of yellow BBs and throw them at people. And wear a kilt.

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Old April 29th, 2008, 11:06   #82
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Im irish, we wear kilts as well. In fact I wore one last wedding I went to. Cept we have a solid color kilt. None of that plaid stuff :P
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Old April 29th, 2008, 14:05   #83
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If your brave enough to wear a kilt to an airsoft game, by all means go ahead. Just please don't be hurdling over logs or climbing ladders, or you might end up-well you know. Squating down on one knee to shoot would be disturbing to your foe, as well as asking for trouble!
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Old April 29th, 2008, 14:20   #84
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
There are some things that are simply not worth explaining to someone who is unwilling to listen or understand. Move along.
Well said.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 14:49   #85
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I remember a case in our airsoft group a few years ago where someone showed up with a unit badge on a hat and almost had his head removed by a member of the forces. Personally, I can't agree more with not wearing an insignia you didn't earn. That being said, I'm not about to tell anyone they can't or shouldn't do it because thats not my place. but if some member of the unit or military calls you out on it, it is well within their right to do so. Wearing a camo set is one thing but to actually have the insignia of a unit on your kit that you did not earn is simply a dishonour to the unit no matter who you are. It's not like the actual men in the unit just signed up and got the badge, they probably went through hell and back to get the honour of wearing it.

So I can see why they would write an article like this and be a bit upset, they have every right to be. On the other hand as was mentioned above, some forces people obviously don’t have the same pride in their badge/unit and pawn it off. In any case, if you choose to wear a badge on your kit be ready for someone to take a strip off you and that is their right as long as they are actually in the forces. Personally i don’t play airsoft to look the part, I play because I enjoy the sport aspect and I couldn’t give a rats ass what I look like. My kit is purchased on the bases of giving me a competitive edge in this sport and nothing more.
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Old April 30th, 2008, 15:28   #86
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I wear an old surplus CF Helo pilot jacket at night and when it's chilly, no patches or flashes. Why? It's a nice fucking coat, keeps me warm, and looks cool. Do I strut around pretending I'm in the CF? Nope. When asked if I've served, or what unit I'm in, I tell people it's a surplus jacket and I haven't enlisted. Personally I don't wear any real life patches on my airsoft kit. I've got a subdued Canadian flag patch on my jacket, but that's it.

If someone shows up at a game wearing unit patches and is all decked out to the nines in issue gear/real patches I can see wear a serving/former member might take issue, but as I've never served, can I take issue with someone shows up like this? Not that I really do so much... but still. Is it right for someone who hasn't earned a patch, to complain about someone else who is wearing a patch he too hasn't earned?

So I can see where both sides are coming from (and add a third). People can assume that someone wearing a surplus piece of uniform, or a unit patch, is a serving or former member, which can/does offend certain people.

But like a gun, the image can be worn two ways. People can put it on with the intent to decieve and pretend (akin to using the gun to kill) or they can put it on to honour and pay tribute (and look cool I suppose... akin to using the gun to defend).

Plus... Lerch is cool shit. He sold me a wicked TM1911, so I think I'll let it slide
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Old May 1st, 2008, 04:13   #87
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You know, this can all be avoided by getting your own patches made up... :P
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Old May 3rd, 2008, 00:41   #88
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Originally Posted by Gunk View Post
I've got a subdued Canadian flag patch on my jacket, but that's it.
Nothing wrong with wearing the flag. Soldiers don't have a monopoly on patriotism.
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Old May 13th, 2008, 03:31   #89
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the arguing is complete bs...wear what u want, i dont see the point of wearing any "official" badges, but if it is your will be my guest
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Old May 13th, 2008, 04:56   #90
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i vote for who the fuck cares... its your money and enjoyment...if they want you to take it of do a pistols duel to see if it should come off...

playing with my kid!
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