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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:35   #76
mcguyver's Avatar
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After having the chance to field the PTWs today and get to put them throught their paces, all I can say is HOLY F@#K!!!

The M150 kit is some piece of work. Side-by-side with a Classic Army gun, I was outranging it by perhaps 100 feet or more (hard to tell at that range) and with a superior rate of fire. I could fire in semi 5+ rounds/second with no lag at all (all 5 BB's would be visible in-flight). The 6.04 barrel sure helps things out as well and I had no problems with accuracy.

The M90 and M110 kits performed well, and for CQB work the M90 is fine, but the M110 is the minimum that should be used with this gun for outdoor play. I currently don't have the M130, so no info there.

For those guys waffling about the price or proprietary nature of a PTW, put it to rest. The performance is so far beyond any other gun out there and the flexibilty is second to none. They are worth every penny and more. Everyone who got a chance to play around with them today was blown away by the performance and somewhat frightened and insecure that I would dare to use such a machine against them. That should tell you something right there.

So stop spending money on these "toy" Marui, Classic Army, ICS, whatever and get the good stuff!!!!
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Old May 11th, 2007, 01:46   #77
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That has to be one of the most confidence/reassurance booster posts i have heard today! Now i am not simply hopeful to get the PTW, i am going to forget about the lack of accessories available to real steel fittings and get the PTW then MAKE those accessories WORK.

Oh yeah, for those who do have the M4A1, how much did the battery cost? I am currently working out the deals with 007 to get the PTW M4A1 MAX and Ken says it costs $200 whereas the redwolf website says it's $78. He is charging only $1980 for the MAX when compared to the $1420 price tag on redwolf. But the margin on the battery is far greater. Is this right? Just to be clear as I have been going back and forth between websites for the past 2 weeks trying to confirm. The M4A1 was designed with a semi/full auto selector am I correct? the 3-burst was for the M4, not A1 model?
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Old May 11th, 2007, 02:05   #78
wey ferro
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buy the gun in canada. do not buy any batteries, mags or cylinders from local retailers. they charge waaaaaay to much
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Old May 11th, 2007, 02:40   #79
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You can order that stuff on group orders if needed. $1980 is not terrible, but it's not the best pricing I've seen either. But considering the availablity of them, even through Asian retailers, you may have to pay a little bit more up front and get it in a month than save $200 and wait many months.

I suppose you could have the battery built by a battery shop. The cells can be bought and they could make them for you, but if the price is even close to the Systema battery, buy the Systema one. Apparrently, Systema gets their Sanyo cells direct from Sanyo from the "AA" bins, which mean practically matched cells, so the performance is the best it can be. And the rigid nature of the Systema batteries (due to the steel rods under the wrapping) makes battery changing and transport very easy and risk-free.

BTW, A&A has batteries for $120 for 12 volt, or something very close.

The burst was meant originally for the M16A3 MAX model, but I recall that the older M4 MAX also had that. The NMM4A1 (new model M4) is full, as is the CQB-R ( I have both). Truth be known, I would rather have the burst on both of mine, but I can always make them burst by a simple solder job on the main board, or as another ASC-er did and install a micro toggle switch to give him either burst or full simply by splitting the receivers
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Last edited by mcguyver; May 11th, 2007 at 02:47..
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Old May 11th, 2007, 02:52   #80
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For very decent prices and excellent customer service try
I got all my accessories through him. He is a friend of Wallace's, the main Systema rep in the US.
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Old May 11th, 2007, 16:37   #81
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hey thanks for the heads up.
I know that batteries, cylinders, and bb's can be imported from anywhere without hassle. But can mags (ie run down to the states and buy the pack of 6 mags and run back up? would the customs give me hassle for things that look like real mags?

*Where have you seen a better price in Canada?

Last edited by Kommandant_keen; May 11th, 2007 at 17:15..
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Old May 11th, 2007, 17:38   #82
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I'd suggest you just order the mags. My friends and I have never had any troubles through the post but I imagine CBSA seeing them in your car might start hassling you.
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Old May 11th, 2007, 18:37   #83
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I plan on getting the gun itself from A&A and the mags/batts/cylinders from Empire, myself.
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Old May 12th, 2007, 17:12   #84
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is there an issue with buying airsoft M203's due to their realsteel counterparts becoming prohibited firearms under new Canadian firearms regulation...thus the 'replica' label applied?
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Old May 12th, 2007, 17:50   #85
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Strangely enough, airsoft M203 replicas were prohibited long before the real steel items were prohibited.

I've contested my seizures many times over the past several years.

When I ordered them, sometimes they got through, sometimes they didn't. And when they didn't, even though I followed all the proper channels to get an appeal or have them sent back, CCRA (as it was known back then) would go the extra distance to give me as hard of a time as possible to make sure I saw nothing back from the seizures. They went as far as to change their initial rulings on me, restrict and remove courses of action they initially gave to me, and even threatened me with criminal charges (wtf?).

Gotta love those guys...
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Old May 12th, 2007, 18:59   #86
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funny they go these lengths to control airsoft guns that shoot pellets yet still have real firearms problems. For less money than a PTW, you could land yourself realsteel weapons if you walk down the right street but have such a hard time trying to get a dream airsoft gun. Almost like NHL refs that call hooking every 4 seconds but can't seem to notice an elbow to the face.
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Old May 13th, 2007, 03:58   #87
wey ferro
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Originally Posted by Kommandant_keen View Post
funny they go these lengths to control airsoft guns that shoot pellets yet still have real firearms problems. For less money than a PTW, you could land yourself realsteel weapons if you walk down the right street but have such a hard time trying to get a dream airsoft gun. Almost like NHL refs that call hooking every 4 seconds but can't seem to notice an elbow to the face.
you dont need to walk down a street to find an ar, cgn has them for like 1400 area.
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Old May 13th, 2007, 04:23   #88
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Originally Posted by Kommandant_keen View Post
...Almost like NHL refs that call hooking every 4 seconds but can't seem to notice an elbow to the face.
lol, great analogy! so true. I offer that tampering with the physical conduct of the game may be less PC than dealing with obstruction... but thats just fodder for another forum.
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Old July 12th, 2007, 19:57   #89
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Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan USA
Wait wait... Canada has a Special Forces?

__________________ - Retail sales, upgrades and repair service.

Certified Systema PTW Repair Tech!

Systema PTW M4-A1 MAX 2008
Systema PTW M4/CQBR 2010, Full CNC (EA Custom Edition)
ARES Mk18 MOD 1 (EA Custom Edition)
WE KAC PDW - 8-incher w/ Open Bolt
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Old July 12th, 2007, 21:37   #90
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