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Old May 14th, 2009, 20:46   #76
mcguyver's Avatar
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I think we all need to take a deep breath, and be calm.

Getting guns in Canada is about the worst it's been, and could be getting alot worse folks. I would put money on it.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

Never confuse freedom with democracy.
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Old May 24th, 2009, 03:09   #77
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Ok. So, I have no Idea what to do on a forum, I am a complete idiot when it comes to these things but damn... Airsoft is hard to come by unless you want the clear gun. I'm just wanting to make sure that the retailers on here are mostly all from Canada right? So there shouldn't be that much Importings law shit going on correct? Please get back to me.
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Old May 24th, 2009, 03:59   #78
Alabaster's Avatar
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i read this whole thread and the person above me takes the cake!!!
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Old June 14th, 2009, 13:58   #79
Capt.Flan's Avatar
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I think most people here are realistic when the pre-order/order something. Most issues are more about the communications between the customer and the seller. To wait 3 months for something you already paid fully or half is something plausible and ok but to get no news by the seller that is another story.

Really I say fuck people who say they are doing this on their free time and we should all STFU and say thanks.... Well no my friends! This is a business and people who decided to invest in it by time or money did it for one reason, make money. And as many other business, you handle it or you quit before the business take's care of you.

I don't care to wait 3 months for something. All I ask is to know what is going on. Retailers who can't handle it should take less orders or organized themselves better. But I doubt this will happen. Money is more important and drive's them crazy...

And when it's time to get a refund, sellers should be able to back it up also. When you get a refund in any other business do they tell you well we can't refund you because we are short of cash? Hell no.

And as for people that open Paypal dispute after 20 days, there is a major reason people do it. You have 45 days to do it! If you don't before 45 days you get it in the ass just like me. Paypal will not do anything if no dispute is open after. Paypal dispute is the only way to back you up a little. It doesn't mean much till you escalade it to the last step.

Retailers don't like Paypal dispute system? Well don't use it because it's not for you then. Maybe it's not for airsoft then...

Anyways make sure you are organize and give news sometimes and people will feel more secure specially after they sent you 600$.


Last edited by Capt.Flan; June 14th, 2009 at 14:02..
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Old June 14th, 2009, 14:55   #80
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Originally Posted by Cpt.Flan View Post
I think most people here are realistic when the pre-order/order something. Most issues are more about the communications between the customer and the seller. To wait 3 months for something you already paid fully or half is something plausible and ok but to get no news by the seller that is another story.

Really I say fuck people who say they are doing this on their free time and we should all STFU and say thanks.... Well no my friends! This is a business and people who decided to invest in it by time or money did it for one reason, make money. And as many other business, you handle it or you quit before the business take's care of you.

I don't care to wait 3 months for something. All I ask is to know what is going on. Retailers who can't handle it should take less orders or organized themselves better. But I doubt this will happen. Money is more important and drive's them crazy...

And when it's time to get a refund, sellers should be able to back it up also. When you get a refund in any other business do they tell you well we can't refund you because we are short of cash? Hell no.

And as for people that open Paypal dispute after 20 days, there is a major reason people do it. You have 45 days to do it! If you don't before 45 days you get it in the ass just like me. Paypal will not do anything if no dispute is open after. Paypal dispute is the only way to back you up a little. It doesn't mean much till you escalade it to the last step.

Retailers don't like Paypal dispute system? Well don't use it because it's not for you then. Maybe it's not for airsoft then...

Anyways make sure you are organize and give news sometimes and people will feel more secure specially after they sent you 600$.

Well first of all... nevermind.. That's not the point of my post.

When doing something like pre-ordering from someone, it is not a business. Most of the retailers on here are not legitimate businesses, they are just people doing it for the money and to help the community by bringing in cool guns. Comparing it to a legitimate business like a store is wrong.
It is more like buying something off of a person, in this case something a little bit less than legal to import into Canada. You haven't signed a contract or anything, there is no guaranteed timeframe or anything like that.

There have been multiple reviews of people who do custom orders, and just retailers in general. When someone does this as their side job, they cannot just send you an update every day, especially when they get no updates. If they don't know anything, they shouldn't have to come tell you every day, I don't know everything.

And the biggest thing to say is, BUYER BEWARE. You purchase from people at your own risk, especially with a custom order.

As to the first part I bolded, about retailers taking on less or organizing themselves, well no. If that is how they run their business, and you know that based upon reviews (of which there are many, multiple posts in retailers' threads), then it is your choice to buy from them or not. You knew thats how things seemed to be going with other buyers, and you continued to go through with the purchase. That was your choice.
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Old June 21st, 2009, 01:06   #81
Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by Cpt.Flan View Post
I think most people here are realistic when the pre-order/order something. Most issues are more about the communications between the customer and the seller. To wait 3 months for something you already paid fully or half is something plausible and ok but to get no news by the seller that is another story.

Really I say fuck people who say they are doing this on their free time and we should all STFU and say thanks.... Well no my friends! This is a business and people who decided to invest in it by time or money did it for one reason, make money. And as many other business, you handle it or you quit before the business take's care of you.

I don't care to wait 3 months for something. All I ask is to know what is going on. Retailers who can't handle it should take less orders or organized themselves better. But I doubt this will happen. Money is more important and drive's them crazy...

And when it's time to get a refund, sellers should be able to back it up also. When you get a refund in any other business do they tell you well we can't refund you because we are short of cash? Hell no.

And as for people that open Paypal dispute after 20 days, there is a major reason people do it. You have 45 days to do it! If you don't before 45 days you get it in the ass just like me. Paypal will not do anything if no dispute is open after. Paypal dispute is the only way to back you up a little. It doesn't mean much till you escalade it to the last step.

Retailers don't like Paypal dispute system? Well don't use it because it's not for you then. Maybe it's not for airsoft then...

Anyways make sure you are organize and give news sometimes and people will feel more secure specially after they sent you 600$.

Man, I couldn't agree more with you! I can't STAND it when there is literally NO COMMUNICATION from a seller after a purchase. Yes, as you said, its not the long waiting period that is the problem, its the major lack of communication that happens all to often. I mean seriously, is it really that hard to send a quick reply to an email???
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Old June 21st, 2009, 04:25   #82
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Originally Posted by mattb348 View Post
I mean seriously, is it really that hard to send a quick reply to an email???
When you get 200+ PM's a day and are organizing things with 20+ different people all wanting different things sent different ways paying by different means...

Yes. Yes is really THAT hard to send a quick reply.

You have no idea how many people ask REALLY stupid basic questions that can be found by using the search tool or by simply reading the thread.
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Old September 6th, 2009, 01:07   #83
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People expect these traders to operate like fully developed businesses.

Unfortunately, no, they haven't hired someone just to check through the pm's left by 100s of people a week. so yeah its gonna take a while to get to you when your asking alot from a 1 man show. which is normally the case.

The airsoft market has been cut down at the knees. there can never be a truly massive retail development in canada until some real legislation is set in place. That would make the cbsa loosen up a little and let an actual skid (oh my god the joy that would probably bring to see the first skid go through) cross the border with goodies that a hampered sport would definitely put to good use.

Until that fateful day, when airsoft gets its own damn tv channel. people need to relax and give that poor dude who busted his ass to find you the damn toy do his thing. I assure you, they all have the intention of getting to you. and if they don't, ask someone else.
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Old February 11th, 2011, 14:27   #84
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Having worked Sales in computers a great deal I can see that while Airsoft retail operates under fairly different circumstances, many of the same customer dissatisfaction scenarios are directly mirrored.
The experience I've collected points to an emerging poisonous consumer culture in Canada. People raised on the myth of the shady salesman and the crooked mechanic (90% of the time having no such actual experiences) come into a transaction with their hackles up, expecting the worst, "knowing how to deal with salesmen", being largely disrespectful and demanding the best deal- which should conform to the constraints of their pocketbooks and not the realities of the market.
This puts the salesman in a difficult position, and depending on their time in the 'Tag they will respond with: passive compliance, then move to ambivalence, then thinly veiled condescension, then if he/she lasts long enough to become a professional, they will choose wither to become someone who lays everything out respectfully but refuses to be attached to any one transaction... or they become the economic boogeyman that everyone is so afraid of.
As with computers as with airsoft as with ANY retail, big spenders don't make money- repeat customer make money.
Businesses -regardless of size- are in business to make money. A good business doesn't want to screw you, they want you to be pleased and come back again.
With this in mind, when you are 'shopping around' for an item, a good consumer is in fact shopping around for a good store, not so much the item itself.
The best route to a good deal is -believe it or not- to pay the markup. Find a good place with people you like to deal with, inspect the product in person, and pay the markup. Strike up a rapport, be known to your seller, don't give him grief by suggesting his prices are too high, ask him if he has room to match a lower price, and buy something he has at regular price to go with it. Thank him for his prices that are fair, and don't piss on the difference of 5%.
This is positive reinforcement, and will get you the skinny on new items incoming, reserved items, floor models, and persistent discounts when available.
At restaurants I pay good tips for good service, outrageous tips for service that just made my night sparkle, and none at all for restaurants I'd never go to again.
Think of a reasonable markup as a tip. If you want good service to go with your product or meal, and you want that service to persist, pay up.
If you don't want to pay for service, don't expect it.
You are not entitled to anything.
You will, however, get awesome treatment and deals if you're cool about things.
Now recognize that Airsoft is a specialist niche market reaching out to limited clientele with relatively high-risk investment, and no stable market value.
You are essentially dealing in Egyptian artifacts in the 1920s for all intents and purposes.
Enjoy the hobby, enjoy the gear, pay the premium.
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Old February 11th, 2011, 14:31   #85
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What is with these Necro Posts.

The Geo-Political climate for airsoft retailers has changed alittle in the two years since the last post. But thanks for showing up.
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Old February 11th, 2011, 14:36   #86
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Didn't even see the date. Maybe I need glasses.
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Old February 11th, 2011, 14:38   #87
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Originally Posted by Cliffradical View Post
Didn't even see the date. Maybe I need glasses.
Don't feel bad, your information was still relevant just slightly differently so. Besides everyone makes this mistake a few times.
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Old May 4th, 2023, 05:30   #88
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Originally Posted by Tankdude View Post
All the cool hobbies are expensive.

1. Airsoft
2. Hookers and blow. (cheap compared to airsoft, but you still get the red dots afterwards)
3. Real guns
4. CNC machines (well, its fun for me)
It could all be cheaper if you do it in GTA5

Last edited by helderwieling; May 18th, 2023 at 11:13..
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