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Do you prefer highcaps or low caps.


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Old September 30th, 2006, 12:16   #61
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Originally Posted by zone 69
i was going to get four 190 round hicaps but ill have to think abuot it now maybe just 60 round mags i would need more mags then I just dont know now
Start by getting your age verified. If you dont, forget trying to buy anything.
Since when do you need to be age verified to buy mags? Mags make it though customs you dont even need to deal with a Canadian airsoft dealer to get them. Nowhere in there did be mention buying an AEG.

On topic Locaps here, besides brand new players who have nothing else ever MAA player uses locaps or the star simcaps. Some midcaps but everyone seems to only put locap capacity in.
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Old September 30th, 2006, 12:43   #62
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id say do whatever the hell you want lo caps hi caps whatever, i personally chose locaps with a hicap backup, but whatever floats your boat, dont let someone elses opinion change your opinion.
G&P car 15. KSC 1911 G&G m4 gbbr
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Old September 30th, 2006, 15:58   #63
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For killing cockraoches...

5-7 loaded hi-caps strategically placed around my apartment. Your first shot can hit the roach but the next one is gonna be a bit of luck. You need to follow up that first shot with the next one with continuous auto fire.

Noise can scare away a roach but not if you kill it quick enough.
[17:31] MMMiles: well, i think we have to hope people just stop browsing the damn gallery so much
[17:31] MMMiles: it's basically 50% of our traffic...
[17:35] yawn: someone really likes pictures of guys dressed in fatigues huh/
[17:35] MMMiles: it's better not to think about it
[17:36] yawn: we should start charging if that's the case
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Old September 30th, 2006, 23:50   #64
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I prefer midcaps, the target I can hit with a single shot from a real gun I can usually hit with a short burst (3-9 rounds) from a moderatly upgraded AEG (~350fps) up to about 80-100 feet. So 30 round real steel mags x 3 rounds to simulate one real steel bullet = 90 rounds. Most midcaps are 90-130 rounds in what would be a real steel 30 round mag so all is well. Lowcaps also work well as they usually have 68 rounds in what would be a real steel 30 round mag.

Saying reloading mid firefight better simulates real battlefield conditions is completly true. But when your reloading 2-3x more often than you would be if you had a real gun because your BB's dont have anywhere near the power of a real bullet just means all the realism is lost to me. (talking about STAR realcaps here)

I tried the STAR realcaps and found that I would empty one 30 round mag doing the work of 2-3 bullets from a real gun. I dont have military experience but this is just from my target shooting experience.

I've been using hicaps recently because I got a new CA36 and CA M15A4 which both come stock with hicaps and I indeed have found that I have been using a lot more ammo than I normally do when using lows or mids. There is just that psycological effect it has, I'm not against hicaps, I could care less if people I'm playing with or against are using STAR realcaps or hicaps, I just prefer not to use hicaps personally. There is of course the fact that a person with a hicap can continually fire on auto for a lot longer than someone with lows who would have to reload but keep in mind a bush is considered hard cover in airsoft because those twigs and leaves can deflect bullets.
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Old October 1st, 2006, 01:37   #65
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hicaps are fine for beginners.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old October 1st, 2006, 01:49   #66
Swatt Six-Four
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Yeah hi caps are fun , but, lo caps for me are where it's at. Nothing like having to do a mag change in a firefight and having your squad members backing you with supperessive fire.It just adds to the rush for me. I think that if you have a new gun and can't afford new lo caps to go with , thats cool. I just like lo caps cause you really have to work to get the kill. Just my opnion.

"Pain is just a symptom of weakness leaving the body"
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Old October 1st, 2006, 08:06   #67
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Originally Posted by Ducky
Originally Posted by Greylocks
Originally Posted by zone 69
i was going to get four 190 round hicaps but ill have to think abuot it now maybe just 60 round mags i would need more mags then I just dont know now
Start by getting your age verified. If you dont, forget trying to buy anything.
Since when do you need to be age verified to buy mags? Mags make it though customs you dont even need to deal with a Canadian airsoft dealer to get them. Nowhere in there did be mention buying an AEG.

On topic Locaps here, besides brand new players who have nothing else ever MAA player uses locaps or the star simcaps. Some midcaps but everyone seems to only put locap capacity in.
I'm strongly suggesting this to resolve the many other questions this person has. If he's verified, he will have access to the full forums, and better information overall. On top of that, he will be able to ask his questions in person and get better answers on top of seeing first-hand what he's talking about.
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