Originally Posted by Palucol
i dont want to be a slut..... But look at the date of the post on your link...."august 2009"...... In 5 month a prototype can be totally changed..... So basically, your link is just outdated....
Seems like WE has moved to a "brass less" generation of gbbr! 
true enough but up until this video was posted those "out of date" pics were the only ones we had of the m14.
their new video proves its WE (its got that guy from their other vids). the brass-less system looks pretty cool, although i dont know how they will adapt it for their older platforms while keeping the mags the same. the gas port on the existing mags is ment for a stationary brass tube, its not angled like the one on WA mags.... maybe the conversion kit will include different feed lip unit for the mags?