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Real Sword Type 56 rifle review - NOT 56K FRIENDLY!!



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Old April 20th, 2008, 15:58   #46
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We found the hop-up too finicky, and hard to adjust.
Well of course after putting a few BB's through the new rubber things went better, but still we had problems of the hop-up doing its own thing.

Did you encounter that as well?

Mind you, this gun is still amazing, very nice quality. But its a very raw gun stock. As you said harder spring is the answer. My teammate did that and I believe he chronied it and it was something like 1 FPS off after quite a few rounds.

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Old April 20th, 2008, 16:12   #47
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The other T56 review here on ASC states that the hopup rubber is far too stiff for its low stock velocity. The other guy states that this is really a 400+ fps gun with a 300 fps spring. Installing a softer hopup rubber and / or stiffer spring should fix that easily.

With .25 Bastards, I had to just slightly nudge the hopup on to get the BBs to fly straight. And the trajectory of the BBs outranged every other gun at the game today. Ditto for accuracy. They shot straight and far every time.

But like I said, the weak spring didn't give it the penetration power for the thick brush where we were playing. My M15 had no problems punching through the woods to get me kills. I didn't get any kills with the Type 56, even though I could clearly see my targets and was shooting right at them at about 75-100 feel. The M15 tagged them very easily at that range through the brush, even though it's not quite as accurate.
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Old September 20th, 2008, 12:32   #48
Brian McIlmoyle
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Got mine last night

What a satisfying feeling.

I own a lot of AEGs.. none have come close to this one in realism. Set it next to a real one.. and I doubt you could tell the difference ( its been about 15 years since I handled an AK but still.. as I remember.. )

Weight is close.. its a bit light in the butt.. but once a mag is fitted the balance is close to correct.

SOLID ....

This thing is essentially a real AK with a mechbox fitted inside

Can't wait to field it.
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Old September 20th, 2008, 12:50   #49
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Personally, I'm an AR fan, but these are sw33t.

It feels illegal. Like it's got "bodies" on it. If someone pulled this out of a trunk, I'd swear it was real.

I've handled 2. I have a couple of guns and have handled alot. This one is way up at the top.

I have to buy one.
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Old September 20th, 2008, 13:16   #50
Shooting Chef
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Originally Posted by dragwindsor View Post
Personally, I'm an AR fan, but these are sw33t.

It feels illegal. Like it's got "bodies" on it. If someone pulled this out of a trunk, I'd swear it was real.

I've handled 2. I have a couple of guns and have handled alot. This one is way up at the top.

I have to buy one.
+1, I handled Nacchi and Brian's real sword last night and I must say it is one of those up there on the list of must have. About it being at par with a PTW, I think they still have a ways to go. For one, the option of changing the cylinders on the fly gives the PTW an advantage.

That aside, I will eventually have one in my collection in the near future.
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Old September 22nd, 2008, 00:22   #51
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
What a satisfying feeling.

I own a lot of AEGs.. none have come close to this one in realism. Set it next to a real one.. and I doubt you could tell the difference ( its been about 15 years since I handled an AK but still.. as I remember.. )

Weight is close.. its a bit light in the butt.. but once a mag is fitted the balance is close to correct.

SOLID ....

This thing is essentially a real AK with a mechbox fitted inside

Can't wait to field it.
Without a doubt this is as close to a real gun as you currently get in the airsoft world, except maybe for the other Real Sword guns. Be it for play or collection purposes, this is truly the ultimate airsoft gun in terms of realism.

Unloaded, the RS is about 100g lighter than the real Type 56, so it's pretty close. The hollowed out stock is probably responsible for some of that "weight loss".

Install a new spring to get decent velocities and if you like AKs, this will probably become your main favourite field gun. Even though I don't like the feel of AKs much (hence why I don't game mine much and didn't bother upgrading it), it's still the crown jewel of my AEG collection.

Originally Posted by Shooting Chef View Post
About it being at par with a PTW, I think they still have a ways to go. For one, the option of changing the cylinders on the fly gives the PTW an advantage.

That aside, I will eventually have one in my collection in the near future.
"On par" is more intended in terms of realism than in terms of features and technology. The RS is for all intents and purposes just a slightly modified V3 mechbox, so it doesn't compare in terms of its internal technology wtih Systema. Its internals are top notch compared to most other stock AEGs, but it's basic V3 technology with a couple of proprietary parts to accomodate the shortened mechbox. But in terms of externals, you can't get much more authentic than Real Sword. They truly are in a league of their own.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; September 22nd, 2008 at 12:04..
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Old September 22nd, 2008, 19:24   #52
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I delight in seeing people happy with their new toys ^^

Now where's the gun pr0n, me gots some of my own

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Old September 23rd, 2008, 04:08   #53
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awww man im so very jealous, I didn't know you had one o these beauties too V!
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Old September 23rd, 2008, 19:10   #54
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That's a picture I took of one of the RS AKs before I dropped them off @ TAC on Friday.
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Old April 2nd, 2010, 15:07   #55
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I know I'm bringing this thread back from the dead, Just had to thank you tho. I was in the market for an AK and the Type 56 was mentioned to me, I wanted to check it out so I read your review. I bought one last week mainly because of this review. Seriously thanks for opening my eyes to this gun! I just got it and it is awesome and heavy! Easily the best feeling AEG I've ever held. I also got the stock 430 FPS spring in the box and the bolt does not need a mod. I guess they changed things cause the bolt on mine goes as far back as yours does in the pics after the bolt mod. Just had to say my peice about this fantastic gun and let anyone know if you are looking for an AK AEG get a Real Sword (if you can afford it that is.)
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Old May 20th, 2010, 19:48   #56
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Well here's another revive, why exactly does it cost close to 300 dollars more to buy one of these in Canada then in the US? Yes, I get the paperwork, the licences, blablabla, but there are plenty of stores out there that sell airsoft and they only markup the prices between 50 to 100 bucks. What's with the huge cost here?

Last edited by THEnub; May 20th, 2010 at 19:57..
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Old May 20th, 2010, 20:05   #57
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Rare AEG, exact AK dimensions maybe? But worth the little extra.

Also I think that there is only one importer for these.

Last edited by DanoftheDead; May 20th, 2010 at 20:08..
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Old May 20th, 2010, 20:15   #58
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Originally Posted by THEnub View Post
Well here's another revive, why exactly does it cost close to 300 dollars more to buy one of these in Canada then in the US? Yes, I get the paperwork, the licences, blablabla, but there are plenty of stores out there that sell airsoft and they only markup the prices between 50 to 100 bucks. What's with the huge cost here?
Your pretty new to airsoft but this issue is not.

Airsoft in Canada has and always will always carry a markup. Usually around the 100% mark when compared to the US, but in some cases that can fluctuate between 50% and all the way up to 750% in some rare cases.

The reason? because the retailers can, simple as that. Get used to it until Canadian Importation laws surrounding airsoft change if ever. Also expect considering the quality of build of this rifle I think its set at a fair price.

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Old May 20th, 2010, 20:26   #59
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
Your pretty new to airsoft but this issue is not.

Airsoft in Canada has and always will always carry a markup. Usually around the 100% mark when compared to the US, but in some cases that can fluctuate between 50% and all the way up to 750% in some rare cases.

The reason? because the retailers can, simple as that. Get used to it until Canadian Importation laws surrounding airsoft change if ever. Also expect considering the quality of build of this rifle I think its set at a fair price.

Yea, I figured all of that, I just hadn't crossed a markup of 100% before, so that shocked me. But still, for 640, this thing costs as much as any CA, but is by far superior. Will be trying to buy myself one once I save up the money (only a couple hundred to go, woohoo :P)
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Old May 20th, 2010, 20:29   #60
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Well worth the investment. Couldn't be happier with mine. you can probly get one from the classified here you just need to get age verified. go to FAQ there will be a link on telling you how to do so.
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