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Old September 20th, 2006, 03:00   #46
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Originally Posted by Kuraitenshi
maybe we are going about this the wrong way. Maybe we should restrict the site and sales according to IQ rather than age.
Good idea, but harder to implement.

I agree with the Gallery Age lock. Simply put it's too easy to google ASC, go into the gallery, see guys with guns and connect the dots in a typical panicky-soccer-mom manner. We need, for the meantime, to keep people we don't know from seeing crap like that.

I also like the idea of a disclaimer on the front page, it may help with the public image. I'd go so far as to post links on the disclaimer pointing people to definitions of airsoft, our stand on it, and what the government stance is. That way any reporter investigating our site cannot exploit loopholes and lack of information. That way even if somone DOES try and nail us to the cross on the news, we can point out right away that we have all the information in plain, big bold text on our front page.

Hell we might even go so far as to sight our paranoia about bad press and why we have it, that way they can't claim we keep to the shadows so we can train to be terrorists. If they do take that aproach, we just point out that we even SAY on the front page "Airsofters tend to keep a low profile because we understand our sport can be badly misunderstood."

Basically, we have to appear as responsible, inteligent, and thoughtfull as possible, while at the same time pointing out that ASC is the BIGGEST airsofting comunity in Canada so we represent the core of Canadian Airsofters (unless I'm greatly mistaken, but then again I've checked for bigger sites on google and ASC always shows up first no matter what combination of "Air, Soft, and Canada" I use.)
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Old September 20th, 2006, 03:04   #47
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Just FYI, the gallery requires registration. Google has indexed it, but the links and images are not accessible for random browsers, they would have to at least sign up to view.

Age restricting it would seriously limit who is able to access it, and it's not a move I would be thrilled to undertake, but I will consider it.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 03:28   #48
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
Just FYI, the gallery requires registration. Google has indexed it, but the links and images are not accessible for random browsers, they would have to at least sign up to view.

Age restricting it would seriously limit who is able to access it, and it's not a move I would be thrilled to undertake, but I will consider it.
i have no idea if this as been said now could a grandfather clause be made for the players that are underage but have been here for a year or so, so we dont get a shaft in the ass?
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Old September 20th, 2006, 05:31   #49
Amazing KG3
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however i am against the anger management and self help links suggested by droc. That might suggest that its common place to have things like that at the ready for airsoft players.

Honest John, i am reading faqs, is there anything that states that people shouldnt joke, or suggest terrrorism, or anything like that. I remember once i heard some guy say "i wish i could get a headshot on stephan harper"
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Old September 20th, 2006, 06:48   #50
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From Page 1, I think we should also be a bit more discrete in our sig pics and such. There's some pretty extreme (by civilian standards) on here in every thread.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 06:54   #51
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Originally Posted by lyphe
+1 on the age verified gallery, but I think we should take it a step further and completely close the gallery and forum (other then "welcome noobs" section) to the impressionable public. Yes it sounds a little excessive, but if you think about it, if the wrong person comes here it could be the end of the biggest airsoft site/forums in Canada (as far as I know we are), that would only worsen the situation. Worse case scenario, media puts a crazy spin on this; thousands of people across Canada are in some kind of crazy gun-ring.

Yeah maybe I’m over dramatizing, but is the extra effort of closing off the site to public eyes (and search engines) and keeping a low profile for a little bit too much work?

i suggest people take questionable pictures of guns off their msn's, my spaces and any other place you may have put pics up.

this guy knows exactly what i'm talking about

That is exactly why I keep on suggesting 18+ verified across the board. No piece-meal programming. Far simpler to implement. Then you only have to tweak for the inevitable exceptions.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 08:37   #52
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I think we should try a 'Identity verification'.

Which would be open to minors AND their non-airsofting parents that would give the minor access to all parts of ASC (excluding gun sales/wanted) possibly including accessories.

With that, for you guys that believe minors should be able to read and see the gallary, as well as the minors that are into the sport, we would have what we want, and the website would still be private.

If the identity verification went through, it would also get rid of the possibility of getting screwed in an accessory deal and not know who to chase after.

Anyway, more work, hopefully it makes sense.

(this really only applies to minors because anyone over the age would just go straight to full pledge as normal)

+1 for disclaimer

I had a friend come on and look over the site and had no idea it wasn't dedicated to real steel.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 08:49   #53
Coma Black
I say +1 to a disclaimer in massive red letters as the opening page of ASC. Plus, this 'Identiy Verification' sounds like it might fly, and keep out those who would not be allowed to play by their parents.

Another big problem is the proliferation of softair. If we made it clear to the authorities that we wish to keep only the good stuff and only for a small group, and we backed the various by-laws about clearsoft and such, it might make us look a bit better as a community, and more co-operative.

This stupid Montreal fellow is fucking up a lot of things. Thanks to him, I have to grow my hair, not wear my trench coat as often, and not talk about guns so much. Fucker gave a bad name to guys who shave their heads, wear trench coats, and like guns.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 08:51   #54
Dirty Deeds
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Originally Posted by Amgoosen
Originally Posted by Gryphon
I don't like the idea of suppressing or restricting our content because of the criminal actions of one dumbass, though life is ultimately about compromise. We have to weigh the political climate against our desire to enjoy this board and decide carefully what constitutes a reasonable course of action.

I vote for making the Gallery age verified only.
Team Bad Karma(BK-09)
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Old September 20th, 2006, 09:00   #55
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Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds
Originally Posted by Amgoosen
Originally Posted by Gryphon
I don't like the idea of suppressing or restricting our content because of the criminal actions of one dumbass, though life is ultimately about compromise. We have to weigh the political climate against our desire to enjoy this board and decide carefully what constitutes a reasonable course of action.

I vote for making the Gallery age verified only.
Originally Posted by Droc View Post
ASC violated you in ways your uncle never did.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 09:43   #56
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Originally Posted by sukivan
Wow, I am appalled at the attitudes of the people here.
Of course you are. You're 18 and still a bit naive. That's not meant as an insult but it's a simple generalization that applies to most teens that have little "real world" life experience. Your reaction is not surprising.

By slinking into obscurity, we would only be validating the asinine assumption that there is something shameful about airsofters taking photos of themselves. Hell, there is nothing wrong with taking photos of yourself with real guns, either.
Of course not. But try telling that to a knee-jerk liberal soccermom who's afraid of their kids being shot to death at school.

Any reporter trying to make hay out of a bunch of hobbyists playing with harmless airguns that shoot tiny plastic balls would get crucified by the public.
Case in point about youthful naivety. If you follow the news you'll see daily examples of sensationalism, mistruths, and falsehoods that the reporters are never crucified for. How often have we heard of "machine guns" or "rocket launchers" being seized in raids only to learn they were deactivated hunks of steel? The media is nearly immune unless the gaffe is substantial and obvious, and even then you're likely to get an apology at most. And that's if anyone notices. If you seriously believe a reporter would face discipline for villifying a gun-pose picture in the Gallery you are sorely mistaken.

Oh, and for those who are calling for a minimum reading/posting age for the gallery - may I ask what exactly you are hoping to accomplish?
You prevent people from outside the community from accessing it and viewing things they may misinterpret. By meeting someone face to face you can get a better understanding of their true motives and intentions. You demonstrate your naivety again by asking if we think that will stop school shootings; you're missing the point entirely. I wonder if you've read anything at all that's been posted in this thread?

Acting more secretive will only make this harmless hobby seem more suspicious to the uninformed John Q Public.
You still don't get it. We WANT John Q. Public to remain (relatively) uninformed because that's what keeps the heat off of us. If you really think that forcing airsoft into the public spotlight is a good idea with the current socio-political atmosphere, you are more naive than I had ever imagined. I can see the headlines now - "Militia Games Train Youths For Killing" or "Replica Assault Weapons Sold Openly On Internet". Get real.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 09:48   #57
Originally Posted by Gryphon
Originally Posted by sukivan
Wow, I am appalled at the attitudes of the people here.
Of course you are. You're 18 and still a bit naive. That's not meant as an insult but it's a simple generalization that applies to most teens that have little "real world" life experience. Your reaction is not surprising.

By slinking into obscurity, we would only be validating the asinine assumption that there is something shameful about airsofters taking photos of themselves. Hell, there is nothing wrong with taking photos of yourself with real guns, either.
Of course not. But try telling that to a knee-jerk liberal soccermom who's afraid of their kids being shot to death at school.

Any reporter trying to make hay out of a bunch of hobbyists playing with harmless airguns that shoot tiny plastic balls would get crucified by the public.
Case in point about youthful naivety. If you follow the news you'll see daily examples of sensationalism, mistruths, and falsehoods that the reporters are never crucified for. How often have we heard of "machine guns" or "rocket launchers" being seized in raids only to learn they were deactivated hunks of steel? The media is nearly immune unless the gaffe is substantial and obvious, and even then you're likely to get an apology at most. And that's if anyone notices. If you seriously believe a reporter would face discipline for villifying a gun-pose picture in the Gallery you are sorely mistaken.

Oh, and for those who are calling for a minimum reading/posting age for the gallery - may I ask what exactly you are hoping to accomplish?
You prevent people from outside the community from accessing it and viewing things they may misinterpret. By meeting someone face to face you can get a better understanding of their true motives and intentions. You demonstrate your naivety again by asking if we think that will stop school shootings; you're missing the point entirely. I wonder if you've read anything at all that's been posted in this thread?

Acting more secretive will only make this harmless hobby seem more suspicious to the uninformed John Q Public.
You still don't get it. We WANT John Q. Public to remain (relatively) uninformed because that's what keeps the heat off of us. If you really think that forcing airsoft into the public spotlight is a good idea with the current socio-political atmosphere, you are more naive than I had ever imagined. I can see the headlines now - "Militia Games Train Youths For Killing" or "Replica Assault Weapons Sold Openly On Internet". Get real.
agree with you there....cept I would have said "conservative soccer mom".

The general attitude of our community is "don't rock the boat". The less attention the better. Rather then going on a crusade and trying to win over the hearts of the rest of Canada, its better to remain unknown.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 10:09   #58
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My only arguement is this is airSOFTcanada, not or maybe we are being a little extreeme.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old September 20th, 2006, 10:15   #59
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Any steps we can take to prevent the sport being completely banned in Canada aren't too extreme for me.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 11:00   #60
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Good idea for the disclamer and the links to various resources on airsoft. We need to cover our asses and be as transparent as possible (sorry for the political speak).
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