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Do you prefer highcaps or low caps.


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Old April 20th, 2006, 15:42   #46
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Highcaps= the ghey. for the price or a highcap you can almost get a box of stars. I played my first year with stars... really learn to choose your shots. Now i have a loadout of TM's for my M4 and only 8 for my Aug. My 249 I rock the boxmag, but hey whats a support gunner going to give cover with star? I own a highcap or two for each gun for rentals but thats about it. If you go by the "i got more ammo than you so I win" I think you should go back to paintball your not going to fit well with most of us. I do believe in leniency for new guys but like i said box of stars 80-100, highcap (never bought one) 75+?
You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 16:09   #47
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As the signature says. Low.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 16:21   #48
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Depends where i play. I use lowcaps when i'm at the teams field. Paintball field require highcaps to keep up with the hoses running around. Ok fine...maybe not required, but handy as fuck.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 16:38   #49
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I have 20 TM locaps right now.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 17:57   #50
Im going to quote myself from a thread awhile back

Originally Posted by Droc
Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
Last time I checked, realism was the hallmark of airsoft.
No, looking real is the hallmark of airsoft. Far as Im concerned, there is nothing real about having 3000 rounds vs 300 rounds when your shots dont make it past 100 feet.
Real to look at, sure
real to play with no

Person 1: "dude, check out my urber realistic AEG. its 1:1 scale and full metal with USMC markings."

Person 2: "Sweet, shoot it"

Persons 1 & 2: "Oh, thats a shame, the BB wizzes out 170 feet like a drunken bird, sent off course by the slightest breath of air and stoped dead by a leaf."

Person 1: "atleast it looks real"

lowcap mags may be enhance realism in CQB enviorments, but in the bush, the dynamics of shooting a light weight BB at low velocity simply suck.
Looking like a real solider may be nice and all, but when you step out into a field and see your enemy 250 feet away, and neither of you can engage eachother...there is nothing real about it. In that case, even lazer games are more real since their trajectories are flat and their ranges can be far.
Shitty when you can toss a baseball further then your gun can shoot.

You get hardcore realism players who are dead set on real loadouts because it adds to the realism, yet they are so quick to dismiss the fact that the performance of their guns is no more real then the kids running around their backyards with paintball/softair ,elastic bands, or supersoakers. Sometimes a better balance in the attitudes needs to be reached. If your gonna toss away one aspect of realism, you gotta relax on the other.

understandably its a saftey issue.
saying that, I use star mags in my AR Thought I stick to my claim that 1bb does not = 1 bullet, thus 30 round lowcaps are infact not realistic.
But whatever floats your boat. Its all about having fun in your own way.
(W.K.Shuridys, not directed to you, just a place to put my rant)

either way, I got totally offtopic
If you want to simulate the loadout, then lowcaps are for you.
But lowcaps DO NOT make someone a better player, just a different player.

"OMFG he beat me because he had more ammo them me" is just a piss poor excuse. If you cant beat someone simply because they can lay down more firepower then you can, you really need to brush up on your skills.

enemy at 180 feet. Medium wind from the side.
Real steel, Bang, enemy eliminated
hicap, unload lots, enemy eliminated
lowcap...oh, while you were being a batter player, you got shot.

realism doesnt mean you spot your enemy, cant engage and have to go CQB on his ass. Realism would be able to engage your enemy regardless of wind or leaves.

Not every hicap user is a sprayer. I know guys who use hicaps and you wouldnt know. Just cause someone has a hicap doesnt cut their IQ in half.
If you think a hicap instantly turns someone into a paintballer, pull out your lowcap and put in a hicap. Did you get stupid? did you forget your tatics? No, its bullshat. You can play your way with or without lowcaps.

Real loadout
Real combat

its preferance. All this "skill" sounds like bad excuses. If you want to force yourself to play a specific way, thats fine. in the end its all personal preferance.

but it cuts a line between players. hicap users are newbs and lowcap users are elite. Over what? the excuse that one side plays like paintballers? weak.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 18:13   #51
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Well, umm, self-quoted? Hehe, ya, and it tends to burn my ass when I see "Those that use mag loadouts higher than 30rds are hoses. Play with 30rd mags, you become a better player because you are tactically more careful, yada, yada, yada." Only because it doesn't matter if I use 30rd Star mags, locaps, midcaps, or high caps, I treat each and everyone the same, and play the same no matter what. I choose my ammo weights better than I get picky about numbers of BBs in the mag. Have had enough experiences of 20-30 shots being taken at me using 0.20g BBs, through light brush, and none have gotten through. Dealt with it myself, even after I upgraded my MP5, shot 350fps and even that, would take numerous BBs to get a hit in those conditions. Up the BB weight, more realistic to a point. What would have taken me 10-20rds of 0.20g ammo, would take 3-5rd burst with 0.25g or heavier. Range gets better too. Give me a Star mag loaded with 30 x 0.20g BBs, I'll tell ya where to go. Give me a Star 30rd mag loaded with 0.25g, 0.28g or 0.30g, no problem, that's much higher performance if you know what you are doing for ballistics (case in point, I use 0.30g BBs very effectively in my G19........ shoots around 300fps with 0.20g...... out to 120ft easy. Hell, I could snipe with that thing if it wasn't so loud). Upping the weight on the ammo has greater advantages to ANY airsoft gun than upgrading and still using the featherweight indoor ammo.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 20:01   #52
Snake Eyes
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LOW CAPS definately.

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Close to becoming a full on WEtard.
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Old May 9th, 2006, 23:41   #53
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1 high cap.
Several low caps.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 06:30   #54
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Let it die?
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Old May 10th, 2006, 07:44   #55
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Fact: Having a Hicap mag takes away the added stress of haveing to reload mid fire fight. Good idea!
Fact: Standard or Lowcaps make a person conserve their shots. You can take a seasoned lowcap vetran and give him/her a Hicap and they WILL spray more with the confidence that they have the ammo. I normaly play with Lowcaps but recently played a few games with Hicaps and I tottaly sprayed more. Now I didn't spray as much as the other guys but hey that's the way they play on this field. I'm not saying anything bad here guys it's just a diffrent headspace, comforte zone.

Just my oppinion
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Old May 10th, 2006, 09:34   #56
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I tend to use both, how ever those that wanna simulate the realism of low cap load outs should carry weights to make up the difference between those light airsoft mags and real real steel load outs.

I wonder if there's enough room to put lead weight in the bottom of lowcaps since people aren't filling them to capacity.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 12:05   #57
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I only use starmags, found no real difference playing with ppl with hicaps, I just gotta reload a little more often.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 20:53   #58
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Recieved my box of Star Ak mags a fe weeks ago, and they're great, I only have 2 TM locaps before and these fit my needs perfectly. Nothing gets the blood pumping more then trying to open your mag pouches to reload while 3 guys are trying to flank you
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Old September 30th, 2006, 06:13   #59
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Originally Posted by zone 69
i was going to get four 190 round hicaps but ill have to think abuot it now maybe just 60 round mags i would need more mags then I just dont know now
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Old September 30th, 2006, 08:35   #60
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Originally Posted by zone 69
i was going to get four 190 round hicaps but ill have to think abuot it now maybe just 60 round mags i would need more mags then I just dont know now
Start by getting your age verified. If you dont, forget trying to buy anything.
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