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Is paintball better than airsoft?



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Old January 29th, 2013, 22:39   #46
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
I got two bruised ribs once from reballs damn things are heafty and dense and i seen a mask lense crack like a windshield from a frozen ball noone likez frozen balls of any kind. Lol i made a funny.
Also the ammount of people who are clearly splatered with paint who try n say it was spray off a wall or try n whipe it off on a wall or tree to claim they didnt get hit far fewwer "cheaters" in airsoft and in most cases in airsoft its just an honest mistake of not feelin it through mitiple layer of clothing and or gear.
Horray airsoft lol.
I use repalls only for practice into a blanket, but don't like to be hit by them in a game.

Reballs are suppose to be chrony a 260fps, but some players cheat by cranking up the velocity to 280 fps.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 00:44   #47
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
I use repalls only for practice into a blanket, but don't like to be hit by them in a game.

Reballs are suppose to be chrony a 260fps, but some players cheat by cranking up the velocity to 280 fps.
Unhonst players have been cranking there velocities up for years in paintball I've been bunker by a guy shooting at 400 FPS now that sucks

I've also been hit by a monster ball at 360 FPS from about 15 ft away doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing paintball

I've played against plenty of cheaters in both paintball and airsofters including guy's who just don't call there hit's or wipe

I love both paintball and airsoft there are cheaters in both but I will forever play them cause there are no other sports like them
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Old January 30th, 2013, 02:13   #48
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Originally Posted by Aj619 View Post
Unhonst players have been cranking there velocities up for years in paintball I've been bunker by a guy shooting at 400 FPS now that sucks

I've also been hit by a monster ball at 360 FPS from about 15 ft away doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing paintball

I've played against plenty of cheaters in both paintball and airsofters including guy's who just don't call there hit's or wipe

I love both paintball and airsoft there are cheaters in both but I will forever play them cause there are no other sports like them
Oh wow monster balls for all those who dont know

Ban Monster Ball from all fields - YouTube

Another +1 for airsoft .. BBs cant pop and leave all oil/paint in your bag of 500 paintballs with need to be cleaned before use

Last edited by MatthewRyan; January 30th, 2013 at 02:15..
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Old January 30th, 2013, 03:15   #49
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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There really is nothing to a paintball gun; not that there needs to be. They have made some interesting advancements, but the basic idea has never really changed. Drop in a paintball, hit it with air.

Airsoft is anything but stagnant though. Open bolt systems, Systema PTWs, it's all very exciting, and getting better all the time. Granted the basic AEG design hasn't changed much, but then it's more like a Harley Davidson in that regard. There are mosfets, integrated optics systems, high torque motors, better engineered batteries, quick change spring designs, etc. you can put some pretty unbelievable upgrades into an airsoft gun to make it better; not to mention any gun nowadays worth owning comes built with higher tolerances and made out of high grade CNC'd materials.

Every airsoft company that's worth talking about is working on a way to replace the Tokyo Marui style mechbox, but realism is a key selling point so I think more R&D will go into GBB technology. Remember as well that many things have already been tried, and perhaps have flopped.

When I stated that airsoft gear was better I wasn't just referring to the guns, but I still haven't seen a paintball gun that does the job of, or looks or feels as cool to shoot as a Fight Club Custom PTW, or an RA-Tech custom open bolt GBBR. Paintball pistols aren't even worth mentioning in a comparison, and neither are sniper rifles, LMGs, etc. Airsoft will always win in the realism department. But where airsoft really shines, is in the usage of real steel gear and airsoft adapted gear. Of course you can apply these things to paintball, but it wouldn't cross over as smoothly.

Injury wise, well that's a hard sell. Paintballs are bigger and this hold more kinetic energy, but their surfaces and shock absorbency are also higher. I had a buddy who got a concussion through his paintball mask. I've also had friends who've had BBs stuck in their skin, and remain to this day.

Paintball fields often have that goopy shit all over the place, or it gets on your eyewear and smears, or it breaks in your gun, etc, etc, etc. I don't mind getting my gear dirty, muddy, covered in sticks, but I sure as hell don't want yellow paint on it.

I can see how people enjoy paintball, I've played it; a bunch actually. No tournament play or anything so involved, but I've seen the gear, the air tanks, and the paintball loading systems .....No thanks, I moved onto something with a ridiculously higher potential, and even now offers so much more.

Paintball I found to be linear, as it always had a one or few directions. So at its most basic it was like a lesser form with the same goals in mind. Like a pocket bike all the way up to a Ducati SS and everything in between. Airsoft on the other hand is all over the place. There are so many different styles and groups that a sport style is hard to nail down. Most airsofters don't get to experience wearing truly special forces level engineered gear, play at games where all the guns shoot between 200 - 300 feet plus, get hunted by guys with gen-3 plus night vision, have camouflage that'll hide you from someone who is almost standing on you, snipers who's guns are dead silent, etc, etc. to me, that is airsoft, and that is what I compare to paintball. Running around with your friends with a $300 gun, and whatever replica gear you could get your hands on is a bad example. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but the perspective is way off in comparison.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old January 30th, 2013, 03:40   #50
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personally if I was to have to choose a sport to stay in I would stay with paintball it's my first love the smell of the paint and fresh cut grass the calm just before the game the ref yells go go go the sound of ten paintball gun firing all at the same time the rush to the snake the running down and bunkering of people and people running down and bunkering me the massive moves the speed the intensity and overall competitiveness of it it all being dirty and full of paint at the end of a hard tournament or practice the yelling and screaming of opposite teams positions the thought that goes into each move the hilarity of some of the bunker name (Dorito Huhuhuh and it even said doritos and had the skwiglly line on it on the bunker) just the pure awesomeness of winning a tournament and the feeling you and your brothers feel when you lose you laugh together you cry together and you all love the sport together (cause god knows even if you make it to the pros it ain't gonna pay you bills) maybe it's cause I've always said paintball was destined to be play of a speedball field but I've always felt out of place playing woodsball which is why I took up airsoft it feels more at home in the woods but paintball will always be my first love I can never give it up

BTW the polar star fusion engine is basically a paintball gun able to shoot BB's works the same way with a board, solenoid, air tank, and regulator I'd just like to see them incorporate and Low pressure regulator along with the high pressure regulator allows you to tune for efficiency or smoothness or even if they could get it to run with a Super low pressure regulator on the air tank so it could become even more efficient

as I said earlier I will always love both paintball and airsoft and will never stop playing either of them I just wish for airsoft to learn from paintball's mistakes and succeeds (cause if airsoft becomes mainstream then paintball won't be so looked down upon either)

Sorry about any spelling mistakes and lack of grammer it's to late to care LOL
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Old January 30th, 2013, 09:47   #51
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Originally Posted by MatthewRyan View Post
Oh wow monster balls for all those who dont know

Ban Monster Ball from all fields - YouTube

Another +1 for airsoft .. BBs cant pop and leave all oil/paint in your bag of 500 paintballs with need to be cleaned before use
Monster balls are custom made to have a long long shelf life and hit hard.

Hmm, it would be a nice .68 cal bbs for the M200.

Last edited by SuperHog; January 30th, 2013 at 22:12..
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Old February 3rd, 2013, 23:42   #52
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
It's all about personal preference
Some people fucking LOVE nascar
I personally don't see how watching a car make left turns for 500 laps requires any skill
So I'm die hard formula 1

But yeah, personal preference lol
Welcome to airsoft!
+1 to this. Except the F1 thing. Its all about NASCAR bro. On a serious note though I chose airsoft more for the reason that pretty much all my buddies that were into guns airsofted. Easy choice if you ask me.

Last edited by scubasteve; February 3rd, 2013 at 23:46..
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Old May 27th, 2013, 23:50   #53
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At my local paintball field, its $120 for a case of paint. Plus a $10 entry fee. So $130 for a day

At my local airsoft field, its $30 for a bag of bbs. Plus a $10 entry fee. The catch. A bag off bbs lasts me 3-4 weeks.

Conclusion. It costs $70 to play airsoft every weekend for a month. Compared to paintball's $130 a day. Idk about you but that alone was enough to make me all airsoft.
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Old May 28th, 2013, 07:00   #54
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I hear getting hit by a simulated round up close is like getting hit by a truck least we know hits would be called .....or cried, whatever.

from personnal experience .38 special and .40 s&w simunition are like getting hit by paintball at 280 fps at 10 feet. Never been hit by rifle rounds.

At about 1$ a round it would get expensive quite fast...

and like others said... it's all about personnal preference... I don't see the point of going around on a track for hundreds of laps... it's boring...pointless and to controled IMO. bring it out in the sesert where there is no track, no pits, no controled environment from point a to point b now you are talking....
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

Murphy's second rule: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.

Last edited by vondnik; May 28th, 2013 at 07:04..
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Old May 28th, 2013, 09:10   #55
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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wait wait wait, you mean....turning to the RIGHT? and only SOME OF THE TIME?
A track that has both left and right turns, HA, yeah right, who would pay to watch that? LOL
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Old May 28th, 2013, 10:44   #56
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actually.. nascars are set up to automagically turn into the lefts on an oval.. a driver actually counter steers the car out of the corner.

I remember when they brought the busch series to montreal.. the cars couldn't do the hairpin... they had to slow down so much to get the car to turn... it was rather hilarious.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 30th, 2014, 01:15   #57
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As much as I love airsoft, and the realistic gear and tactics that comes with it, there's much to be loved about a good speedball tourney. Still airsoft overall I think is a better sport in most ways.
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Old January 30th, 2014, 06:41   #58
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Wow, I've only read a few pages on this semi-old thread and I'm not surprised to read that most people on an airsoft forum prefer airsoft.

Whoever said that the technology in paintball hasn't advanced like in airsoft has not really seen the evolution of that hobby. From smart hoppers, carbon-fibre compressed air systems, trigger board circuits, break-beam eyes, better paint manufactures, multi-bore barrel systems... probably a few more things that have been invented/introduced since I stopped playing a long time ago.

They are both similar yet different, I don't know why it's human nature for groups that share similar themes to claim dominance over the other... play both and then decide what's best for you, not necessarily me or others.

Last edited by Red Dot; January 30th, 2014 at 06:45..
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Old January 30th, 2014, 07:17   #59
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I totally agree, the main problem with airsoft IMO is the lack of manufacturers support for their products. The Guaranties provided by Chinese and Taiwanese companies are pretty much non existant. Some companies with divisions in America are trying though (Umarex, echo 1, KWA, etc.) but this doesnt mean jack for us in Canada. Furthermore is ofter easier to fix things yourself.

My point is that due to lack of OEM support, most ppl stay away from new and proprietary designs, slowing down innovation (Ares, I'm looking at you)

What pisses me off, however, is that most AEG technical innovations in the last 10 years have come from players, and not from manufacturers (i.e radiused shells, AOE, DSG, swiss cheesed pistons, R-hop/ G-hop, etc..)

Its mind boggling that AEGs dont come AOE corrected from the factory, even freaking upgrade parts such as Lonex drop in gearboxes dont, I mean how fucking difficult is it ? !

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Old January 30th, 2014, 09:13   #60
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Airsoft consumers are gullible. They continue to purchase pot metal based airsoft guns. If manufacturer "A" offer a CNC'd M4 at $600, and manufacturer "B" offer a pot metal version at $590, the consumer will buy pot metal to save $10. That is reality.

Madbull pays hefty license fees to produce their rails, but ACM stuff out sell them at a slightly lower price.

In the paintball world, markers are mostly cnc milled billet. Pot metal would not sell well at all.

If Ares are so bad why do they continue to sell tons?? Because the airsoft consumer is gullible.

Last edited by SuperHog; January 30th, 2014 at 09:56..
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