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Flakers - Why not have a game feedback system?



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Old October 26th, 2009, 15:01   #31
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Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
What do we do about Walk ins? I have plenty moments where people just show up. some arent even active on here. Is it a bad thing to let them play?
walk ins should be fine as a lot of players do not care for the forum "politics" so they no longer come here.

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Old October 26th, 2009, 15:03   #32
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
I agree but if it says "Rain Or Shine" and people still say in and dont come if it rains, ruins the turn out there were times were if i knew that little people were gonan turn out I would have not had the game at all.
Of course .. your opinion has little weight.. due to your own behavior.

Confirming for a spot in a game.. dumping out last minute to attend another game and then dissembling about it does not provide the example of integrity that we are trying to engender in the player base.

If you want to talk the talk one needs to walk the walk.

People who want to be hosts need to illustrate the attributes they expect in players. This is the foundation of respect.

Game hosts know for the most part who the flakers are.. and we have a spot on here where we can discuss and share such information.

Personally Ill dump flakers from my roster if I see they are not good to their word.

Everyone understands that things come up that this is a hobby and a passtime .. but it is often more to the people who invest their time and often their money to organize events for the players.

what people need to understand that a game is a product.. your "in" in the game thread is your agreement to purchase that product. the product is delivered .. but you not showing means the product was delivered but you NEVER PAID FOR IT.

in games with specific roles or caps those spots are key to the game enjoyment for everyone. When players flake they are ripping off the game host .. and their fellow players.

When you post "in" what that means is you commit to attend and participate in the game regardless of weather, bugs.. or whatever because you would not have posted your committment if it was based on the weather being good.

If you are a fair weather player then you should be content with games that allow walk on or that are not capped and you should never expect to have any sort of defined role in any game. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T BE TRUSTED TO SHOW UP.

There is NOTHING WRONG with being a fair weather player .. not everyone has the desire or the equipment to be able to participate in all environments. That's fine.. just don't hold yourself out as a player that is.

And if you want those sorts of roles then get yourself sorted out to play them.. just becasue you want something does not mean you should get it.


posting tentative simply means "hey Ill come if I have nothing better to do" it's an insult to the hosts and to your fellow players.

either you are in or you are out .. If you don't know then don't post till you are sure.

If you post "in" and something comes up then have the respect to PM the game host and let him / Her know that you can't make it and why.

then post in the thread "out" no one needs to know why you are out other than the host.

If the why is.. " turns out I'd rather go to another game" then say that. Truth is what gets you respect not BS
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 26th, 2009, 15:37   #33
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people...hosts and sponsers and Bastards alike all spend their own money on games so that we all can enjoy and in some cases just be confortable because of the inclement weather and temperatures...THANKS JAY!!!

this is OUT OF POCKET money that, in come cases, can only be hoped to be broken even.

props, food, first aid...etc etc etc etc....but most importantly ALL OUR TIME. those of you selfish, soft, inconsiderate lot all effect OUR time and peoples money.

THINK ABOUT IT. if it means that little to you than just go ahead and play some speedball with glorified plumbing where you can share that same shitty attitude with like minded children.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 17:56   #34
aka coachster
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Thank you Brian and Ducky. Took the words right out of my typing fingers.

I wasn't going to originally post this but since Able1 is trying to play both sides of the fence I'll use him as an example.

September 2nd 16:19 - Zombies
Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
Im down, also as long as it aint in the middle of nowhere, pmcs please.
Interest shown prior to field location. Name is added to the list of attendees.

September 19th, 09:02 - Zombies

Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
I was about to ask that lol and can anyone car pool"?

September 23rd, 22:57 - Zombies

Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
Hey Bud! I have never played zombies so i dunno what im supposed to do as a human I know I have a gun am i just supposed to survive?
More chatter. Field Change to FTF confirmed at 22:37

No here's where it gets interesting!

October 13th, 12:53 - Zombies

Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
May I switch to pmc with 4 other guys that want in, cause I know 4 guys that want in.
Definite interest plus confirmation 4 others want to play. Group of 5 confirmed as PMC's on list of attendees.

October 13th, 21:12 - CQB

Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
Roger roger Eco is coming.
huh? how do you forget that you just signed your team up for another game?

October 14th, 14:10 (edited at 14:29) - CQB

Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
for now Matt, Mike, Alex,shaku myself. are confirmed at the moment.

October 16th, 18:42 - CQB

Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
All In.
Still no post on the Z4 thread about dropping out.

October 19th, 01:47 - Zombies

Originally Posted by Able1 View Post
Sorry Prime, All Pmc's are out. thanks.
A week after asking to be PMC's and confirming yourself in another game!

Able1 aka Joeyaglr444 - You've lost any possible credibility in my books.

Another thing unrelated to Able1 that I'd like to note is that Scarecrow bought, with his own money, food to feed 30 odd people Saturday night. He committed to purchase, setup, cook and clean up with the assumption that roughly 30 people were to attend. At $5 a head, which is just about cost, he was expecting to break even. 15 guys paying $5 didn't cover it and do you know what? Scarecrow ate the loss because you all flaked. Heck, if I was in that position I'd be down right pissed but Scarecrow's a stand up guy and looks after people that appreciate his efforts.

Zeon also spent a fair amount of time trying to plan this and come up with alternatives when PMC's dropped out twice. Coming up with contingency plans to make sure that the day could move forward isn't easy. Both Duckman and Brian M weren't suppose to be active players but assist with game control to make sure things went smoothly. They both stepped up and took on the role of PMC's so that the game wouldn't be a flop. In addition, I know Zeon also spent money on props and respawn point markers so that we could differentiate between them and not have to say "your respawn point is that tree over there and yours is this tree with the broken branch.".

The people who whine and complain about the weather probably still have their mommies dress them for school. Come on guys, get a pair of boots and a fleece/rain shell and pack a spare set of clothes. IT'S REALLY NOT THAT HARD. So what if you get wet? Change into your dry clothes after. If you dress for inclement weather, you won't even feel it.

Last edited by coach; October 26th, 2009 at 18:03..
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:12   #35
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Okay, let me get this straight, he knowingly signed up for two games on the same date?
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:13   #36
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
Okay, let me get this straight, he knowingly signed up for two games on the same date?
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:32   #37
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i agree that there should be a game flakers book\thread whatever for players but in the same regard we should have one for the hosts as well how many times have you kitted up with the intentions of a certain scenario only to have it switched last second and completly throwing a fuck into everything you prepared for. or for when the game states certain times only to finish 3 hours early and so on and so on.

just my opinion. hell if your gonna shit on the players be prepared to take some shit too
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:34   #38
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
Wow... nice detective work there Coach. Thats pretty low right there, practically 2 hours apart, signing up for both games, and then completely forgetting about Zombies till nearly the last minute..
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:35   #39
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
Okay, let me get this straight, he knowingly signed up for two games on the same date?
yeah.... and when i called him on it by PM ( before i noted that he had signed up at CQB he said " all his guys got tapped for work and could not make it"

But it seems they made it to CQB..

It's bad form to turf a game you confirmed at and go to another instead.. but it's bad character to dissemble about it when called on it.

There is exactly one thing that you carry with you wherever you go .. that you can't put down .. Your reputation .. it's up to you how heavy it gets.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:39   #40
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
There is exactly one thing that you carry with you wherever you go .. that you can't put down .. Your reputation .. it's up to you how heavy it gets.

well said sir!
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:41   #41
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Spawn28 View Post
i agree that there should be a game flakers book\thread whatever for players but in the same regard we should have one for the hosts as well how many times have you kitted up with the intentions of a certain scenario only to have it switched last second and completly throwing a fuck into everything you prepared for. or for when the game states certain times only to finish 3 hours early and so on and so on.

just my opinion. hell if your gonna shit on the players be prepared to take some shit too
that is what the AAR is for.. to post your opinions in public about how a game went. then people make their own assessment of hosts.

and who said anyone was going to "shit" on anyone? Shitting on someone presumes that thay are blameless and don't deserve censure.

a player accruing a bad rep as a flaker and being known and recorded as such is not "shitting" on them any more than people being outed as bad traders for transactions gone wrong.

if you rip me off in a deal and I tell others to warn them that you are not to be trusted to deal with am I "shitting on you"? or reporting the truth?
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 26th, 2009, 18:50   #42
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well mayey i worded it wrong it wasnt ment to start a argument just that ther 2 sides to every coin..

but those guys who confirmed and went to another game should not get away with it. thats just being a bunch of assholes.
wich leads me to a big question why did they do it? and why they didnt informe the other host?
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Old October 26th, 2009, 19:13   #43
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
yeah.... and when i called him on it by PM ( before i noted that he had signed up at CQB he said " all his guys got tapped for work and could not make it"

But it seems they made it to CQB..

It's bad form to turf a game you confirmed at and go to another instead.. but it's bad character to dissemble about it when called on it.

There is exactly one thing that you carry with you wherever you go .. that you can't put down .. Your reputation .. it's up to you how heavy it gets.
wow! he blatantly lied about it to you. pathetic.
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Old October 26th, 2009, 19:16   #44
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
wow! he blatantly lied about it to you. pathetic.
I did not say that... I said he dissembled, there could have been a missunderstanding..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old October 26th, 2009, 19:25   #45
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regardless of who said what in an isolated incident it's just an example of this topic right?

individuals need to remember and honour the the commitments and if signing up as a team should involve clear communication BEFORE signing up and taking what may be very important roles in the game.

not showing or noncommunication of legitimate reasons for not being able to make it just isnt cool and is a blatant display of a lack of integrity and respect to all.
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