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Old March 5th, 2009, 10:39   #31
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
yar har har har... the intarweb is a profitable sea.

Just watched the first 10 minutes.... good stuff already.
Check out the dude with the AK in there. He's fast.
You're going to want an AR after these DVDs. lol

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Old March 5th, 2009, 15:42   #32
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Check out the dude with the AK in there. He's fast.
You're going to want an AR after these DVDs. lol
Why is it they always protray the AK guy as being some "tacticool-mall-ninja"? Anyhow, this is what I thought about after watching the DVDs:

After DVD 1:
- Reconsidered BZO (Battle Zero - Reset to 50 yards)
Using 55 or 62 grain (M193 or M855) less hold overs with a 50m/50yard BZO than a 300 m standard. If I do my part I will be + or - 2" from my POI (Point of Impact) to around 200-250 meters, after that I need to hold over 10" at 300 m, easier to remember.

- Reconsidered Gear Placement (Indexing From Hip/Belt Primary & Pistol Mags)

- Want SBRs (Short-Barrel-Rifles)
Means I would have to switch to using a 69 to 77 grain (MK262) for better terminal ballistics with regard to fragmentation at lower muzzle velocities inherent with short barrel rifles.

- Reconsidered Absolute-Co-Witness or 1/3 Lower Co-Witness with BUIS
- Need to Test 24 USGI Mags & 30 Pmags for Functionality While Prone (Weapon Resting on Mag)
- Want a BAD (Bolt Assit Device)

- Possibly a Blue Force Redi-Mag

- Integrated Knee-Pads are a Must for Some Drills

After DVD 2:
- Ambi Setup (Safety, Charging Handle, Norgon Mag Catch)

- Want Suppressor (Advance Armament M4-3000)

- Want Full-Auto Receiver
Hell might as well go for it all, SBR, Suppressor and Full-auto, the most "evil" black rifle...muahawah!

- With an NFA Gun Probably Want a AR Piston as the Base (LWRC, LMT, or Converison)
- Need at Least Soft Armor Plates (Drills on Barricades/Barriers/Steel)
- Maybe Cermanic Plates/Helmet
- Need More .223/5.56 (Get Wolf or Start Reloading)

After DVD 3:
- Need to attend a rigorious carbine/shotgun/pistol course this year (SRT Group - Regina, EAG Tactical - Rogers, Tactical Response - Yeager, Front Sight, etc.)
Last course I took was for my CCL.

- "Two is one and one is none." Two Flashlights
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Last edited by Ming_the_Merciless; March 5th, 2009 at 15:54..
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Old March 5th, 2009, 16:00   #33
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Originally Posted by Ming_the_Merciless View Post
- Want Suppressor (Advance Armament M4-3000)

I believe it's an M4 2000. Not 3000.
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Old March 5th, 2009, 16:13   #34
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Where the hell do I even find the double flashlight mount like that?

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Old March 5th, 2009, 16:17   #35
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Old March 5th, 2009, 16:31   #36
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Check out the dude with the AK in there. He's fast.
You're going to want an AR after these DVDs. lol
I do want a M4 already...
Even if I don't really like M4...
There is so much shit I can put on one and gear to go with it... it would be stupid to ignor it anyfurther...

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Old March 5th, 2009, 16:38   #37
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Where the hell do I even find the double flashlight mount like that?
I don't know of another manufacturer other than LaRue. It will definitely make the gun more front heavy, but if you plan on getting to or expect to fight in low-light, this is good force multiplier. After looking into the Strategos Int'l stuff, and getting strobed myself, I am convinced I need a light set on high (~200 lumens), nothing higher as it presents self-binding issues as it will illuminate/reflect off the dry wall too, and another set on strobe.

I do want a M4 already...
Even if I don't really like M4...
There is so much shit I can put on one and gear to go with it... it would be stupid to ignor it anyfurther...
No kidding, opens a nice door, door to your wallet....

And when you think your finally done, making it tacticool, something always comes along. Your never finished!

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I believe it's an M4 2000. Not 3000.
Very astute, the images show the 2000. However, I was able to demo the M4 3000 can a few months back when Kansas became an NFA state, well at least thats what the NFA/Class III dealer said it was though it could of been a 2000, he apparently gets to T&E cans along with other NFA items for a living. And if your wondering on a public release date for it, I have no clue.

One of the distinct things I remember, was the lack of back pressure, as many people running cans have the PRI gas buster and this AR didn't. And the second was it seem to damp the muzzle retort more than a 9mm suppressor, Gemtech if I am not mistaken.
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Last edited by Ming_the_Merciless; March 5th, 2009 at 16:53..
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Old March 5th, 2009, 16:39   #38
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Originally Posted by Ming_the_Merciless View Post
Very astute, the images show the 2000. However, I was able to demo the M4 3000 can a few months back from a NFA/Class III dealer locally, he T&E cans along with other NFA items for a living. However, unsure on the release date for it.

What I was suprised about was the lack of back pressure, as much people running cans have the PRI gas buster.
Interesting. What are the differences between the 2000 and the 3000? (The photos you linked were of the 2000, which is why I corrected.)
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Old March 5th, 2009, 17:01   #39
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Interesting. What are the differences between the 2000 and the 3000? (The photos you linked were of the 2000, which is why I corrected.)
Good question, but I have no idea. I am not a "can" guy yet, but I would assume it has better damping characteristics with the geometry/number of baffles within the suppressor, by what percentage of dB its better I can't quantify. However, whats disappointing, at least this is what the dealer told me, was Adanvced Armament sells the suppressor and flashhider separately. Before they came together, so plan on spending an extra $100 to get the adapter for the suppressor
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Old March 5th, 2009, 21:40   #40
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Holly shit I just finished the DVD set and I learned so much. Now I need to get some time on the range and practice the drills.

Even for pistols, wich are not covered in lots of details. But I picked up a lot of good tips.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old March 5th, 2009, 21:45   #41
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
Holly shit I just finished the DVD set and I learned so much. Now I need to get some time on the range and practice the drills.

Even for pistols, wich are not covered in lots of details. But I picked up a lot of good tips.
Not really much about handling recoil on pistols, but it's okay, it's a carbine video anyways.
There's so many little things in there that help you improve so much. Little things like how to hold the verticle grip..

But I caught that Travis was shooting his rifle in prone while his gun rested onto the ground from his magazine. You're not supposed to do that because the magazine might not function correctly or something right?

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Old March 5th, 2009, 22:14   #42
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He mentionned it in the first DVD. And contradicted himself on the second I think. But the logic in that is not to give a push on the mag so it does not become off center in the magwell. Since his prone position is "perfect", that is, he's not pushing on the rifle, only resting it on the ground, he would probably not induce a malfuction.

As long as the rifle rest on the ground, and not you resting on the rifle. That's my understanding of it.

About the pistol, I liked how he position his hands. His support hand, or reaction hand, like he say, rest very far up the gun, with the thumb pointing toward the target and hugging the base of the slide without touching it. I'm more used to have both hand as close as possible to the pistol grip with both thumbs pointing the target from there. Not so much as resting the whole gun in the support hand like he does. I practiced his technique a bit, and found it heasyer to acquire a firm grip on the pistol, and it's a bit quicker to point on the target.

I can't practice all his rifle drills, as I only have sniper rifles (M24 and L96) and a P90. But some of the stands and transitions can be applyed and adapted. The logic behind it is aplicable to nearly all firearms.

I'm impressed and I will have my teamate watch that DVD and we will incorporate some stuff into our own tactics.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old March 5th, 2009, 22:21   #43
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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There is more to this if you see the class on youtube. There's more about the knee switching when shooting behind the wall.

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Old March 6th, 2009, 10:13   #44
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
Not really much about handling recoil on pistols, but it's okay, it's a carbine video anyways. There's so many little things in there that help you improve so much. Little things like how to hold the verticle grip..
Both instructors adovocate and are seen using the isosceles/modified isoceles opposed to Chapman or weaver stance with regard to pistols. Chris Costa emphasizes also the need to follow through with the shot, feeling the trigger reset opposed to slapping the shit out of the trigger. These fundamentals are often hard to remember when your moving and gunning, shooting around barriers, group/team shooting, but thats why we practice.

For more details about handgun tactics, there is definitely a wealth of information, more so than carbine tactics with respect to physical literature, books, articles, etc. So I foundKyle E. Lamb's Green Eyes Black Rifles great resource to the tac community. Any how here is a good online article detailing the evolution of the combat grip styles/techniques:

Here are some videos from Springer Precision, they do custom work, great work at that, with the Springfield Armory XDs:

The videos give a no BS assesment of the "optimal" grip, shows the mechanics of controling recoil that are critical to consistent hammer drills/control pairs.

Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman
But I caught that Travis was shooting his rifle in prone while his gun rested onto the ground from his magazine. You're not supposed to do that because the magazine might not function correctly or something right?
Originally Posted by FOX_111
He mentionned it in the first DVD. And contradicted himself on the second I think. But the logic in that is not to give a push on the mag so it does not become off center in the magwell. Since his prone position is "perfect", that is, he's not pushing on the rifle, only resting it on the ground, he would probably not induce a malfuction.

As long as the rifle rest on the ground, and not you resting on the rifle. That's my understanding of it.
Well thats close, but not entirely there, I'll explain. As for the contradiction, yes you heard right. Chris Costa contention is don't risk placing your magazine on the ground with the weapon weight resting solely on it, whereas Travis Haley counters that any good functioning magazine will work even with the weapon weight resting on magazine in prone position.

The myth or the justification for not resting the weapon on the magazine in prone is it may induce a failure to feed. This should be a non-issue if your using an AR with a properly spec magwell, along with the use of good quality magazines. However there are occassions where people have magazines that so worn out back from the "Jane-Fonda-Era", and attempt to use them when they should be replaced entirely. Basically the combination of an out of spec mag well, and/or worn magazines can induce failure as the round may hit far too low before reaching the feed ramps.

There are two style of feed ramps on ARs, some have rifle cuts other have the M4 cuts. If your gunning full-auto, or use higher grain bullets, then the M4 feed ramps are a must have. That said, I have an AR with just the rifle cuts, and have yet to experience a problem, but I suppose another argument can be made for M4 cuts for those that shoot with the weight resting on the mag.

Moreover, just an FYI, what I especially like about the Pmag, is the tighter tolerances it has opposed to the USGI mags. You'll notice less play within the mag well, whereas with the USGI mags there can be a considerable amount of play, though I have yet to have a failure due to this. However, though the tolerances are higher, this has caused issues with out of spec receivers, not enough bi-leveling, and failures to drop or seed fully. Which is part of the reason for the new "M" Pmag, which I am not entirely as fond of, has the same amount of play as a USGI mag.

(Third One From The Left)

Supposedly Magpul will phase out the previous mold of the non-window Pmag and use the new "M" Pmag.
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Last edited by Ming_the_Merciless; March 6th, 2009 at 10:41..
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Old March 11th, 2009, 14:23   #45
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It will be interesting to see how thigns pan out for Magpul once the fad is over. Anyone (real users) tried using these mags in comparison to the old school Thermo's?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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