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Old April 3rd, 2008, 00:18   #31
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Out of the box, Krakens are a huge leap above any other clearsoft or low end airsoft. Of that, there's no doubt. We hears tons of testimonials from owners who run them stock for long periods with minimal issues. For the price, you can't beat a Kraken.But are they as accurate as a TM AK? No. Are they as physically durable? No. Are they as likely to last as long? No. They're cheap guns that perform quite well for the money, and the fact that they're TM clones means they can easily and fairly cheaply repaired and upgraded. I personally think that makes them a great starter gun for a noob, whether it comes with a clear or black receiver.

If one takes the time to perform a little service on the gun when it's brand new, it can be quite reliable. Once metal bushings are installed and the gears are correctly shimmed and greased, the mechbox is pretty reliable for a low end gun. It will run smoothly for thousands of rounds.

Now, the same thing that makes the Kraken cheap to repair also makes it an awesome starting point for anyone wanting to use it as an upgrade platform. One can upgrade the compression system and have a very reliable mechbox that shoots consistently. Add some better gears to that and you have a rock solid mechbox. Add a new hopup, metal body and wood kit, and you now have a reliable, fully metal AK that shoots hard for less than the price of an ABS TM AK that shoots at 280-290 FPS.

And that last part is one thing that makes this gun great for noobs if they're willing to learn how to service their own guns. They can start with a stock Kraken at an affordable, entry-level price, and they can slowly upgrade the gun as they go.
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 00:21   #32
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 00:21   #33
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my kraken lasted for about 3 months and it took 13000+ rounds before it broke down
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 00:29   #34
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Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
can somebody post a pic or a link to one of these krakens?
you all got me curious now
Oh man, you are an AMERICAN,

Why do you continue to obsess over shitty guns?
You cant possibly comprehend how lucky you guys have it down there in terms of airsoft, you can ghet stuff that we need to pay an arm and leg for for relatively low cost.

MAN GET people up here get krakens as a make work project or as a low end entry level gun suitable for newbs or as a rental.

Dont tke any of this personally I am NOT attacking you, but in canada CA guns are allmost all upwards of $600 I got mine for 800$. So what im getting at is you dont have to settle when you can get sweet stuff.......dont get a kraken you can do better.

And GOD Bless America, I love your country and Vote MCcain for President ( I am serious)

Sorry about the thread jack...
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 00:32   #35
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Originally Posted by KNIVEZS View Post
my kraken lasted for about 3 months and it took 13000+ rounds before it broke down
Well, your Kraken outlasted my TM M4. It decided to snack on its own gears at about 10 000 rounds. By contrast, I have a cheap Double Eagle AK with a clear receiver. It's seen almost 20 000 rounds, mostly on sustained full auto sprays. It's 100% stock and never opened, and mechanically and still shoots fine. It fell and the stock broke off, cracking the (non TM compatible) receiver, so it's pretty much fucked unless I rebuild it from the ground up (which I plan on doing someday). But it goes to show that cheap guns can last

Some cheap guns last, some don't. Just like some expensive guns break down easily. For a good example, check out the thread below and read about all the problems wildcard is having with all 3 of his $2500 PTWs.
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:07   #36
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Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
i just wanted to see what a kraken was
lol for someone with your post count, you're telling me that you've NEVER heard of a Kraken? wtf and all that bs you been talking about clearguns etc. as far as I know in the states they don't need to have clear receivers so why all the lame complaints about these probably fictional people using clearsofts?

if you live in the states and you use clearsofts you have GOT to be an idiot end of story.

plain talk, bad manners
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:27   #37
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When I mentioned your post count I was pointing out that you have obviously spent a fair amount of time browsing this forum. Do you mean to tell me that in all your surfing of this forum, you've never come accross any threads discussing Krakens? What kind of retard are you? no don't answer that, you're American, it figures...
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:32   #38
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
When I mentioned your post count I was pointing out that you have obviously spent a fair amount of time browsing this forum. Do you mean to tell me that in all your surfing of this forum, you've never come accross any threads discussing Krakens? What kind of retard are you? no don't answer that, you're American, it figures...
Stereotype of the day: Americans are ignorant

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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:37   #39
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hey it ain't a stereotype if it's true
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:39   #40
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Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
im new to airsoft. im trying to learn things in here. why cant you just cut me some slack?
Flaming people is what we do when we need more entertainment.

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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:42   #41
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Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
i havent bothered with threads about krakens seeing as how i know nothing about them. you would then flame me for posting in a thread about something i dont know anything about.
yes i got the fact that they were clear and since i dont like clear guns then that in turn would suggest i dont plan on buying a kraken wouldnt it?
im new to airsoft. im trying to learn things in here. why cant you just cut me some slack?
LOL ok...

So correct me if I'm wrong here, but you would not bother with a thread about Krakens because you don't know anything about them, yet you are new to airsoft and you are "trying to learn things here" anyone else recognize that this guy is a tard?
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:46   #42
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
LOL ok...

So correct me if I'm wrong here, but you would not bother with a thread about Krakens because you don't know anything about them, yet you are new to airsoft and you are "trying to learn things here" anyone else recognize that this guy is a tard?
Reminds me of my brother. Imagine someone so dense as to say that the really good airsoft guns are plastic, then backtrack and say the good mags are plastic.

According to that theory, I could go to San Diego at the mall and pick up a nice 24" m4 for about $30 and have a better gun than my TM m4s. May not be full size, may not be metal, may even be a springer, but it's still not a clearsoft :banghead:

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Old April 3rd, 2008, 01:49   #43
AXe Hound
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the kraken IMO is good for two things new people starting out and people who want a new project because it makes a really good plat form to work upon like shown hear
this is my (kraken)with a bit of work it will out perform a TM and at a way cheaper price
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 04:06   #44
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For some reason americans seem to find there way here instead their own forums down south. Maybe its because we are more helpful than others. Maybe its because when you type in the word airsoft in google ASC is the third link down from the top. Then again thats I tried to use but it just kept looping me back to .ca, but heck when you use altavista or ASC isnt even on any of the first 3 pages. So who knows how they find us. Who cares.

Anyways to my point, despite where your from theres got to be some proper etiquette, after all your visiting another countrys forum asking for help, and yes many will aid but when a person asks to be spoon fed continuously without showing any effort that they have even made the slightest effort to research the info themselves they begin to be treated like they have over stayed their welcome. Actually scratch the begining of my statement, its pretty much universal no matter where your from in country or not.

You dont go over to your friends buddies place of whom you dont know and start helping yourself to the beer and pretzels and act like you own the place, if you do your just an ass hat asking to have his teeth handed back to you. Regardless who you are or where your from, you act polite, they offer you a pint you say thanks, you act accordingly and dont over step and bounds and eventually your friends friend will be your friend as well.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; April 3rd, 2008 at 04:08..
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Old April 3rd, 2008, 07:33   #45
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Hey Dusti69, I think its a heads up that you should post in the American Forum...

I got enough to buy these "Kraken" airsoft guns, is it worth it? Or should I just save up for a REAL one? There seems to be many opinions...
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