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New Indoor Paintball and Airsoft field



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Old September 13th, 2007, 02:24   #31
Savage Haggis
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Wtf? Why would I shoot lights out?

.... but...soo many..unprotected lights.... almost... hypnotizing... *twitch*...
Here ya go, Pal...

There's billions more where these came from...

I'll go charge up the other batteries & come back with a keg of Bacardi's & a couple bags of ice.

You go ahead & get started with me - I'll be back in a minute...
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Quite the thread; seen the return of Savage Haggis and the end of an empire.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 02:44   #32
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WTF? Whoever came up with that slogan, is a moron.

"Librarian by day-Bacardi by night" ? So what? She's a transformer, who transforms herself into a glass? A glass filled with an alcoholic beverage?

Sheesh. I coulda come up with something wittier, FFS...

Oh, almost forgot... I shoot .28s. And DAMN, a minute? Quickest I could ever go was 15 mins. Hmm. Speed comes with experience, eh? hahahahahah (just razzin' ya, bud)
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Old September 13th, 2007, 10:10   #33
Join Date: Sep 2007
Hello all,

I've been following this thread for the last 2 days now and I can say it is very interesting. I wanted to know more about this Tri-Balle indoor field after I saw an advertisement on and heard a pub on Tag Radio.

I am not a airsoft player myself (even if I've always been insterested in trying it out). I am a paintball player. From what I understand, this indoor field will also be a paintball field. That's great news for the paintball community in Gatineau.

However, I am a little bit concerned about the people who will run this show. Can't say that I heard great things about Mr. Patenaude and the threads on these forums only confirms what I've heard previously. I won't go into great details but someone very close to me is still looking for his money. Personally, I don't care if this indoor field works out or not. And honestly, I hope it will because I would like to play indoor paintball during the winter. PSI is just not my kind of place, that's why I don't go there. I just hope that Mr. Patenaude won't try to rip off the young paintball kids who will go play at his field. By the way, is Boris still involved in the project ?

Sorry for the flames. I know this seems totally uncalled for and just sound very bad. I will definitively keep an eye on this place tough and I'll go try it out for sure. Best luck to you.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 11:58   #34
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Originally Posted by sikaya View Post
Hello all,

I've been following this thread for the last 2 days now and I can say it is very interesting. I wanted to know more about this Tri-Balle indoor field after I saw an advertisement on and heard a pub on Tag Radio.

I am not a airsoft player myself (even if I've always been insterested in trying it out). I am a paintball player. From what I understand, this indoor field will also be a paintball field. That's great news for the paintball community in Gatineau.

However, I am a little bit concerned about the people who will run this show. Can't say that I heard great things about Mr. Patenaude and the threads on these forums only confirms what I've heard previously. I won't go into great details but someone very close to me is still looking for his money. Personally, I don't care if this indoor field works out or not. And honestly, I hope it will because I would like to play indoor paintball during the winter. PSI is just not my kind of place, that's why I don't go there. I just hope that Mr. Patenaude won't try to rip off the young paintball kids who will go play at his field. By the way, is Boris still involved in the project ?

Sorry for the flames. I know this seems totally uncalled for and just sound very bad. I will definitively keep an eye on this place tough and I'll go try it out for sure. Best luck to you.
Well as for the question about BORIS! if its the same persone we are talking about, he is not working for me and never did ....he just came over one night with he buddy painter and looked at the place, he offered to be the pro shop thec, and I told him that I already had no..Boris is not working for me, As per what you heard from others around well I would like to know who is still looking for his money, becose I pay my dettes....and if its the persone that I think it is, well he is the one that riped me off and still is not man enough to face me, that persone knows were I live and knows where the center is and has my phone number....why dont he used them , if its thru that I owe him money...
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Old September 13th, 2007, 13:01   #35
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Sounds like a fun place but the per hour field rate wont have many Airsofters
on your field. Also if grenades are ever allowed they will take out those lights
for sure.. I would know..
No Comment.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 17:24   #36
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OK..well if the per hrs thing is the big issue, we can work something out, lets say, 10.00$ for 5hrs of field time. and for the lighting goes, not to worry, they will be inclosed in a lexan safety tube made for that purpose. so even a direct hit from a pimped up paintball gun wont break them.
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Old September 15th, 2007, 17:24   #37
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I have kept quite on this untill I went to see it myself.

After finally making it visit and see the inside of the place, it does look fairly promising.

However its a long way from being done. I will have to stop back again when its completly finished.

He does have a pretty good setup and the special effects will be kinda neat.

After talking with him in person, the new rate of 10$ per person per 5 hours of play is a good price and will get the attenton of ROE for a few training games.

Size wise, its fairly small by airsoft outdoor or other indoor venues close to Ottawa. However it is well setup so far and will be interesting to see how it looks when its complete. I would have to say for an airsoft venue there, 15-20 Players at the very most.

I will report back in when I have had a chance to revist late next week.
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Old September 15th, 2007, 22:22   #38
»ja(v)es«'s Avatar
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As a paintballer in the gatineau region a indoor field would be great.10$/5hrs is a great deal...would you have BYOP days? And would you hook up with Shawns pro shop not to far down the road???I hope this works out and i would love to go down to play with my team when it opens!
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Old September 15th, 2007, 22:31   #39
Captain Sunshine
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you obviously havent been paying attention, and its also your first post. The $10/h was directed at airsoft. I find it strange that its convenient enough that you just joined today, live in the same area, play paintball, and your first post is in this thread
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Old September 15th, 2007, 23:32   #40
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I dont find it convient, just another minor by the sounds of things though. Obvisouly, like you mentioned, he hadnt been paying much attention to things. I guess he missed the part about
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Old September 16th, 2007, 00:26   #41
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Work in Progres

Taken today...

Thanks to the few airsofters that took the time to visit the center today!! My door will always be open to you.
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Old September 16th, 2007, 23:12   #42
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Today was the air canon special effect test.
To give you guys an example, in the structures and on the field theire will be over 60 air canons disimulated all around, these canons will shoot out foam debrie, ( wet debris ) corck, and styrofoam, and in some case paintballs.

The air canon will be used to simulated motor shells, bomber flyby bombing the village, and boobytraps.

simulations canon are foam filled and presurises at 70 Psi, the traps are gaged at 55 PSI in the confiened space of 5x5 feet and paintball filled.

Videos to be added in the next few days.
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Old September 19th, 2007, 18:06   #43
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Being in the area last Saturday afternoon, I went to check the place out and after confirming I'm at the right place (no outside indication yet, can't tell if it has been changed since) the owner gave the a quick tour of the place and explained the features of the field and what was left to be done as minor work was still in progress.

Basically, there were the missing lexan casings around the lights (yes, it stands out alot when they are exposed... so immature players would definately take those out within the first period of play if he didn't cover them).

The special effects (other than those massive speakers) were not installed yet, but would make for some nice gameplay situational changes. As rooms/buildings are destroyed, an assault/progression strategy has to be adapted to fit the new field parameters... Makes for a progressively more difficult game as time goes on, and the order in which things go out could always be changed too in order to make every game different (I suppose).

The field is not enormous, but it's not bad either. As Chef/Jackals said, 15 to 20 players would probably be the maximum amount of players you could fit in there without making this absolutely crazy.

He also confirmed the reduced price for AIRSOFT players, and confirmed that the primary goal of the field would be paintball, an that our rebate would be for scheduled games where regular attendance is generally low, so don't expect Saturday afternoons or evenings to open up very often. (Since he sells absolutely NOTHING airsoft-related, all his revenue would be our walk-in fee. When paintball is played, his source of income is coming far more from the ammo than the rest. Keep in mind that this is a business and that keeping the palce open costs $$$).

Anyway, a nice place, plenty of potential. Can't wait to see how this all turns out and when the availability would be.

P.S. Thanks Tri-Balle for the tour.

Grammar nazis can feel free to PM me if they see any typos or other such mistakes in my posts.

It's appreciated and helps me improve the quality of my grammar (which seems to have taken a hit since I started visiting this forum :| )

"Come on. Take a few steps back, you're too close." -Steve (Coldblooded)

-Cosmo: Is he dead?
-Steve: Ask him. (ColdBlooded)
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Old September 24th, 2007, 23:44   #44
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For those out theire that are also paintball players...
Thuesday night at the tri-balle center is BYOB night from 19:00 to 23:00.
starting tomorow night, and this saturday is the Paintball RAVE event, from 00:00 to 05:00

Special on 2000 round of Zap spank paintballs 60.00$ runs till december.

BYOB fee is 20,00$ walkin

Special fee on rentals 10.00$ included: Mask, marker, unlimited CO2 and 100 rounds. extra rounds is 5.00$ for 100.

Hope to see you theire.

Airsoft teams day is Mondays from 19:00 to 23:00 fee is 10.00$
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Old September 25th, 2007, 12:12   #45
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BYOB ( Bring your own Balls ) ......and no, I dont have a booz permit...cause no booz on site. and yes it takes me about 2 hrs to clean up every morning to clean up the mess, but i dont clean the structures.
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