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Force Recon Nightfall 3 --- Real Cap?



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Old April 4th, 2014, 20:38   #31
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Laval, Quebec
QKlee11, thanks for the post. I agree with you 100% that we all have our own idea of what milsim is. Yes, there are many factors that are not taken into account when comparing 5.56/7.62 and for those using .50cal sniper models, thank god those airsoft bb's are far from the actual thing. I have no military experience, I don't play Call of Duty, and I will never doubt a veteran, however, even that garbage of a game, Call of Duty, uses real ammo count. 30 round mags for an M4 seems like a logical standard for a milsim. But hey, like I said, I know I'm going to have a blast, and the reason for this post wasn't to second guess the rule, but rather the use of the term "milsim"

I can't wait!
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Old April 4th, 2014, 20:44   #32
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Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
From a 400 person perspective, enforcing a "Semi Auto Only, Full Auto LMG" rule is easier than pulling players off who you think seem to be reloading not as often as they should be.

That isn't the primary benefit though as the semi-auto restriction has a fringe perk of encouraging squad tactics - if you want to lay down effective suppression fire you need to place that LMG guy carefully and work as a squad effectively.

It has it's ups and downs. I was using a WE GBBR at Nightfall 2 with 150 rounds total, and at a game with no ammo limits I was still managing to kill a lot of players, taking positions, and flanking the enemy with effective squad tactics.

Let them carry as many BB's as they want - didn't stop me last year.
Thats because of the honorable player base Delta...I use my WE 416 GBBR in my last field game last fall with a load out of 240 rnds and used a little more then 160rds (I was commanding) and had success with it
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Old April 4th, 2014, 20:46   #33
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I don't know where my other post went... What I tried to post was, no matter what rules you lay down, people will always find a way around them. We are human after all...
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Old April 4th, 2014, 20:57   #34
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Originally Posted by QKLee11 View Post
Thats because of the honorable player base Delta...
I had a fair share of a number of questionable calls, and a few "he obviously isn't going to call it" hits last year. I subscribe to the fire for effect mentality - I have no intention of engaging in a plink battle at the extreme end of the effective range of my gun. You always close the distance and use aggression. You make them hide behind that piece of cover, then come at them from the side and light them up. You come around that corner of the building they are on with your finger already working the trigger. Make that hit undeniable; make them call it.

No one is going to deny that you put a couple of rounds into their chest and arm at 20 feet. Even someone with the Paintball "Wiping is part of the game!" type of mindset won't try and claim they weren't hit, especially if they were writhing in pain. That is the only time where you know for a fact, 100% whether or not your BB connected, and whether or not game control would actually have to be involved at that point.

That being said I did have a guy not call two rounds I put in his chest at 7 feet. I'm still impressed by the absurdity of it.
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Last edited by Derpystronk; April 4th, 2014 at 21:00..
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Old April 4th, 2014, 21:41   #35
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Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
That being said I did have a guy not call two rounds I put in his chest at 7 feet. I'm still impressed by the absurdity of it.
Well duh, in real life at that range the bullets would have opened a rift in space time and his grandson would have popped out of his chest to cut you in half with his Maser rifle.

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Old April 5th, 2014, 00:43   #36
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
Well duh, in real life at that range the bullets would have opened a rift in space time and his grandson would have popped out of his chest to cut you in half with his Maser rifle.
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Old April 8th, 2014, 17:05   #37
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This whole thread made me laugh.

I would like to thank everyone for their opinions on the rules for Nightfall and what a Milsim is to them, they are appreciated

Here in Ontario when I hear Milsim I think of games that are generally 18+ hours, but that's just me.

We use the "Airsoft Conducive" outlook on things to keep it both Military oriented but also fun and exciting.

Sure you can sit around for 10 hours and not do anything, but honestly would you rather not fire a round or shoot some plastic with your friends at some friends and have a fucking good time doing it?

Everyone's interpretation of MILSIM is different and asking the question any more is pretty much pointless as it starts page after page of he said she said. Plenty of reading material already on it.

A GBBR Milsim only. Sounds great. Please try and host one and let me know how it goes. I am sure it would be epic.

Why waste manpower and countless hours of everyone's lives inspecting mags to make sure they put in 30 rounds? If you want to do that at YOUR game, please do. We have other ammo rules in effect.

Can you carry as many mags as you want at Nightfall? You sure fukin can. Will you make the entire 18 hours carrying 30 mid caps strapped to you? Probably not. Balance is needed and we have tried to implement that by not allowing people to reload on the field or at their vehicle, as well as the semi/support gunner alternatives. We feel that it works quite well. It appeases the masses and the few will basically just have to deal with it or not attend :/

We have 25+ staff at Nightfall. We are always present on the field and deal with things as quickly as possible before they arise. When you put in rules that are impossible to enforce it only causes problems, which is something we try and avoid to make things run smoother.

This game, call it Milsim, or not, was designed for the players, by players. And you know what really sucks come June 14th/15th, I can't play in it...
Bean - "Charlie is a sexual T-Rex"
Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
Do you really think all 322 spots will sell out in a single day
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Old April 8th, 2014, 19:08   #38
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Originally Posted by Reignman View Post
This game, call it Milsim, or not, was designed for the players, by players. And you know what really sucks come June 14th/15th, I can't play in it...
So basically, everyone shut the fuck up and be grateful that people like Reignman and his crew put these games on!
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