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Toronto airsoft screw up?


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Old December 10th, 2012, 07:01   #31
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by ccyg8774 View Post
(I wouldn't recommand the adapter... Since that will defeat all the purpose of deans.)
Since the deans is on the charger end, no it doesn't really. It's just a connector. I understand what you mean but it's not necessarily true if the gun the OP's using the battery isn't limited by the mini tamiya connector. Had the OP had his gun wired to deans and wanted to use this battery with an adapter, then yes there's no point in having deans anymore.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 07:56   #32
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Pretty sure that's what he meant coach.

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Old December 10th, 2012, 08:30   #33
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The sense of entitlement and lack of consumer common sense on behalf of the OP in this thread is just beyond belief....

Want some decent kneepads? Buy these;

I have been using them at work for the last year (and during games) and they are awesome... but they cost real money. You get what you pay for in this sport, like most things.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 12:15   #34
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
The sense of entitlement and lack of consumer common sense on behalf of the OP in this thread is just beyond belief....

Want some decent kneepads? Buy these;

I have been using them at work for the last year (and during games) and they are awesome... but they cost real money. You get what you pay for in this sport, like most things.
I take facts from rc forums, where they know everything lipo...
If I lipo battery is stored fully charged over time slowly you will damage sells, causing the battery to puff up and damage the cells, if you're lipo battery very little to no charge the same will happen, when I go into a store ask specifically for the charger for this battery they are selling, then they sell me a charger that won't work with the battery, an expensive charger at that, I'm the one with no common sence?
And I knew the knee pads where not top quality but I decided to try it anyways, they brake within 10 seconds of me trying them on, and I complained... Now the common sence I have is unbelievable.
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Old December 10th, 2012, 12:49   #35
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
I take facts from rc forums, where they know everything lipo...
If I lipo battery is stored fully charged over time slowly you will damage sells, causing the battery to puff up and damage the cells, if you're lipo battery very little to no charge the same will happen, when I go into a store ask specifically for the charger for this battery they are selling, then they sell me a charger that won't work with the battery, an expensive charger at that, I'm the one with no common sence?
And I knew the knee pads where not top quality but I decided to try it anyways, they brake within 10 seconds of me trying them on, and I complained... Now the common sence I have is unbelievable.
Firstly, the gear at TA is repro, its airsoft which means 90% is form over function. Its an adult dress up contest.

If you want anything to not break out of the box, or actually work as expected, you have to buy real gear.

Secondly, as for the charger, TA sells a G&P charger for 7.4 and 11.1 lipos for about $25.

Ive been using it for a year ( and lipos for 4 years), and the only puffy battery ive had came from water damage.

Im not saying there isnt a "storage charge", I e just never heard of it or ever needed to use it... neither has everyone else i know who uses lipos...

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Old December 10th, 2012, 14:19   #36
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I've read numerous times that a balanced charged lipo is fine for storage. You can also store them half charged, just not empty. A proper lipo never runs completely empty anyways; because if it did, you couldn't charge it again. We've had one lipo blow up on us, but I don't know the cause. It was fairly new, and being used in an AEG at the time. That's the only lipo I've heard of destroying itself in the last two years. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there has been more; but they aren't the gremlins they used to be. I do know that when it comes to lipos it's important to buy quality, and you'll want a high end reliable charger; not some cheap discount POS.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old December 11th, 2012, 07:16   #37
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I've read numerous times that a balanced charged lipo is fine for storage.
The thing is, the OP bought a new battery he can't charge. Why would he need to put a storage charge on it? Coming off a shelf of a store, it "should" already be in storage mode from the factory. Otherwise, the store would be sitting on a time bomb. Or rather several mini ones.... Just saying!
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Old December 11th, 2012, 17:17   #38
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Frank from Toronto airsoft pm'ed me saying he would give me the adapter so problem fixed I guess.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 17:33   #39
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Frank from Toronto airsoft pm'ed me saying he would give me the adapter so problem fixed I guess.

Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Just went out to select paintball/ airsoft for the adapter, looks like TA owes me 30$ in gas and 7$ for the adapter.
So what the fuck was this? You trying to shine us on, boy?

Word of advice, I'd stop posting and go sit quietly in a corner for a while now, before we start taking notice to you.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 18:15   #40
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I did buy one from select want pictures?
But he took the time to personally pm me saying sorry and that he would take care of it.
What I was looking for the whole time.
???? Did you want me to tape a bomb to my chest, and walk In in there?
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Old December 11th, 2012, 19:36   #41
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I think Drake was wondering why you took the adapter when you already had one.

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Old December 11th, 2012, 20:08   #42
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Because I paid for it, and I want the one I was suppose to have this whole time.
Unlike some of the people on here i was raised with morals.
Next time I'm at a field and someone runs into the same problem as myself I would like to give them the equipment they need.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 20:26   #43
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Just playing devil's advocate here, but it sounds like you didn't pay for it. You assumed it came with an adapter and therefore you assumed it's paid for already. It was not, you were given it for free.

I think that's what Drake was getting at.

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Old December 11th, 2012, 21:01   #44
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I was told this charger and this battery will work together, when in fact they don't, so no I'm not getting anything for free.. My hard Capricorn head disagrees with you .
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Old December 11th, 2012, 21:29   #45
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Heed to Drake's kind warning, seriously. The ASC hate machine...
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