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Old July 12th, 2012, 14:39   #31
Delta Zero-Six
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I'll have to check out those Vids later. Aside from the dual wielding debate. I thought it would be more realistic and different to represent the organizations who don't use AR's usually.
"I almost felt bad about that. Almost."
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Old July 12th, 2012, 14:42   #32
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If you're going to do it, get one good reliable pistol and a bunch of mags.
Running 2 pistols is stupid. Running 2 pistols that are identical for backup is OK I guess.

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Old July 13th, 2012, 01:08   #33
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On the topic of mag pouches, I absolutely love the pisol TACO's. And the rifle tacos, and the double decker tacos....

As for pistols outdoors, certain players can absolutely pull it off. It's all in your style of play. If you're fast and stealthy, lack of range is compensated for by the use of your environment. Outdoors is actually better for this, especially in bush or areas with tall grass. Just be prepared to spend a lot of time on your belly.

It also helps if you have teammates that know your style of play and work with it. As in, they engage and draw the enemy's fire, while your pistol wielding ninja flanks around behind and picks them all off...
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Old July 13th, 2012, 07:14   #34
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
If you're going to do it, get one good reliable pistol and a bunch of mags.
Running 2 pistols is stupid. Running 2 pistols that are identical for backup is OK I guess.
Someone forgot to tell John Preston

I've done dual G17's as terminator when the m249 went down.It was one of those Hollywood moments. Should have seen the newbs scatter when I put down the m249 and went to draw both pistols, then the looks on their faces when they thought I was out of ammo and went to my Duckman's Custom Dual reload system. There's pictures up here somewhere of the mag holder. Go search it if you want to see it.

For dual pistols nowadays, I'll run the G18c carbine with a G17 sidearm in CQB. One load out with identical mags. Long and shorts so it's very flexible.

Last edited by coach; July 13th, 2012 at 07:21..
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Old July 13th, 2012, 11:26   #35
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I don't always use my pistol as primary but its a lot of fun to have pistols only games like at Brian's where they reign supreme. I run a TM hi-capa 5.1 and a TM Glock17 both customized all around. Even at CQB Paintball, most of my kills are done with pistols where I mainly transition to match the close quarters enviroment, my M4 and AK is bulky to take some of those corners. I usually find myself using my rifle to suppress while I advance then transition to my pistol to finish the job. My MP7 on the otherhand is awesome for places like CQBPB and TTAC3 but I still run my Glock17 as my backup.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
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Old July 18th, 2012, 00:03   #36
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I don't run a pistol very often, but when I do use one for CQB purposes this is the only way I use it:

I can definitely see this being difficult for shooters with lots of experience with the weaver system. You've got your mojo going, when you need to drop some one they drop and that's how you like it. I get it. I'd still recommend at least trying it at home in your basement a couple of times to make sure it's not your thing. I've found it to be absolutely awsome. My fire is much more accurate, since I can use my sights Quickly and perfectly without closing an eye (something the body doesn't want to do under stress anyway), and it keeps my profile smaller and more maneuverable (no more tense arms and barrel flagging).

Again, I highly recommend anyone using a pistol as a primary at least try this in the mirror.
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Old December 6th, 2012, 22:02   #37
Delta Zero-Six
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Sorry.. been busy lately with EMS. Wow. thanks for the responses! Yeah I know that "C.A.R" style. I've heard about it before. Well fitness and running around isnt gonna pose much a problem for me. I'm a bit of a fitness nut heh. I like sneaking around but I don't use a lot of Camo.. Newish to the sport so I'll probably just start with a plate carrier or shoulder holster of some sort. I'm not a major gear head or anything. The pistol I narrowed down to the TM Five-seveN (One, no duel wield for me).. I've read several good reviews in this site. I'm happy people aren't berating about pistol usage. Thanks.
"I almost felt bad about that. Almost."
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