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Lonex internals?


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Old May 30th, 2013, 20:31   #31
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Swap the bent shaft off another stock gear. It'll work fine.
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Old May 30th, 2013, 21:57   #32
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Haha since we are talking about Lonex internals....

I recently bought a Lonex S120 gearbox. Sorbo pads installed by Airsoft Store, re-wired in advanced mode to the Merc 3.2...

So I've got pretty much two problems/issues, not sure if anyone has experienced this, and fixed it... (1 fixed I guess)

1. Lonex Tappet Plate (FIXED by using a modified tappet plate)
A little off length-wise, bb's do not feed due to the nozzle not able to be retracted enough.
- Stealth told me it does not work with some hop-ups (did not work with my Lonex, G&P, KA, and even my transparent DBOYS hopups)
- Modified a Modify Tappet Plate, and that fixed it...

2. BB Not being pushed past Hop-Up Rubber after first shot after assembly.
Second problem is where the BB's enter the Lonex Hopup Unit, however the lonex gearbox somehow is not able to push the bb's past the hopup rubber after the first shot everytime right after I put it back together...
- Using O-Rings to push the hopup unit right against the gearbox to prevent air leaks. (First shot is always very close to 429 FPS (Varies mostly between 428-428.9 FPS).
- Only problem is when I drop a second bb in, it won't shoot the second bb until I remove the upper and put it back again lol... (I'm doing this upside down without a mag in to negate mag feeding problems...)
- BB falls all the way in when I drop one down the hopup chamber, it just won't move past the hopup rubber lips, not sure why T_T

What I'm Using
- G&P Magpul Lower
- G&P VLTOR Upper
- Madbull Outer Barrel 14.5"
- Lonex Hop-Up Unit (Used other hopup units such as KA, G&P, DBOYS, SRC)
- R-hopped Prommy 455mm barrel (Used other non r-hopped barrels to test too, Angry Gun, Madbull, Lonex, Various Brass)
- Merc 3.2 installed advanced mode.
- Very strong magnet ACM neodymium motor (Much stronger than my Lonex A1 motor)
- 7.4v lipo (various, mainly use my Nano-tech 3300 mah 35-70C lipo discharge to test)

Last edited by kaiu; May 30th, 2013 at 22:10..
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Old May 30th, 2013, 22:19   #33
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I've been running a lonex m4 for a while now so I'll add what I can to this thread. First off I'm very impressed with their attention to detail.

AOE was as good as could be out of the box. Gears were shimmed very well. Shaved tooth on the piston was a nice touch. Mechbox shows all the right signs, reinforced in areas of potential failure. Their rear wiring/buffer tube is probably the best design out there to avoid wire pinches, a proper channel down a tube that the buffer screws on to.

Things to note:
It only accepts buffer tube sling mounts that are for GBB/real steel. The RIS has some play but can be tightened with an Allen key.

"Amateurs train to success, professionals train to failure." -C.C.
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Old May 31st, 2013, 03:32   #34
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Originally Posted by cetane View Post
Swap the bent shaft off another stock gear. It'll work fine.
I've heard of it being done, but how do you do it?
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Old May 31st, 2013, 10:05   #35
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Originally Posted by kaiu View Post
1. Lonex Tappet Plate (FIXED by using a modified tappet plate)
A little off length-wise, bb's do not feed due to the nozzle not able to be retracted enough.
- Stealth told me it does not work with some hop-ups (did not work with my Lonex, G&P, KA, and even my transparent DBOYS hopups)
- Modified a Modify Tappet Plate, and that fixed it...
Should that tappet plate fix always happen on a lonex box? or is it just a lemon sort of thing

Last edited by Rabbit; May 31st, 2013 at 10:08..
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Old May 31st, 2013, 10:16   #36
Mr. Silencer
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Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
Should that tappet plate fix always happen on a lonex box? or is it just a lemon sort of thing
If you're not having feeding issues then there's no problem.

From my understanding, the tappet plate is a few MM too long. The sector gear nub doesn't pull it back far enough for the nozzle to clear the feed hole. As a result BBs don't get pushed up and chambered into the hop up unit.

There are two fixes:
1. Get a new tappet plate for 4 bucks. Take it to town with a dremel as the Lonex box requires cut puts.

2. Get a bigger sector gear clip that looks like a giant bean. I think JG ones are like this. It's also possible to make your own.

I emailed Lonex about issue #1 last night. Will keep you all posted.
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Old May 31st, 2013, 10:23   #37
Mr. Silencer
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Regarding issue #2, what hop up rubber are you using?

Also, how tight of a fit is it between the rubber and the unit? If you need to force the unit onto the barrel, it may deform the rubber and stretch/bunch up the feed lips.

Unfortunately, if its too loose you get air leaks. You need a balance, floss, or Teflon tape.
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Old May 31st, 2013, 10:45   #38
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
Regarding issue #2, what hop up rubber are you using?

Also, how tight of a fit is it between the rubber and the unit? If you need to force the unit onto the barrel, it may deform the rubber and stretch/bunch up the feed lips.

Unfortunately, if its too loose you get air leaks. You need a balance, floss, or Teflon tape.

For # 1, I tried putting back the Lonex tappet plate for fun just in case it wasn't the issue, but I got the feeding problem right away again.

Like you said, compared side by side, it is about a mm further away where it touches the sector gear. (It is actually the same length, but the triangle part is smaller... I use a sector delay clip and it still didn't fix it, so I went back to my modified tappet plate).
- The review you made on the Lonex Gearbox said there was a metal sector delay clip installed on new ones, I guess mine is part of the older stock? No big deal, since I prefer the plastic ones (have some in my *toolbox* anyways).

#2, ya I'm thinking maybe it's my rubber... Last night I got it working with one of my plastic hop-up units. But realised it was super late and had to sleep since I go to work early
- Was using a modify hop-up rubber (two ribs, took out the mound). The lips looked round when using a flashlight to see, but maybe it got pushed/moved when. Should be an easy fix, worst case I have a big supply of hard Guarder rubbers to use lol... (Used the modify rubber since it felt nicer, and I don't have many soft Guarders available )
- The rubber fit onto the barrel is pretty snug (Prommy bears are pretty thick to begin with compared to stuff like Madbull barrels I think), so might have got twisted/moved... I try not to use too much grease when sliding it into the hopup unit with it on T_T

*Will try re-positioning hopup rubber first , hopefully it's not the positioning of the hopup unit in the body *

Last edited by kaiu; May 31st, 2013 at 10:51..
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Old May 31st, 2013, 10:59   #39
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I had a similar feeding issues with the gearbox, a modified G&G tappet plate fixed the problem.
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Old May 31st, 2013, 11:24   #40
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When you have the chamber and barrel together, do BB's go past the lips of the hop rubber with minimal force?
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Old May 31st, 2013, 12:48   #41
Mr. Silencer
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Lonex stopped supplying sector delay clips in their boxes but once upon a time maybe 4 shipments ago all of the boxes had them.

Unless you're pushing 30RPS you don't really need one. We've survived the entire TM era without one, and the design hasn't changed.
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Old May 31st, 2013, 13:54   #42
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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^ yes
one can't argue that it prolongs the life of the tappet plate either, cause honestly, how often does a good aftermarket tappet plate break when it's installed properly?
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Old June 1st, 2013, 07:11   #43
a.k.a. ian209
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I bought a few Lonex upgrades for my G&G M14, which included:
-Lonex M14 (Classic Army/G&G) Air Seal nozzle
-Lonex Aluminum Cylinder Head for Ver.7 CA/G&G M14
-Lonex POM Ventilated Piston Head
-Lonex Enhanced Hop-Up CA/G&G M14

The Nozzle, Cylinder Head and Piston Head are all pretty good upgrades. The Hop-up on the other hand, I found performed worse than the stock G&G unit. The Lonex hop up arm has a lot more play than the G&G.
World record in propane sniffing.

-TM PX4 w/Detonator Aluminum Slide
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Old June 1st, 2013, 07:37   #44
Troy T. Moore
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A few weeks back one of the guys here had the front end come off his V2 mechbox in his stock G&G MAX MP5 (spring was changed when he first got it and was shooting in the 400-410fps range). He had used it for the last 3 years and had around 60,000 rounds through it with no issues (We play a lot and we shoot a lot).

As the resident gun doc I reccommended the Lonex V2 mechbox because of my experience with their other upgrade parts (impressed for the most part) and because of on-line reviews. The mechbox is very very nice! Well made with tight tolerances. Thickened portion at the front along the top is substantial. I happily move the internals over (clean, reshim gears, regrease) from the broken G&G mechbox. So far, so good. Putting the mechbox back into the gun it does not fit... Well not with the fake bolt mechanism working the way it is suppossed to.

After an hour and a half of filing/sanding both the top of the mechbox and the flanges of the fake bolt everything fits and functions as it should. The Lonex mechbox still has way more material holding the front on than the G&G one did.

Going to install a Lonex G36 hop-up on my sones Umarex G36KV tomorrow...
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Old June 5th, 2013, 01:02   #45
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
<3. Strong, reliable & Field Legal.. vs... you know 550+ fps AEG and so on when a gun is set up right..... that's what I mean.. Lonex is a good company that gets there "drop in boxes" up into the 400's easy and they sell everything individually too.. Inculding upgrade springs just like Madbull That's why I like them, they have everything!

but...... on somethings, like springs and gears, bearings, rams, piston heads, motors and cylinders. There is a few other places I will go to get them. If I am making something that cranks out FPS to target shoot... That's my personal preference and you can call it shit opinion.. :P... but that's where I will go..... but my stand point still is. If you can't use it to play, what is the point..... Go GAS!

Now if am making something to play on field.. yes.. Lonex, all day. Everyday. <3!

That is what I meant, in my first post on this thread.


Last edited by Bandit50; June 5th, 2013 at 01:28..
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