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WE Tech SCAR, open bolt GG vs AWSS CO2


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Old February 14th, 2011, 18:11   #31
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doesn't the nozzle get replaced by the pistol-esque conversion? the newer version nozzle gets 4 structural posts instead of 3, but if it gets replaced by a completely different system, there's not much point, right?

Also, mags shouldn't matter one way or the other, because the feed mechanism changes with the open bolt conversion, and the valve in the bolt is responsible for the amount of gas directed towards the BB vs the amount directed at recoil.... as well as the total amount of gas allowed into the mechanism from the mag. Once the bolt moves to a certain point, it resets the valve knocker/firing pin, and gas stop flowing into the bolt.

Reinforcing the mag would allow higher internal pressure and/or more gas storage, but shouldn't affect mag reliability. higher pressure would cause faster cycle times, and REDUCE the hinge plate life, so i'm not sure what mag reinforcement would accomplish ??

Where would you suggest ordering reinforced hinge plates from? I broke mine a couple months ago, and luckily had a spare, but I'm not sure if either were reinforced, and I likely have an early model scar as well...

My serial ends with 1761, is that gen 2?
Current Gear: TM G36C/SL-9, WE M14, WE PDW, KWA USP, KJW USP Tactical

Future Gear: TM PSG1, M700, ARES DSR-1 v2

Last edited by Dire_Wolf; February 14th, 2011 at 18:14..
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Old February 14th, 2011, 18:17   #32
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by Dire_Wolf View Post
doesn't the nozzle get replaced by the pistol-esque conversion? the newer version nozzle gets 4 structural posts instead of 3, but if it gets replaced by a completely different system, there's not much point, right?

Also, mags shouldn't matter one way or the other, because the feed mechanism changes with the open bolt conversion, and the valve in the bolt is responsible for the amount of gas directed towards the BB vs the amount directed at recoil.... as well as the total amount of gas allowed into the mechanism from the mag. Once the bolt moves to a certain point, it resets the valve knocker/firing pin, and gas stop flowing into the bolt.

Reinforcing the mag would allow higher internal pressure and/or more gas storage, but shouldn't affect mag reliability. higher pressure would cause faster cycle times, and REDUCE the hinge plate life, so i'm not sure what mag reinforcement would accomplish ??

Where would you suggest ordering reinforced hinge plates from? I broke mine a couple months ago, and luckily had a spare, but I'm not sure if either were reinforced, and I likely have an early model scar as well...

My serial ends with 1761, is that gen 2?
Yes it is.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old February 14th, 2011, 18:38   #33
The Chad
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where do we buy these conversion kits?
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Old February 14th, 2011, 18:46   #34
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has them in their store... I just need to find out if the mag conversions are the same for all of the mags to open bolt.... O.o and where to get a new reinforced hinge plate...
Current Gear: TM G36C/SL-9, WE M14, WE PDW, KWA USP, KJW USP Tactical

Future Gear: TM PSG1, M700, ARES DSR-1 v2
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Old February 14th, 2011, 19:15   #35
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I've been doing a ton of searching and have not yet found a "reinforced" hinge plate just stock hinge plates. I contacted airsoftbuddy about the hinge plate and they informed me they were passing the comment onto TSC. I just hope TSC does make a hinge plate. Other then that you could try what this individual did with a PVC block.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 19:18   #36
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Originally Posted by Greydingoe View Post
I've been doing a ton of searching and have not yet found a "reinforced" hinge plate just stock hinge plates. I contacted airsoftbuddy about the hinge plate and they informed me they were passing the comment onto TSC. I just hope TSC does make a hinge plate. Other then that you could try what this individual did with a PVC block.
Based on your pic, you maybe able to fabricate this steel plate?
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Old February 14th, 2011, 19:21   #37
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I have the open bolt scar. I have latest hinge plate and it's doing just fine. Part 27 exploded though. No one makes them except W.E. I'm getting 2 replacements in through a retailer. I am planning on soldering some aluminum sheets onto the parts that break. Only bad thing about doing that is that I can no longer slide the bolt out without unhexing part 27.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 19:24   #38
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I'm surprised the plastic hinge plate withstood the beating over the metal part 27
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Old February 14th, 2011, 19:25   #39
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the metal part 27 is made of pot metal. Which as we all know is the particle board of metals. I phoned around to see about getting the part cnc'd but it costs around 800 dollars.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 19:42   #40
The Chad
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Thanks man, I don't think I'm going to sell my SCAR now for a rediculous price just to get a friggin realistic GBBR.

LOL at the open bolt term wonder who started that

Originally Posted by Dire_Wolf View Post

has them in their store... I just need to find out if the mag conversions are the same for all of the mags to open bolt.... O.o and where to get a new reinforced hinge plate...
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Old February 15th, 2011, 01:09   #41
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damn, after reading through this whole thread.. its really starting to persuade me into changing my WE M4 to a open bolt.. but i'll probably wait for another month or so after it is released to see if it is as good as they say.
Primary: WE M4A1 or JG VSR-10
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Old February 15th, 2011, 01:25   #42
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I can't find their open bolt magazine conversions anywhere except evike... Anyone found them anywhere else?
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Old February 15th, 2011, 08:31   #43
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Originally Posted by Eldin View Post
I can't find their open bolt magazine conversions anywhere except evike... Anyone found them anywhere else?
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Old February 18th, 2011, 10:21   #44
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Hey all,

I'm planning to get myself one of these babies next week. I think this is one of the best value for money GBBRs out today, including the WE G39? I was already saving up cash to get the G39 when the SCAR caught my eye on the RATECH vid....mag dumped 27 rounds (assuming there was 30 bbs, the guy fired 3 in semi) and there was no cool down whatsoever (and this was with the RATECH heavy bolt! - which is in development). Plus the SCAR has full trades (I think) whereas the G39...doesnt. :P

I've got a few questions to ask for those who have the "open bolt" SCAR:

1. How's the recoil? Comparable to the G39? So far I've gathered that the G39's recoil is similar to a 9mm cal gun. If the SCAR has stronger recoil then that'll be great (I want it to be as close to real steel as possible).

2. Besides the RATECH vid showing the mag dump, can you guys also mag dump your SCARs (just in case RATECH did something with their gun and the SCAR isn't really that good OOTB).

3. How many bbs can you get with a single fill of the mag with green gas and how many mag dumps can you do with a single mag before the ROF significantly drops? I'm hoping the mags are blessed by magic like the WE G39 ones that can work in snow (yes, HK doesn't snow but with the humidity and the low temperatures right now I want to know whether it can perform as well as the G39!)

4. Are the flashider threads 14+ or 14-? I've read on that for some reason there are different batches of SCARs (the old 'closed bolt' ones) that had 14- threading, whilst the SCARs generally have 14+. I want to add the VFC sniper outer barrel but unfortunately it's 14-mm....I don't want to use a thread adapter either because it won't be an 18 inch barrel anymore.

Thanks in advance!
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Old December 13th, 2011, 10:59   #45
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I'm a tad confused. Can the OpenBolt version of the scar take CO2 mags?

I have a closed bolt SCAR and only use CO2 mags with an NPAS. If I convert across to Open Bolt I still only want to use CO2.

Also, with the Open Bolt conversion, will I need to replace the NPAS?

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