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People not calling their hits?



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Old August 14th, 2010, 22:18   #31
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
Less QQ more Pew Pew.
Damn right. This is what highcaps are for people.
We're not tools of the government, or anyone else.

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Old August 16th, 2010, 16:22   #32
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I tried the paintball BB's and they're not worth it. And if after a while if they don't call their hits, you can always butt-stroke them.
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Old August 16th, 2010, 18:20   #33
a.k.a. JLiu
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I never really understood how using paint filled BBs would help. Even with indoor paintball, everyone's covered in paint after a few rounds. If you complain that someone ignored a hit, they could always claim it was from a previous game or diving into a dropped paintball behind a bunker. Even adding a ref doesn't change much as he or she can't see everything at once.

My point is that cheaters will cheat no matter what. Maybe marking BBs would deter some from cheating. Maybe not. Either way, I'd rather not play with people who'll knowingly ignore a hit if they think they can get away with it.

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Old August 17th, 2010, 22:17   #34
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I have only had one VERY bad experience where I lost my cool. We were playing at FR in the summer of 09'. I was pinned in the bus with my good old M-79 thump gun. I seen a group of 4 guys coming to the back of the bus, so I then put 2 120rnd nades into them at about 20ft to 25ft, I would open the door quickly and expose my body for them to hit, shoot off a round, and quickly duck back. out of those 2 rounds not one man got hit by 1 BB???? I know there was other people watching this happen, and I could hear them saying "CALL YOUR HITS"... So I loaded up the 79 one last time for a hail mary. I opened the door and got met with a HAIL of fire from 4 400fps AEGs that was expected, I came off that bus bloody and pissed off. Not only about people not calling hits, but the whole fact that one of the rules at this field or game rule, was not to shoot for the face. I know at 20 ft MOST people can hit a 5 inch round target with no problems, but one man had that imaginary voice in there head that screamed "HEAD SHOT!!!" if they shoot people in the face. I got hit on the end of my nose and talk about hurt!! LOL....

I knew I hit at least 2 of them, there is no doubting it!! thats 360rounds in less then 30ft..... Needless to say, I have not played a FR again... Ohhh I have helped ref, but im not sure if I want to go and play there again...

Although those Dragon guys are quite cool, and they do call there hits....
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Old August 17th, 2010, 22:26   #35
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I got a bottle of those .12 paint BB's back in the 90's - man what a mess. Pile of crap - they may as well have been giving them away.
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Old August 21st, 2010, 22:20   #36
Andrew Lee
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You need to find an alternative. I can't see these would work, they won't leave enough paint for you to really see and the guy will end up wiping. I agree with what was said before, cheaters will always cheat, they just do. Today at Wasaga's big game I shot this fat guy that was in the open a few times, saw them hit, and he didn't leave. So, I opened up on my hair trigger and shot him around 10 more times. Guess what? He still didn't leave, he turned and shot at me :|. Lame, I hate cheaters.

Last edited by Andrew Lee; August 21st, 2010 at 22:26..
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Old August 29th, 2010, 01:10   #37
Boris the Blade
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I double tap people now, and haven't had a problem with people not calling hits. However, with that being said, I've also had the rare few who don't call their hits. Follow these easy steps, and you'll resolve the problem.
1. Make sure your gun works! Yes it sounds elementary but guns do jam. Check that your gun works properly before accusing someone of cheating. Give the person the benefit of the doubt.
2. What range are you hitting people at? Getting hit past the effective range of an AEG or pistol is naught but a tap on the shoulder, people with lots of kit, or baggy kit wont feel (or hear) these hits.
3. Shoot people until you see them call hit. Many times I see people take one shot, miss, and then have their target spin around and shoot them. If you have the drop on someone, shoot once, wait a second, then shoot again until a hit is called.
4. Try to remember what the person looks like. The next round you play, try to get the drop on them and shoot them in a way that is undisputable. I like to use a training knife, and make contact (gently).
5. Parley (Parlez). Talk to the person off the field after the game, or talk to a host regarding the situation. At FR we had a good system, if you think you hit someone, and they don't call the hit, call yourself out, walk over to them and discuss the situation while on the field.
6. If you and your opponent shoot each other at the same time, call your hit, then tell them to call their hit, you are both out. If you shot at each other at the same time and you did not feel a hit, call it a hit anyway. This avoids problems in the future.
7. If all fails, hose them down, and ignore your hits until they call theirs. Not my preference but if the other 6 steps fail this one is sure to work.
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Last edited by Boris the Blade; August 29th, 2010 at 01:13..
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Old August 31st, 2010, 07:51   #38
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these new PB BB's seem to be constructed of much stronger stuff then the old ones (had them, good in springers for 5 minutes) after looking at the video's..

i'm interested in getting a few for when i marshal, these loaded into a powerful pistol makes for a very nice honesty tester (shoot suspect, if he calls hit then i go over to tell him he can go back in) of course i give benefit of the doubt, i've only once had to kick someone off a site in england, they took 3 rounds (non PB BB), one on the leg, one in center mass and finally one bounced off his helmet (loud isn't it?) and he still refused to believe he was hit (15 meters away, i can't really miss and i saw him flinch (leg) heard that charactoristic 'twock' of hitting vest and finally a loud 'donk' from the helmet..

some people will always try and cheat.
"History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so."

-- Adolph Hitler, April 11 1942.

Adolph hitler supports gun control.. Do you?

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Old August 31st, 2010, 08:46   #39
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Originally Posted by Boris the Blade View Post
1. Make sure your gun works! Yes it sounds elementary but guns do jam. Check that your gun works properly before accusing someone of cheating. Give the person the benefit of the doubt.
+1 on this

At yesterdays game (pistols only match for this one game) we had 2 guys unload on eachother starting from about 30 feet away and moving in to about 20 feet or closer.

neither player called a hit but at the same time from the dead box (about 5 - 10 feet away max) we could see no bb's from both players nor hear BB's hitting anything.

Finally the players both shopped shooting and asked if they hit eachother and both said no. The looked confused as they looked at there guns and then one player ran up and took a knife kill.

From where we stood (in the dead box) it was funny and both players looked confused and baffled but it does happen.

This could have ended in a pissing match but luckily both players just wanted to move on to the next game and giggled at the event.
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Old August 31st, 2010, 10:04   #40
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Luckily, you'll find most airsoft players are honourable and call their hits. At least in my experience. Hell, it happens that people get hit and don't realize it, don't feel it, etc. Someone with a BB bouncing off the back of their vest at 50 feet away while running full tilt... well, it's understandable that he didn't feel it. But the ones that repeatedly don't call their hits eventually get known for this. There is no room for that in airsoft, and a player who deliberately doesn't call his hits. And this is a small community. Word spreads quickly and one will quickly find himself ostracized from the airsoft community.
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Old August 31st, 2010, 11:45   #41
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Maybe this is overkill, but even if I don't feel a hit, and I even suspect that I've been hit in the gear or something, I'll call a hit anyway. I'm sure it's led to me calling myself hit on nothing, but at least this way I don't annoy anyone for sure.
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Old August 31st, 2010, 11:48   #42
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
Maybe this is overkill, but even if I don't feel a hit, and I even suspect that I've been hit in the gear or something, I'll call a hit anyway. I'm sure it's led to me calling myself hit on nothing, but at least this way I don't annoy anyone for sure.
That's the way it should be done. If you think you may have been hit, call yourself out.
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Old August 31st, 2010, 12:14   #43
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
That's the way it should be done. If you think you may have been hit, call yourself out.

I know I've called myself out in a critical part of a milsim 'just because I thought I was hit'.

but, if your target is not calling the hit, give them the benefit of a doubt, dump a mag on them.
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Old August 31st, 2010, 12:16   #44
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post

I know I've called myself out in a critical part of a milsim 'just because I thought I was hit'.

but, if your target is not calling the hit, give them the benefit of a doubt, dump a mag on them.
that's what a 203 nades shot to the lower leg region is for
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Old August 31st, 2010, 12:20   #45
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
that's what a 203 nades shot to the lower leg region is for
sometimes, they are just a bit too far even at 900psi...
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