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18+ age restrictions Reasons



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Old April 28th, 2010, 15:31   #31
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As long as there's a structured environment for underage kids to play with the approval of their parents (not just *drop kids off in the woods* "OK ILL SEE YOU LATER") underage airsoft can be very good for out sport as a whole when it comes to legitimizing its self as a SPORT
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Old April 28th, 2010, 15:31   #32
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Because children shouldn't be playing with guns toys or otherwise.

Just my opinion
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Old April 28th, 2010, 15:43   #33
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
As long as there's a structured environment for underage kids to play with the approval of their parents (not just *drop kids off in the woods* "OK ILL SEE YOU LATER") underage airsoft can be very good for out sport as a whole when it comes to legitimizing its self as a SPORT
I agree, with proper structure and having gotten eveything legal/insurance sorted out, having teens play is good for the sport. I'd say that we have 2 or more teens for every adult ask to play. They will get older and when they do it will boost adult turn out as well, rather then getting put off by not being able to play and losing interest before 18. Problems usually arrise with structure and insurance and liability. Also I know that most current players want it to be 18+ be cause they don't want to deal with kids (granted fair point) but I think there should be options for teens if possible. Our group does allow 16+ to play (with provisions) but there are games that happen and due to Various reasons, are restricted to 18+ which we make very clear and our younguns know they cant play, but it does help with numbers and as our guys turn 18 they become a responsible member of the adult airsoft community, all ready to go with experience.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 04:44   #34
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Personally I think the age rule sucks

My Nephew who lives with me is not 18 yet but wants to play and can't in my area, yet he comes and shoots real steal with my at my local gun club and treats all my guns (airsoft, pellet/BB, real steal) as if they are always loaded and treats people with respect.

I think that every local community should hold a noob day age restrictions lowered so that the younger people can come out and learn before they are 18.

we have to remember that these people are the future of the sport/hobby, if we get them in at 15-17 and teach them the expectations when they are young that they will pass that on to the next gen of players
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Old April 29th, 2010, 04:50   #35
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Originally Posted by ex View Post
The biggest reason in my mind is legal responsibility. The law deems you to be legally responsible for your actions at 18 Not 17 etc etc. Bottom line is if your under 18 you can not be held responsible for your actions to the same degree as someone 18+
This needs to be echoed over and over until people get it. It has nothing to do with what anyone else has said here, it is all about legal responsibility.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 05:15   #36
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Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
This needs to be echoed over and over until people get it. It has nothing to do with what anyone else has said here, it is all about legal responsibility.
Just for reference sake, What actions are we talking about? Also, a minor's legal responisbility falls on the parents/legal guardian. This goes both ways. In this world someone is always legally responsible
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Old April 29th, 2010, 05:43   #37
Con Murder
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Originally Posted by shaharov View Post
In this world someone is always legally responsible
Uh???? Ya your right, the law would say the field owner never should have had a minor using a weapon that clearly states in the user manual 18+!

Jeez get your head on, you really think they would track down ma n' pa cuz junior shot someones eye out in the safezone??

Liability will fall on whoever let him sign up and shoot. Bottom line.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 07:18   #38
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Well technically no. The field owner does assume some responsibility in overseeing whats happening on their property, ensuring everyone knows and follows the rules and adheres to certain standards set forth by the community. Most field owners have people sign a waiver denoting all of whats been said and relieving them of sole responsibility of the persons actions on their property so their not babysitting everyone all the time as that should not be why they allow games on their property. The parents/guardians of the minor would bear the responsibility of knowing what their kid is doing, why their doing it, how their doing it and should not be ignorant of the possible ramifications of their kids actions as a minor cannot sign any legal document/spoken agreement without the parent/guardians approval. Usually this also involves the parent/guardian be present at all times and sometimes being tethered to their kid (ie: playing alongside them not just sitting in the car or safe zone, this is up to the property owner).

So in short the only person responsible for a minor is the parent/guardian. Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken with my assertion here.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 13:49   #39
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yes... Id assume that the field owner had the parent/guardian sign whatever waiver was needed so that he is not held responsible, much like they get our adults to sign. 18+ printed on the box is not law but recommended age, and if a parent/guardian feels their child isnt responsible enough to play with one then they shouldn't allow it and take it away, thereby giving the parent/guardian final say and responsibility with their childs actions.

If any player gets shot by a minor and can sue the field owner, then if a player gets shot by an adult he can be sued just as likely, and this has nothing to do with age of the shooter but the fact that the field owner did not legally cover his ass.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 13:52   #40
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
mature means you understand community rules and are willing to abide,without the need for someone to give you a lengthy explanation of the reasons why.
+18=being legally an adult : this should be enough.

anything sounding like "yes but *whinewhinewhine*" is a clear demonstration of immaturity.


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Old April 29th, 2010, 17:00   #41
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How about this?

Because we don't want to babysit and if you can't wait until you're 18 to show off what a l33t sn1p3r you are, fuck off.

No one wants the responsibility of watching over a child during an airsoft game. Airsoft is what we do to get away from the kids from time to time.

Seriously, want to shoot people that badly and can't wait? They have airsoft for kids. It's called paintball. Or laser tag. Or nerf. Or whatever.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 19:14   #42
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Here's what I've heard of. 100% underage games, kids of players who want in and are not boneheads. Played on a real field not some one's "big farm", and the parents all sit in and supervise. No regular players or folks not in the family at all.

As you can see, quite a logistical hurdle. You need a field owner who is receptive, a solid core of reliable players who have non-flaky kids who just quite aren't old enough.

This is also a once a year type event rather than a regular slot.
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Old April 29th, 2010, 21:28   #43
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This thread can be closed by a mod if wanted. I think I've gotten all the legal type info I need and we're down to opinions/personal view points now.
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