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Justice for airgun shooting...



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Old May 4th, 2010, 07:31   #31
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
the only answer is bring a knife to school, for defense reasons or a "descrite KeyChain"

but whats a kid gota do
Kids getting into fist fights at school is one thing. Including knives in said fights is a whole other ballgame. You have to be 18 to purchase edged tools in most provinces in Canada anyway.

Now we all agreed that this story was bad press material for airsoft, throwing knives into this kind of story would make politicians, police and soccer moms go apeshit. It's already taboo to have a knife in your pocket day-in day-out. There hasn't been a big enough incident lately to endanger the current situation on knives.

Let's not suggest people to fuck that up.
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Old May 4th, 2010, 18:31   #32
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I agree its just every kid in my school seems to have them, yet no one bothers to pick fights because its a rural school

but i watched people stop bugging another person because they saw the knife in there pocket

all well aside someone needs to learn karate or kickboxing in the near future
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Old May 4th, 2010, 20:40   #33
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
all well aside someone needs to learn karate or kickboxing in the near future
Doesn't always help, I was a purple belt going on 6 years of karate when I hit hit high school. When people found one on one wouldn't work with me, they swarmed. I was extorted once by 8 guys for like $7 plus a student fare, didn't bother starting anything since I didn't know if any of them were armed so I just let them take what they wanted, left, and called the cops. The stupid fuckers were still hanging in the same area.

Hands down, the school has to take a position in issues like this. Simply shoving it aside like its no big deal only enforces an impression that these kids can get away with anything. Problem is that society has taken away the right to punish and discipline kids making it almost illegal. Kids who either don't know or don't care about right or wrong have more power over adults thanks to soccer mom's who think every kid is like their perfect little angel and nobody has the right to even raise their voice over a whisper. Pathetic.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
-George Carlin 1937 - 2008 (RIP buddy)
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Old May 5th, 2010, 15:03   #34
Herr ScheißeLiebhaber
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I'm just kidding.

Kids that do stuff like that really strike a nerve with me. Growing up I was a bit chubby and have been picked on so I know how he feels. I however toughened up, dealt with it and now I know how to handle it when people in the real life are douche bags.

People are going to be dicks to you no matter where you are and that's where that nice mug of concrete comes in. Deal with it and move on.
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