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Another Trade Dispute - Requesting Help from ASC Members, particularly players in New Brunswick



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Old June 4th, 2010, 08:13   #31
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Location: Fredericton NB
Originally Posted by venture View Post
The formation of that forum (airsoftnewbrunswick) was a direct result of a rift created in the nb airsoft community. Poor airsoft etiquette and illegal activity on the field caused a huge dispute and subsequent banning of the founders/membeds of airsoftnb.

A search of the atlantic airsoft forums will yield more info.

The behavior of this seller reminds me of an ongoing dispute on . Search for cruddy horizon and gear_box in the buy and sell discussion forum. That situation is also very messy.

Thank you venture, but I'm a founding member of ANB and that was not the reason I was banned from AAS nor was the reason any of the other staff at ANB were banned. I have a perfect trader rating on ASC as do the other staff members. This discussion has nothing to do with the issue at hand, but thanks for throwing shit on the fire.

back on subject

I just looked at Ddelz's sales threads and in a lot of them he says he's selling the guns for a friend which might be true but he didn't post the same ads on our boards so I'm very skeptical that he had them to begin with. The staff on ANB has been made aware of what's going on and as soon as I have proof that there has been fraud there will be action taken.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 09:13   #32
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Here's our PM's for reference, starts from the bottom:

Originally Posted by Ddelz
Ok, got it. Hopefully I should get it mailed out tomorrow, I'll let you know.

Originally Posted by Styrak
Sent the $300.

Please send to:

[address removed]

Originally Posted by Ddelz
EMT email is:

It includes: TM G36c, 300 round high cap, 4 spare mid-caps that I believe are around the 150 mark, and he said he'll be nice and throw the optic you see in the pic in too. Not sure what it is though, it's unmarked as far as I can see. But it's free so hey, whatever right? lol

Originally Posted by Styrak
It's sold. Send me your payment info. I can do EMT, Paypal, DD, etc.

Just let me know for sure what's included!

Originally Posted by Ddelz
Sorry, he just said "anything extra isn't included" and I only caught those two things. lol

And you have first dibs if you pay first. There's been about 10 other guys but they're not doing anything but asking a million questions. :P

Originally Posted by Styrak
Oh and by your description, the front rail system and silencer is included? (You just said the scope and sling aren't included.)

Originally Posted by Ddelz
Nope, it's never been taken apart and everything is stock. Anything extra you see in the pic is not included.

Originally Posted by Styrak
Hey, may be interested in that G36C.

Looks like it has a rail system on the front?
Anything changed inside or anything else changed or broken?

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Old June 4th, 2010, 09:15   #33
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My apologies Thabow. I should not have brought that fiasco into this discussion. You are right, they are not related.

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Old June 4th, 2010, 09:26   #34
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I realize this is a trade dispute thread, but it's unfair to judge a whole community because of a few people who are allegedly causing trouble.

If Bones is scamming people, yeah... he's out. Leplan hasn't caused us any trouble lately.

And Venture, I don't know you and you don't know me (as far as I know), so how can you say I was banned from AAS because of poor etiquette? Our community isn't having trouble with players sneaking onto the field with hot guns and making face shots. (On a PUBLIC field, I might add).

In any case, I'm done slinging mud. I just want to play airsoft without the goddamn drama. So as long as AAS leaves me alone, I'll leave them alone and we won't bother each other any more.

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Old June 4th, 2010, 10:09   #35
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Peace, I agree. My post is gone.

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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:00   #36
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I'm still in the process of trying to get a hold of Ddelz but he knows I'm looking for him, and I've so far talked to two of these guys who had bad deals and from what I've seen it looks like they're telling the truth.

I hope to have something more before the end of the day.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:03   #37
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Wow, wtf? I'm glad Thabow linked me to this thread because the hate emails I got today were kind of confusing.

First off, yes, I'm Bones/Ddelz.

Secondly, as far as I knew, my account "Ddelz" had been banned for well over a month now. That's why I had to make this one not too long ago when I was trying to get ahold of a member here.
I didn't feel that getting banned over that one guy's bullshit claims about my 1911 I sold him was fair at all. So I made this account. I even have proof that he's a liar when he claims in here that "both mags leak" and blah blah blah. Yet, when he tried to sell the same 1911(for $100 more than he bought it for, no less) he posted in his sales thread that "I never had a chance to test the mags" and insinuating that they should be fine.

The info Rugger_can posted is all me, yeah. But this shit about me selling G36s and other shit? What the hell? I've never owned those guns, nor did I ever sell them for a "friend".

After reading through this thread it's pretty clear that someone took over my account somehow. I'd use the term "hack" but that's not likely, more like a password guess.

Think about this for a second... Do you REALLY think I'm THAT stupid, to start scamming people on my own AV'd account? That has ties to my actual address and information? Using a proxy, what the hell is that supposed to do for me? ASC already knows my address and REAL IP.

Clearly some nitwit tried to cover up his own location while using my shit.

The first thing that struck me as odd was when Thabow told me about a week ago or so that my location had been changed to Toronto.

I'm sorry that some asshole decided to pull this crap ripping you guys off and tarnishing my name, but I'm the victim here too. It's not too great to wake up to threats from people you've never even spoken to before.

Thinking back on it now, I'm pretty sure I wasn't banned over the 1911, because I just got login errors and not a message stating that. They probably changed my password because it says the same thing when I try to log in now.

Last edited by Bonesy; June 4th, 2010 at 13:09..
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:09   #38
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Does anyone have proof that they sent money to Bones/Ddelz's bank account? that's the only thing that would convince me that his Account wasn't hacked.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:11   #39
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It'll be very easy for the Police to figure who is who just by the banking info transferred between parties whether it's Paypal or EMT.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:15   #40
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this is why I'm having a hard time convicting Bones because the whole thing seems so ill planed and easy to trace.

again all i want to know is which email address did you send the EMT to. (pm's only please)
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:15   #41
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Good, take it to the police then if staff can't figure it out.
The sooner you find out who did it, the sooner this bullshit if off me.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:18   #42
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you do know that having multiple acccounts is grounds for a ban right?

and who told you your account was banned to begin with?

if it was banned, you wouldnt be able to view the forums, is this what happened? did you get an email from the asc staff saying it was banned?

if not then you weren't banned.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:21   #43
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
if it was banned, you wouldnt be able to view the forums, is this what happened? did you get an email from the asc staff saying it was banned?

if not then you weren't banned.
I could see only a few forums and when I tried to log in it just gave some error saying my account is invalid. I didn't think much of it because I know other airsoft forums who ban with no reason given to the person.

We just need to know the email this idiot used and I/anyone can do an email trace..

Last edited by Bonesy; June 4th, 2010 at 13:55..
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:29   #44
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and what about now, can you log in with Ddelz now?
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Old June 4th, 2010, 13:31   #45
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The exact message I get is:
You have entered an invalid username or password. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again.

They changed my password.
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