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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:36   #376
Donster's Avatar
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so in theory, i can order a gun that is over 407 and under 500fps? im so confused right now.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:38   #377
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Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
We wouldn't have this problem if we would just let the U.S. invade us and take us over. Then we could have all the airsoft we want from Redwolf or WGCshop.

Why did the damn brits have to be so damn good during the War of 1812. Why couldn't we just let them win!
when there a will, there a weapon my friend

hope other store come back
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Chuck Norris decides that all guns will fail, and he will crack the world in two with his third fist that is his jaw!
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:41   #378
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Originally Posted by GraveTech View Post
If it shot over 500... I am sure there'd be all sorts of fun things like... ...the larger than 5 (or whatever it is) round mag. etc. etc. would come in to play.
I wonder about that, because you can legally get air guns in Canada that shoot over 500 fps AND have high capacity magazines.

One example of this is the Umarex replica of the Beretta Cx4 Storm. There are 2 versions of this gun. One is the one widely sold in Canada and that can be legally imported by anyone. It shoots at 495 fps. There's a second version (the "American" version - the only one they sell in the US) that has a manufacturer's stated velocity of 600 fps (apparently it's closer to 620, and can break 650 with the right pellets). This gun is available in Canada, but required a PAL to buy.

Yet, both those guns come with a 30 round magazine.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:44   #379
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
What's so bad about AUG mags?
I think he meant aeg mags
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:50   #380
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post

Yet, both those guns come with a 30 round magazine.
I may be wrong then.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 16:03   #381
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This answers alot of questions for you guys.
Crunch , rimfire cartridges dont have a mag capacity limit either. So i would guess that the cx4 airgun falls somewhere close to that category.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 16:07   #382
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This debate is endless. I know there are small groups dotted all over Canada that's trying to make this sport called airsoft recognized by the authorities. Is there a way for us to pool our resources here and move forward as a united community? Between us, we have a lot of information & ideas that we could reorganize & present to CBSA, CITT, RCMP, etc. Just a thought.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 16:18   #383
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The 5 rnd mag limit is only for semi-auto centrefire rifles...
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Old January 29th, 2008, 16:25   #384
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Originally Posted by lupo View Post
This answers alot of questions for you guys.
Crunch , rimfire cartridges dont have a mag capacity limit either. So i would guess that the cx4 airgun falls somewhere close to that category.
Thanks for the info. I was looking to find where I'd seen semi-auto .22 rifles recently (for sale in Canada) with 15 round mags. I wanted to make absolutely sure of my info before posting it, so I didn't mention that as an example. Being rimfire cartridges, that would explain why they're legal.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 17:20   #385
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as always the sport is always on the edge of getting shutdown.

the sport lives in canada in the gray zone.
regardless of laws ETC and the endless debate on firearms leglisation laws and loopholes the fact still remains.

the gun's we want to own are iligal to import unless for movie, tv, and or theatrical reenactments and you have to have the licences to import it and to sell them.

even if you say the gun's can shoot over 407 FPS
or even if you can get them to shoot under 100 FPS
they can still be classified as a restricted firearm becuse they are made to look with near persision as a real firearm. it even will say so on most boxes that the guns come in. you can debate that fact.

the only way out is to play with clearsoft.
anytakers ???? anyone???? ... don't think so.

but here is the problem i see.
all it takes is one kid.... and we all know that this is GOING to happen one day!
some perrent is going to buy a mp5 for jonny for his BD
he is going to take a mp5 too shool or something
the police will see him with it.... and bang... soccer mom's yell how can this happen............ and in one fall of the hammer airsoft dies.

if you make a canada wide organization with registation into the group would be the first step. like the airsoft renactors club of canada or someting.

much like the US civil war reenactors

then once that is in place then you have more of a justifiable means to get the ball roleing on legilation or importation or whatever we need.

this debate is realy pointless.
i have seen these treads popup at least 3 times
everone has verry good idea's but ..

you have to get organized first.
once that is done then and only then can you make changes.

i know that one day that the sky will fall and in on our sport but we as a comunity can dictate HOW the sport lives in canada. in my mind i would love to see this happen but.. evertime somone pop's up and says something about this topic the people always say it's been tryed... or .... no becuse then it will bring our sport into the light and might get banned. in my mind those where half harted attemps and it all depends on HOW you do it and who is in charge of the attempt.

we have to take baby steps. we have to look into how to make the sport justifiable to the general popluation. not how to get airsoft into canada.

step 1 : organize
step 578999 : find way to import airsoft into canada

my 2 cents

[MTX]HappyTiT Recon rifleman
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Old January 29th, 2008, 17:37   #386
Brian McIlmoyle
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you guys make me tired

With all the posts by knowledgeable poeple how is it that people can still let crap dribble out of their pieholes? maybe some remedial reading comprehension classes may be in order... a little "hooked on phonics"

The "sport" is NOT at risk... it never was it never will be.. we can all go back to shooting paintballs at one another and still play our "sport"

Or we can go to Laser guns like they are in Australia and we can keep doing our "sport"

The airsoft guns are not required to play this sport..

Sure it would suck... but you could still go out and shoot your friends for fun.

Now... the particular items that we use to play our "sport" are at risk... but that risk has not been any different today than it was in 1998.. Except that it seems today the enforcement of 10 year old laws are cramping us currently.

The flow of airsoft guns may be restricted.. but it will not be stopped any more than the flow of illegal firearms into Canada will be stopped.

If you are well funded and committed you will be able to get airsoft guns if you want them.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 29th, 2008, 17:43   #387
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Old January 29th, 2008, 18:53   #388
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Is it just my perception or is it a fact that very few individuals possess superior reading and writing skills these days?

Sorry that's a pet peeve of mine.

I am sorry to see Mark shut a portion of his business down. But recognize that it is the part that is causing him more stress than it is worth.

Furthermore I have to say that I agree with Brian McIlmoyle's position on this subject whole heartedly.

Shoot away guys because we will all still be able to buy and upgrade guns now, next week and into the foreseeable future.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 19:02   #389
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hey mark,, sorry to see you go,, always 100% in my books.

sad thread, but its developed alot of good information that will hopefully be compiled and stickied.

anyone who, even jokingly, says we should more like the usa can have a free ride out of the country on the toe of my boot...

if you dont believe your country should come before yourself, then you can better serve your country by living somewhere else... - STC = real canadian.
age verifier for the east kootenays.,, 100% canadian, online airsoft retail badass. ,, 30% off games-workshop miniatures...
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Old January 29th, 2008, 19:14   #390
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Fuck Jim Lahey
Thanks, Mark! Great Service and Great Quality it was always a pleasure to deal with you.

If you still want to purchase AEGS we all know how to go about it.

Hopefully someone new takes up the fight and opens a retail front.

Again Thanks Mark.
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