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Old January 29th, 2008, 13:56   #361
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It's been done before, but the results were not as you'd hope. Like I said, pretty hard to argue a Marui coming into Canada shoots 450 fps while Marui's the world over shoot 300 fps.

They go by what the gun is designed to do, backed up by it's actual performance. A modified gun does not meet that first criteria of design, and it's not hard to find out the info an all the airsoft guns out there.

They don't test every Crosman that comes into Canada, they go by what the gun is designed to do, according to the manufacturer, and would only do testing if there was a legal problem or a court case.

How many manufacturers would make a gun specifically for Canada, design it to meet our requirement, build it and sell it? The answer is none, we're to small a market. If someone made an AR, 90% of people would bitch because they wanted a P90, or AK, or G36 or MP5.

The only manufacturer who is known world-wide to make a gun that meets the RCMP benchmark as it was designed to shoot in excess of 407 fps and will do it is Systema's MAX PTW. But there's also a risk that it will shoot over 500 fps in testing, so you could be screwed with even that too. So, even it could have an issue of testing. And which Canadian is going to surrender their PTW to the RCMP for perhaps many months or years for testing, with no guarantee it will ever be returned to them? If you find someone to do it, let me know, I know it won't be me.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:00   #362
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We wouldn't have this problem if we would just let the U.S. invade us and take us over. Then we could have all the airsoft we want from Redwolf or WGCshop.

Why did the damn brits have to be so damn good during the War of 1812. Why couldn't we just let them win!
Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato View Post
And you're calling us immature? Neuter yourself with a hammer.
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
It will help to not get you flamed here, and will help you get a job that doesn't require the repeated use of the phrase "Would you like fries with that?"
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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:01   #363
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I could be wrong but I thought I read on A&A's site that their guns were doing over 408 fps and that they would sell you a velocity reducer at a discount.
That means that part of the increased cost some people complained about was very justified because of the time, effort and parts required to upgrade every gun imported.
Again, I could be wrong. Maybe I read it on 007's site but I definitely read it somewhere.
Anybody know more about this?

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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:02   #364
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
The CBSA does not give you the oppourtunity to install a spring in your gun before they send it to the RCMP for testing. You could do it to a Marui, but it's pretty much impossible to be convincing when the box the gun comes in says 90 m/s. That's why Peter Kang used G&P to start importing that way, removed all manuals, installed heavy springs and let the RCMP test the guns. He brought alot of them in that way too, at least 20 or more made their way to Northern Alberta, where I replaced the springs in many of them with something a little less than the 450fps the came to us with.

Think about how many guns come with a manual or printing on the box stating velocity. How do you pre-upgrade them, and make it reasonable to believe?
If you allow the guns to be tested for muzzle velocity, isn't
it done at your expense?

Sad to see another store close, but ASC classifieds have always
had more to offer every day of the week— plenty of new and
quality used items. As a player I'm not worried at all, because
the temptation to "bring in" what we want will always keep some
new toys flowing into this forum. If your a hobbyist/collector
then it's probably time to find a new one.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:35   #365
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Originally Posted by Jayhad View Post
a PRO-WIN settles the PTW vs none-PTW debate in one trigger pull, sure a ptw is accurate to scale, but your mags are worse to purchase then aug mags and then they go and pop the bb follower in the grass, a good $65.00 well spent.
Plus if I recall Pro-wins are able to be legally obtained in canada, take your V2 based weapon drop in a PRO-win and experience 10 years of reliability..... to me it seems like a no brainer, but I am not a PTW owner

But this thread and so many others like it aren't about PTWs. It's about the impedding DOOM of
Everything;s about the PTW :P

You don't need the BB follower.

Replacements are $4

Magazines are $50 (Or 6 for 250) from accross the border.

"but I am not a PTW owner"

Ahhh I C.

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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:38   #366
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post
I'll bet if there was an AIRSOFT Tax of 7% created the government would make sure it was legal...
id pay double that if i could import airsoft guns on my own. hell id even pay to have a liscense for them.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:49   #367
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Originally Posted by Jayhad View Post
a PRO-WIN settles the PTW vs none-PTW debate in one trigger pull, sure a ptw is accurate to scale, but your mags are worse to purchase then aug mags
What's so bad about AUG mags?

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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:55   #368
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New thread??

I think we need to start a new topic/thread...I move for a PTW v.s JG /china clone discussion !
Any one second this?

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Old January 29th, 2008, 14:57   #369
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:02   #370
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
How many guns out there can (if sent in stock form to the RCMP lab) actually shoot in excess of 407 fps, but under 500 fps with merely the insertion of a battery and some BBs? Not very many (MAX PTWs are the only electric guns that come to mind), so just the luck of the draw says that up until now, the Marui, Western Arms, KSC, etc that have been involved in CITT appeals have not met this minimum performance burden, so the replica classification of those guns was a result.
Just playing a bit of DA here...

My G&P SR-25 shot 408 out of the box, and that's the average over 10 shots. (To be fair, it states 360-380 fps on the websites that sell this).

...There's other guns that exist that can shoot that hard. They're just about as expensive as the lower end systemas too Honestly, if you could purchase these guns like that and use the argument as you've presented, it wouldn't be so terrible. However, baby jesus hates airsoft.

Last edited by Firewalker; January 29th, 2008 at 15:10..
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:12   #371
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im confused about this over 407 but less than 500? i thought so long as a gun shot below 500 and had a muzzle energy of 5.7J, it wasn't considered a firearm?
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:18   #372
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Over 500 and 5.7J= Firearm

Under that, but over 407FPS= Can cause bodily harm= not a replica.

Can't cause bodily harm = Replica (Airsoft)

Replica = Prohibited

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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:19   #373
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Yes, but that doesn't exclude it from being a replica. If it shot over 500... I am sure there'd be all sorts of fun things like the automatic firing, the larger than 5 (or whatever it is) round mag. etc. etc. would come in to play.
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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:21   #374
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Ya I'd imagine. Just like full auto pellet guns are a big no no. But I don't think any pellet/bb guns have mag cap limits. Just firearms.

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Old January 29th, 2008, 15:33   #375
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Originally Posted by LeapingLizard View Post
Ya I'd imagine. Just like full auto pellet guns are a big no no. But I don't think any pellet/bb guns have mag cap limits. Just firearms.
And a short barreled one. (over the velocity/energy limits). Full auto pellet and BB guns are fine, once again, if under said limits. Hell, I owned a really nice one before.
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