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Airsoft IPSC in Canada?



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Old April 11th, 2008, 10:06   #16
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I don't need a committee to tell me I can go around plinking with friends of mine in our basements.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 10:20   #17
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YouTube - Redwolf Airsoft - IPSC from Airsoft Surgeon Clarence Lai

Looks ok to me...
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Old April 11th, 2008, 10:24   #18
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there was an IPSC airsoft course run in Winnipeg recently at one of our gunshows. I think it was for carbines and pistols. Not sure how it went as I was too busy playing xbox.. err *cough* tending to my teams display... yes.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 10:39   #19
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Chrios View Post
I don't need a committee to tell me I can go around plinking with friends of mine in our basements.
IPSC isn't saying you can't. I don't see why people are getting all indignant about this. Airsoft IPSC isn't meant to denigrate real steel shooting or one's right to basement plink to their heart's content.

I'd personally love to do both, preferably the less expensive one first, and the more expensive one later down the road.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 10:46   #20
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IPSC airsoft has advantages: Accesible to more people eg non gun lic people.
Also you would be able to play it at places that do not need to worry about shots that miss and hit a wall or window. So you would have more places to play hint hint TTAC3.

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Old April 11th, 2008, 12:47   #21
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The States has Airsoft IPSC community. And we all know how easy it is to get a gun there.
And don't forget in 2004 a kid from Japan won the IPSC world championship. Now handguns are illegal in Japan so he trained with airsoft and a month or real firearms shooting before the competition. [I'll try to find the actual article later]

There seems to be enough interest. There's no reason we can't start an airsoft IPSC event ourselves over here.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 13:34   #22
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Found it.
by CJ Songer
Dillon's Blue Press -- January 2005
The big question all week was whether K.C. Eusebio would be able to repeat his spectacular last year’s win of the Steel Challenge match. Going up against the acknowledged masters of the speed-shooting world (Rob Leathem, Todd Jarrett, Doug Koenig, and Jerry Miculek, to name only a few) the fifteen-year-old wunderkind had blazed past everyone last year to claim the title. But you know how it is with boys - they get older. They lose their edge. They find girls. “So you’ve been practicing a lot?” “Nah,” he said. “Well, I shot a couple of rounds.”

Oh, sure. I play golf like that, too. No stress, no pressure. Just one little hole at a time.

The Steel Challenge has been around since Mike Dalton and Mike Fichman combined forces in 1981. Its format is deceptively simple: there are seven stages, each of which have five steel plates arranged on them in various configurations at distances from six yards to forty yards. All you have to do is shoot five timed runs at each stage. Five chances at each stage? Ayup. That’s not really very hard, and the judges will even help you improve your time by throwing out your slowest run. Of course, most of the people you’ll be shooting against chew bullets for breakfast, but don’t let that worry you.

K.C. wasn’t worrying. Part of that, I think, is because he’s been around this event since he was little. He began shooting the match in 1998, winning the Pre-Teen Division when he was only ten years old. Two years later, he was one of the “elite” shooters and has been placing handily ever since, so last year wasn’t really a fluke for him -- it was simply a combination of skill, luck, timing, and, although he wasn’t quite admitting it -- a whole lot of practice.

There were competitors from all over the continental U.S. this year, as well as from Canada, England, Australia, and Japan. The Japanese can’t have handguns, which is a drawback, but it’s turned out not to be an insurmountable problem. Think of it rather as an obstacle than a barrier. Do you see the boy in the picture with the unusual stance? That’s Tatsuya Sakai. Since he can’t have a handgun, Tatsuya spent the year training at home in Japan with an air pistol. He came over to California about a month before the match, and put in some time practicing with a real gun on the Steel Challenge ranges to good effect -- he ended up beating K.C.’s time this year by .59 seconds to become the new World Speed Shooting Champion. Yes, that’s point-five-nine, folks -- fifty-nine hundredths of a second. Before that, K.C. and a young man named J.J. Racaza had been neck-and-neck for first place. They ended up second and third, respectively, with only .05 seconds between them. To give you a notion of how fast everyone in the top group were shooting, Max Michel, Jr. was fourth with 68.63 seconds (that’s his total time for a counted score of four best runs at each of seven stages, or twenty-eight runs.) Todd Jarrett was fifth with 69.10 seconds, Rob Leatham had a measly 69.26, Doug Koenig was batting right in there with 70.39, Jerry Miculek was at 71.72, Michael Voigt had 75.03, James Ong had 75.15, JoJo Vidames was eleventh with 76.53, and Tatsuya came in twelfth with 77.26. Twelfth? Wait a minute, I thought Tatsuya was first. He was, yes. He shot the match twice, as many of the competitors did, testing themselves through the stages with two different guns. Tatsuya won the over-all Championship with what’s called an “Open” gun (fancy sights, ports, however you want to trick the gun up) and also came in twelfth with a “Limited” gun, so I think it’s safe to say that his fast shooting wasn’t pure luck!

There were side matches, too, and plenty of prizes -- over $300,000 worth, donated by the major (and minor) gun companies. The prizes were split in a variety of ways, determined by category and shooter-ranking, and sometimes by the fickle hand of fate. There were raffles (one enterprising gentleman bought five hundred dollars worth of tickets and, not surprisingly, went home with a large assortment of goods) as well as several lucky-chance drawings. One such drawing I was glad to witness had a competitor from Japan, Takeo Ishii, whose name had been picked from the bowl to receive a handgun. It took Takeo only moments to return with the Japanese interpreter by his side to say that since he couldn’t own a gun in Japan, he wished to give something back to the Steel Challenge as a token of appreciation for the great time he’d had here, and so wanted to donate the gun to the last place competitor. That last place finisher was a man named Merle Ness, who’d been plagued by gun problems throughout the match, but had kept on, nonetheless. It was a very poignant moment -- true détente.
Info about IPSC for those who are confused.

I think it'd be a great idea to have this kind of event here. It would be way easier to get into since all you need is a GBB and a pair of goggles. Nearly everyone has a GBB and more and more people are modding their GBBs to raceguns.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 14:03   #23
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Originally Posted by Captain Tenneal View Post
Personally IPSC is very interesting, however the restricted firearm license governmental loophole that allows the police to enter your house without a warrant just to see if your guns are locked safely at any time, doesn't interest me,
You have been getting your info from the CBC again bro

They can't enter your house without a warrant. They CAN inspect but they have to give you at least 24 hours notice, and you have to be present, so if you are working and can't make the appointment you get to pick a date etc etc...

As far as RS IPSC being the same, quite frankly I think I would prefer AS IPSC. Less friggin politics.

There is something to be said for BANG rather than pffs however
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Old April 11th, 2008, 16:56   #24
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I think it'll be nice to have IPSC type of airsoft events here. I do some postal matches on another forum from US(submit your time for a given setup of target), and its fun to shoot and practice mag changes and so on. But at home you are limited in equipment and setup, and people might not like the smell of propane and having to cleanup BBs all over the basement....

I think its more accessible to than the milsim style airsoft as you can pretty much start with a GBB, 2 mags, and a pair of goggles. Without needing to have any specific gear and loadout....probably more appealing to the casual player who otherwise might just plink(read, me as I haven't been able to start buying gears outside of guns nor go out to an event yet)....

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Old April 11th, 2008, 20:00   #25
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Some clubs have run IPSC it all depends on the organizers.
Here in Calgary we've run a few IPSC style courses. Not full blown IPSC but same targets and style games with great success. We're thinking of expanding it a little further for this coming season.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 20:06   #26
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As someone who's contemplating actually starting RS IPSC, including Restricted Firearms License, it will cost about $700-$900 to start with rig. I've done the research, it comes down to the division you want to join. As a new IPSC competitor I'm planning on starting out at Production class, so any Stock 9mm or .40, no sights allowed. If you wanted to blow a couple thousand and go straight into Open division feel free, I just don't think, as a starter I'd have as much fun going straight at the pro's. Open class competitors in general reload all their ammo to the course and needs they have so cost is about 1/2 of what you put earlier depending on what they are doing.
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Old April 11th, 2008, 23:14   #27
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Have you seen the price for .45 ammo?

2000/25$ vs 2000/500+$ ....
Raceguns don't usually use .45s. Too much recoil/muzzle flip...
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Old April 12th, 2008, 00:37   #28
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Id so be up for airsoft ipsc. I've been watching alot airsoft ipsc on youtube. I think it would be really great for clubs that dont always have the body count the do regular games.
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Old April 12th, 2008, 00:53   #29
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Ok I myself being Ex-Military and using Real Steel Weapons as well as having Airsoft weapons and being a Airsoft Team Leader......I just wanted to say to Firewalker is, DUDE are u nuts?????!!!!!! Airsoft is number one safer then Real steel, plus u dont need pay $400 to get a PAL and take the coruse to own a airsoft weapon, and what fun is making a loud KA-CRACK as u put it while just shooting Paper.....while u can make a soft P-toof and be able to shoot real living people in Milsim's and not got to jail for killing someone? Dude if u like to have Real Steel over Airsoft then join the Military LOL!
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Old April 12th, 2008, 01:04   #30
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... Were talking about ISPC not milsims brad

Originally Posted by .Andrew. View Post
turns out i had to take the battey out of the stock and charge it right from the battery wire..not the wire that connects to the gun
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