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What are your opinions of available airsoft grenades? I'm developing a good one!


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Old April 12th, 2007, 14:49   #16
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Originally Posted by snakeeater View Post
Ugh. I hate that video. It does little to illustrate the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of the actual product. Too much time spent showing how cool it would be to have an effective grenade and none showing how the product in question is actually effective. Not to mention, there are many shots of players not wearing eye protection. If you're advertising an airsoft product, advertise it in an airsoft application. Not as cool as make believe combat, but at least it's actually applicable to the buyer.

Have you even used one of these grenades?
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Old April 12th, 2007, 15:04   #17
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Originally Posted by gamz View Post
Talk to Hazard SFD or LUTNIT.

They made about 80 for our team. They're loud and they are fuckin AWESOME.
Why dont you just put a fucking neon sign over my head lol.. yeah they are loud. O:
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Old April 12th, 2007, 15:24   #18
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Originally Posted by snakeeater View Post

Apparently your opinion could not be found, since that page throws a 404 error.
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Old April 12th, 2007, 15:26   #19
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Originally Posted by vatek View Post
Apparently your opinion could not be found, since that page throws a 404 error.
they don't allow direct linking to the vid. You can cut and paste it into your URL field. For some reason Firefox wants to parse the wmv into text. So much data that the page never completes loading and crashes the browser. Clip it into MSexplorer.
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Old April 12th, 2007, 16:53   #20
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My only thing on the disposable is that I don't want to have to worry about finding an expensive component in the middle of a game, and/or if I lose it during a game, I am not swearing my head off. I've lost two trip mines in the past that were quite pricey. After that I swore I'd never buy non-disposable again...
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Old April 12th, 2007, 16:58   #21
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was using a disposable hand grenade last year that was Pyro and really cheap. But seeing as MadMax has described the intended use for his designm, I feel that it would have a place on my loadout as well.

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Old April 12th, 2007, 17:02   #22
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i agree with scarecrow, disposable is the way to go. I don't wanna be looking for a 5 piece grenade in the middle of even after a game.
And with my experience using the mortar, simple, effective, and CHEAP shells arefar superior to buying the nerf rounds and having people wonder wether or not they die when a nerf lands next to them.
making disposable grenades is cheap, but it takes time. But the explosive type are WAY cooler and more effective. Not to mention so light im not afraid to throw it into bunkers lol

Gryphon's thumper grenade is a great distraction for indoor games, and thats exactly what its designed to be.
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Old April 12th, 2007, 17:10   #23
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I'm going to have to aim for the indoor CQC game with my grenade. It's pretty much impossible to make an effective disposable grenade without pyro. Outdoor play means that a grenade would have to be able to blast pellets through tall grass because it has to discharge from the ground. Even our rifles have some problems penetrating brush. Making a grenade which could punch through a tuft of grass it was sitting in would result in a grenade which is too powerful for close clear line of sight hits in open area.
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Old April 12th, 2007, 17:17   #24
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Will it be multiple parts? Will parts have to be replaced after each use (like the Thumper)?
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Old April 12th, 2007, 17:19   #25
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This is the grenade that I have been in favor of for some time now. DanO brought one of em out to a Gun Doc day and I had a blast with it ((set it off about 20 times that day)). The BB spread was decent when tossed into a small room of about 12 x 10. Although it is directional, that is one thing I do kind of like. I intend to get a few of these so as to be able to set them up as claymore like mines in the trees using trip wire.

Would love to see good alternatives as well, as these are $46 USD.

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Last edited by Dracheous; April 12th, 2007 at 17:23..
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Old April 12th, 2007, 17:29   #26
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
I've had one of those rolled into a room where I was one time....I sat there looking at it for a moment, shruged then went back to watching the doorway where it came from. Also called out "That was supposed to blow up right?"

they look great though!! But BM is right, for Airsoft functional should outway appearance. I want working, not pretty. If I get working and pretty well cool. but Working is the key factor.

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Old April 12th, 2007, 17:48   #27
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I set it off 20 times using propane with out a hitch. Only once did it not go off, but that was my fault for having the timer screwed all the way down. second I loosened it up a little as required, POOF!..

The first time I went to toss it the timer was unscrewed as much as possible, so it went off JUST leaving my hand... BB's shot back into me, and the ones I didn't shield showered the rest of the room. Couple people got hit by those, and they were about 20 feet back!

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Old April 12th, 2007, 17:57   #28
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Thanks for your comments Dracheous. I may be overly critical of the variability in grenade timers. I've managed to make a very consistent delay. One consistent enough that you could cook off a second or two to prevent a grenade from being returned. You just can't do that with the DF grenade or the other two I've looked at because with a 2+ second variance, the grenade could go of in 1 or 5 seconds if you set the timer for an average 3s delay. 5s leaves plenty of time to throw a grenade back. 1s requires one to immediately throw a grenade or risk getting killed by their own grenade.

I do not consider a light shower hit to be a valid bb strike. It's difficult to feel a very light hit through a light shirt let alone gear. My current model is spec'd to deliver a stinging hit through a light shirt at close range. I can't make it too much more powerful, but I definitely want to deliver a noticable hit.
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Old April 12th, 2007, 18:02   #29
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I've seen the Warmongers grenades in action, and they work quite well. Personally I'm not a big fan of homemade pyro. I've seen people lose fingers both being stupid with things like that in high school, as well as during training at work. It's not pretty. It is pretty funny watching these things being lit by a lighter, (although that's a big plus at night ) and I do think it's pretty silly to be killed by peas or .12 gram BB's
Personally, due to the varying amount of player skill and experience (even among "vets",) I'd like to see any pyro used games be required to go off in the user's hand. The only pyro I use myself are the marine smokes and paraflares during night games. Both are relatively safe and carry quality seals as they are made in a factory.
If a non pyro grenade that was expendable and reliable did hit the market, I'd be all over it like Drac on a donut
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Old April 12th, 2007, 18:07   #30
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Thanks for all the comments about pyro. I have some idea of a desired standard of performance. However, the main reason I started this thread was to see what other players thought of reusable grenades which is the market I'm planning on entering.
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