Originally Posted by Dracheous
I'm a newb too you know :P... bought an armalite so I'd HAVE to learn what the fuck is going on.
What I meant with the compression is what's really called "Suck". Think of it like a syrnge right, pull the plunge and you suck in air, push it forward and you expell air. Just like the piston in an Airsoft gun. But there is a bit of porting to stop this suck. What I'm wondering is if you have so my suck that it draws the bb up higher then it should be going.
You'd said "with a bunch of upgrades", just makes me wonder if there is so much compression in the piston, or rather in this case suck that it pulls the bb up and it bounces off the ceiling. But then that wouldn't explain it that well. There is also maybe the possibility of the magazine spring pushing that bb too high. But then, the different between half a gram shouldn't have that.
Something is up with the feeding though. Take the upper receiver off, and check both the hop up unit and nozzle for any kind of knicks or cracks in them. See if there is anything for the lighter round to get caught on. Am sure you already did this, but just a wild shot.
Drach, barrel suck happens when the inner volume of the barrel (aka. length) exceeds the amount of air volume inside the cylinder in front of the piston. It causes low fps for the most part. It doesn't matter what the wieght of the BB is, it'll shit on every kind equally. This isn't his problem, I think it's just a bad batch of ammo. Another thought is, what happens if the ammo you got (the 0.20g BBs) had the slight oil coating worn/washed off, yet your 0.25g still has a good coating of it? After a bit the washed BBs would plug and jam, the unwashed would run fine. Just a thought, personally I'm not crazy about an oily surface on the BBs I use.