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Are you under 18 years old? - Discussion Thread



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Old May 9th, 2006, 23:44   #16
Join Date: Dec 2003
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I wanted to start airsoft when I was 17, about 6 months away from turning 18. I decided to save for 5 months, to get all the gear to enjoy the gme, a good 2g.
I placed the order for all my stuff about 4 weeks before I turned 18 so it would all get in for when I was 18 (which I don't think is a big deal.)
Sure, I had to wait, but I got fully loaded for gear since I saved, and the wait made those first games that much sweeter.
Really, waiting and saving isn't a huge deal, always other thing you can do in the meantime, like your high school cheerleaders. :-D
Current -
M4a1 RIS Upgraded/Metal Body
AK47 350 FPS
Tac Master Beretta
Glock 23f w/metal slide
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Old May 10th, 2006, 06:36   #17
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You guys who just posted are exactly what we're trying to get across. Waiting wont kill you and you'll know more by the time you can legally play. You survived, right?

If you break the rules, guess what, you wont play. You may not even get to play after you turn 18 if you started off as a liar. Honestly, being 18 is not a guarantee you can play either.
If you are a known liar/flaker, why would a field owner (or anyone) allow you laugh at those you screwed?
Those of you who break the rules should really think about this.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 07:52   #18
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Going the 18yrs old only would solve alot of problems, however, it would be a great disadvantage to all the other reponsible minor who chow down the info on their own(like the some of the guys who posted in this thread).

My biggest beef is we keep getting people from the US(now, why would an US citizen even want to post here anyways?) and other minors from Canada who just can't think for themselves... Greylocks and Droc have really good points.

I say ban everyone, problem solved... lol.

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Old May 10th, 2006, 09:10   #19
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Originally Posted by RecceGod
Going the 18yrs old only would solve alot of problems, however, it would be a great disadvantage to all the other reponsible minor who chow down the info on their own(like the some of the guys who posted in this thread).

My biggest beef is we keep getting people from the US(now, why would an US citizen even want to post here anyways?) and other minors from Canada who just can't think for themselves... Greylocks and Droc have really good points.

I say ban everyone, problem solved... lol.

**press the big red nuke sized ban button**...

Why don't we just remove the ability for some to type "US" in their location. Come up with some sort of algerathyme that'd see that written there and they this big pop that says "THIS IS CANADA WE ONLY ACCEPT FLANEL WEARING, HOCKEY PLAYING, EH SAYING LOOOOOOOSERS!" like one American has already pointed out...

... or we could have some sort of way to make their moniter explode... that'd be fun
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Old May 10th, 2006, 09:11   #20
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Give Droc and I moderator powers, sit back, watch the carnage.
Heck, add Lynch and Poncho just for the nasty factor.
Newbies will read, or go. Simple.
The other solutions I pray will be implemented. Dont tell me the sport would suffer if anyone under 18 could not post here. I wont buy it.
They can read and inform themselves, posting is a privilege.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 10:45   #21
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I am 14, and was at first very upset when i found out legal age for airsoft was 18. Now I have come to respect that, and I am actually a little bit happy about it. now that I have FOUR years to save up and buy some really nice things when I turn 18.
And also the fact that immature kids can't ruin the sport. Now don't get me wrong, I have done some stpid things to, and I will admit it. But when it comes to guns, and gun safety, I'm right there with ya boys.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 12:01   #22
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Give Droc and I moderator powers, sit back, watch the carnage.
Heck, add Lynch and Poncho just for the nasty factor.
Newbies will read, or go. Simple.
The other solutions I pray will be implemented. Dont tell me the sport would suffer if anyone under 18 could not post here. I wont buy it.
They can read and inform themselves, posting is a privilege.
Thats why they wont give you the power :wink:

but I agree with that... Newbies gotta read or gotta go!! Theres are just too many thread like "hey i ws just wondering wat type of gun would be best to get and by wat company?? Thx!!!111!!!11!!11"
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Old May 10th, 2006, 13:41   #23
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Originally Posted by deep in the bush
my god...would a parent dish out 700 dollars for a unit?

please adopt me....btw can i have a new car?

i agree...patience is key... so is respect.

Parents spoil their kids these days, what's an Xbox 360 and a couple adult games?

Mind you when I was 11 or 12 I had cousins and school mates of the same age that had motor bikes and rifles (granted they were .22) of their own.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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Old May 10th, 2006, 14:15   #24
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I'm only ten years old. How have I been playing all this time?

Must be my l337 h4x!

Honestly though, it's good to see more of an intiative on the community's part to discourage minors from the get go.

"...and if I fall, to taste the ground, and you hear that firebell sound. Don't fear, it's just the bullets, bouncing off my helmet..." -Hawksley Workman

"I sir, point & laugh at you from across the ocean."-Aquamarine

"It is that same freedom to choose that many organized faiths refuse to accept. And for that, I refuse to accept them."-MadMorbius
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Old May 10th, 2006, 15:27   #25
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Originally Posted by Lex
I'm only ten years old. How have I been playing all this time?

Must be my l337 h4x!

Honestly though, it's good to see more of an intiative on the community's part to discourage minors from the get go.
Your ten? and your profile says 23... Thanks for admitting that you lied on your ASC application.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 15:47   #26
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Originally Posted by Renegade)H20
Originally Posted by Lex
I'm only ten years old. How have I been playing all this time?

Must be my l337 h4x!

Honestly though, it's good to see more of an intiative on the community's part to discourage minors from the get go.
Your ten? and your profile says 23... Thanks for admitting that you lied on your ASC application.
That's the witty retort?

Man, I was expecting something...I don't know...funny?


Sarcasm: A form of verbal irony, expressing sneering, personal disapproval in the guise of praise. (Oddly enough, sarcastic remarks are often used between friends, perhaps as a somewhat perverse demonstration of the strength of the bond--only a good friend could say this without hurting the other's feelings, or at least without excessively damaging the relationship).

"...and if I fall, to taste the ground, and you hear that firebell sound. Don't fear, it's just the bullets, bouncing off my helmet..." -Hawksley Workman

"I sir, point & laugh at you from across the ocean."-Aquamarine

"It is that same freedom to choose that many organized faiths refuse to accept. And for that, I refuse to accept them."-MadMorbius
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Old May 10th, 2006, 16:09   #27
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And all I will say is

April 2006
posts: 15.


Oct 2002
Posts: 152.

Omg or are both posts filled with underlying sarcasm?

No one will know! Because it's almost impossible to detect sarcasm on a computer.
Damn mircochips.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 16:24   #28
Originally Posted by Wh1t3y
I am 14, and was at first very upset when i found out legal age for airsoft was 18. Now I have come to respect that, and I am actually a little bit happy about it. now that I have FOUR years to save up and buy some really nice things when I turn 18.
And also the fact that immature kids can't ruin the sport. Now don't get me wrong, I have done some stpid things to, and I will admit it. But when it comes to guns, and gun safety, I'm right there with ya boys.
good stuff

but realistically, responsible minors can play. I know of several who have come and watched games, earned the respect of players and have ordered guns through respected members...The member has to really trust the minor because the responsibility is then on him, and if the minor screws up, its the sponsors ass. Mind you, these situations are few and far between, usually close friends for years or family. IMHO, it is the only responsible way for minors to play.

Originally Posted by Greylocks
Give Droc and I moderator powers, sit back, watch the carnage.
I have been walking the banning line myself for years Im the last person who will be a mod.
Old May 10th, 2006, 16:59   #29
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
Originally Posted by RecceGod
Going the 18yrs old only would solve alot of problems, however, it would be a great disadvantage to all the other reponsible minor who chow down the info on their own(like the some of the guys who posted in this thread).

My biggest beef is we keep getting people from the US(now, why would an US citizen even want to post here anyways?) and other minors from Canada who just can't think for themselves... Greylocks and Droc have really good points.

I say ban everyone, problem solved... lol.

**press the big red nuke sized ban button**...

Why don't we just remove the ability for some to type "US" in their location. Come up with some sort of algerathyme that'd see that written there and they this big pop that says "THIS IS CANADA WE ONLY ACCEPT FLANEL WEARING, HOCKEY PLAYING, EH SAYING LOOOOOOOSERS!" like one American has already pointed out...

... or we could have some sort of way to make their moniter explode... that'd be fun
I will tell you exactly why people from the States post here. Because this is one of the best Airsoft Communities in the world. Deal with it. You have a huge, highly-dedicated and (mostly) mature regular-user base, a verifiable shitload of useful information, and most importantly, lots of benevolent and patient members who are willing to answer questions.

Find me a forum centralized in the USA that is as strong as ASC, and I will show you a green dog.

You should be encouraging people from around the world to come and post on ASC - the more the better; plus, you can always ban those who choose to be immature pricks. I absolutely do not advocate underage Airsofting, Chairsofting, Clearsofting, Budgetsofting, whatever...the law is the law (except when it concerns alcohol :cheers: ). I don't care if you think you're "responsible" or "mature" - if you're breaking an Airsoft law, you're not. An Airsoft gun has the capacity to easily kill and get you killed. There is a reason laws exist.

With that said, here's some information for people in the United States: It is illegal to purchase an Airsoft weapon if you are under 18, but legal for you to own one if you are 16. This is the national law from what I've heard; if I am incorrect, by all means correct me.

Also - state laws have the ability to supercede federal ones!!! Check with your LOCAL laws before you run around with a gun. Same for city and county laws.
Originally Posted by Droc
I think new users should buy a USB anytime they ask a stupid question, we can PM them a kick to the teeth.
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Old May 10th, 2006, 17:13   #30
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Originally Posted by quikstrike

And all I will say is

April 2006
posts: 15.


Oct 2002
Posts: 152.

Omg or are both posts filled with underlying sarcasm?

No one will know! Because it's almost impossible to detect sarcasm on a computer.
Damn mircochips.
Ha! Well said. :grin:

"...and if I fall, to taste the ground, and you hear that firebell sound. Don't fear, it's just the bullets, bouncing off my helmet..." -Hawksley Workman

"I sir, point & laugh at you from across the ocean."-Aquamarine

"It is that same freedom to choose that many organized faiths refuse to accept. And for that, I refuse to accept them."-MadMorbius
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