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Bevel gear getting pressed against pinion too hard with no shims?


Doctor's Corner

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Old November 17th, 2014, 01:40   #16
"bb bukakke" KING!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ottawa
any v3 will do.

BTW if that's the motor height you had to set for the gear to not make noise, it's way too low. You're only engaging half way up the pinion. You're going to shear something eventually like that.

Proper pinion to bevel will have the pinion all the way engaged but still have a little bit of side to side play in the bevel gear. You can definitely see the bushing is raised out of the shell. Are you sure it's not set in all the way?

the bearing race/flange should be flush with the inside of the gearbox, if they didn't mill the cutout deep enough then yeah the shell needs replacing. Bearings will almost always sit lower than bushings. Did you swap that over from a bushing in hopes of getting it to sit lower?

If you're trying to set it in make sure the gearbox isn't resting on a flat surface... they need to come out the other side as both bearings and bushings will be wider than the shell. You can push all you want if you're pushing into the table, that sucker ain't getting any lower.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old November 17th, 2014, 01:55   #17
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Nope the bearing were stock like that, did not change a thing. And seems like changing it out to bushings doesn't change much. Seems like all signs are pointing to the groove being not deep enough.
Actually the bearings are quite easy to push in, just seems like they sit too high.

And as for the motor height if I had it set to as you said it would start making a grinding noise.
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Old November 17th, 2014, 03:26   #18
wind_comm's Avatar
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I find it amusing that you've been led on a round about illogical path to find a "solution", when anybody who's ever touched a stock jg box will tell you they're the narrowest boxes known to man, and that all the symptoms of your grinding problem is from not (correctly) using the pinion-bevel method and the narrowness of said gearbox.

just pointing it out. I'm done being facetious for the day. sorry I didn't see this thread sooner.

there are some guides on ASM (iirc) about sanding bushing faces when there's not enough room to shim, and more importantly, guides to properly shimming a gearbox. if you don't have the gear to properly sand a bushing, shells are cheap and reading about how to shim correctly is free.
too busy tinkering to play.
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