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SO many guns....which one to make mine?


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Old October 17th, 2012, 17:13   #16
a.k.a. HKpro
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It seems to me without calibre restrictions for real guns you can improve the range of most airsoft guns, right?

You can theoretically turn any airsoft gun into a DMR. Take a MP5K, throw on a massive suppressor, 500mm 6.01 tightbore, upgrade the compression system, throw on a 4x ACOG, and run .3g BBs, and you have a gun that will match any other airsoft DMR on the field.

For all the guns you're asking about, your best to use youtube and google and find reviews that all already out there for information. It's way better than asking for everyone's opinion on every gun that catches your eye.

Also, if you're actually 18 ("Not being worth my time" is the usual cover-up for 16 year olds that can't get age verified) hold off buying anything until you see what's in the classifieds. It puts retailers to shame the deals you can get.
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Old October 17th, 2012, 19:03   #17
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Originally Posted by Debrief View Post

Also, if you're actually 18 ("Not being worth my time" is the usual cover-up for 16 year olds that can't get age verified) hold off buying anything until you see what's in the classifieds. It puts retailers to shame the deals you can get.
do this and fill out your location, would be helpful in order to direct you a age verifier that lives near or at least closest to your location
since your bud is thinking of buy a G36 style rifle, now you have to think of what kind of vest, such as LBV, chest rigs, and plate carrier, it all depends on your style of play
for you, i would recommend a 5.11 LBV, lots of MOLLE real estate, you can have many pouches if you have a GBB or AEG SMG for a secondary, vent well if you decide to wear a ghillie suit, and light weight light weight, see nutnfancy review on the vest
a chest rig, have the same features, just does not have a lot MOLLE real estate
for your pal, a plate carrier or the 5.11 LBV
Boots, surplus or what ever your budget can offer
BDU, surplus or what ever your budget can offer and what kind of camo pattern you like
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Old October 17th, 2012, 22:23   #18
Join Date: Oct 2012
Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
do this and fill out your location, would be helpful in order to direct you a age verifier that lives near or at least closest to your location
since your bud is thinking of buy a G36 style rifle, now you have to think of what kind of vest, such as LBV, chest rigs, and plate carrier, it all depends on your style of play
for you, i would recommend a 5.11 LBV, lots of MOLLE real estate, you can have many pouches if you have a GBB or AEG SMG for a secondary, vent well if you decide to wear a ghillie suit, and light weight light weight, see nutnfancy review on the vest
a chest rig, have the same features, just does not have a lot MOLLE real estate
for your pal, a plate carrier or the 5.11 LBV
Boots, surplus or what ever your budget can offer
BDU, surplus or what ever your budget can offer and what kind of camo pattern you like

Well, I'm looking forward to starting hunting next year so I should be good for picking up camo/boots. However not sure how much money I want to spend on gear that doesn't cross over. Do I have any business going into a milsim game without molle, plater carrier, mag wells etc...etc...???

Thanks for the tips mate its all good learning quite a bit. glad I stepped into the newbie tank.

And Im in SW Calgary. Ill look into this age thing if the deals are as great as you say vs. the online retailers Im looking at.

The classifieds are going to be all used, yes? Im not so sure if want...

Last edited by danceswithpellets; October 17th, 2012 at 22:45..
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Old October 18th, 2012, 00:22   #19
Devious Sinner
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for a person that chooses to limit their own options, i don't quite understand but i won't bug you about it...

anyways, as for the gear aspect, this is entirely dependent on your own play style / theme. you don't need to throw down money for a full set of military like appearance, hell if you want you can just go into the field wearing nothing but t-shirt and jeans and keep all your magazines in your pocket
if you want to select gear that can cross over between hunting and airsoft, just look around because there's many many many selections that will fit your need
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Old October 18th, 2012, 01:06   #20
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Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
Well, I'm looking forward to starting hunting next year so I should be good for picking up camo/boots. However not sure how much money I want to spend on gear that doesn't cross over. Do I have any business going into a milsim game without molle, plater carrier, mag wells etc...etc...???
If you understand what the term Milsim means, versus what the ordinary skirmish type event is, then yes, it does matter. Milsim is that - Military Simulation - each event has it's own specific requirements for attendee's to meet in terms of guns, gear and equipment, depending on what the theme is, and what side(s) you are playing on. They are definitely not a "come as you are, in your own style" that skirmish type field events are. Review the events section and pay attention to what some of the upcoming longer 18-24 hour events require (in the Ontario section) in terms of the above. Similar events do occur in Alberta. Failure to meet the requirements of the team that you join / failure to come prepared will usually result in you being asked to go home.

Example - OP NIGHTFALL 18 hr. Milsim: - Pay attention to all the requirements, and how the teams are broken up. You would stand out like a sore thumb if you signed up for green team, wearing hunter green camo, with mags hanging out of your pockets.

Signing up for Skirmish type events, the requirements are rather a bit more loose, but you do want to try to get the minimum military style equipment and clothing to support you on the field. This isn't hunting, this is simulated combat, even at the skirmish level - equip accordingly.

This isn't a cheap sport by any means - if you are light of pocket, then you need to revise where you are at now, and decide whether you can indeed afford this. Generally accepted minimum investment is generally considered $1000.00-1500.00 in guns and gear, to start. You'll continue spending money on that initial investment, if this sport is for you.

Yes getting age verified for the classifieds can be worth it - indeed, 5 minutes ago, an advert for a like new in box CYMA M14 Socom in Calgary popped up for $200.00 - this is below average retail price for the gun when taxes are considered, currently.
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Old October 18th, 2012, 01:09   #21
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Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
just looked at a g&g Canada based dealer has them for $570.00 for the socom version.
Sounds right up my alley except for price...

I think Ill be happy if I get a rifle that can be converted to whatever. It seems to me without calibre restrictions for real guns you can improve the range of most airsoft guns, right?

Mp5 could be made to shoot out to 80 yards with the right upgrades about as much as other guns.

Im liking the Mp5s by ICS and g&g. whats word on the street about these?

Classic army Classic Army CA33 KA3 seems alright too and is only $300. too good to be true?

edited for justice

First off, dont buy the ics Mp5 i own one and personally do not recommend it. I think there are some retailers you still need to check out. You can get a good m14 for 175-220$ on one site. Still think you should start off with an all purpose M4 but an Ak47,G36c,416, will do the same thing. M4s are just externally more upgradable but i personally dont like the look of many should try some different roles before jumping into the game. Like rushing, long range, sniper(doesnt work for a lot of people) and DM. I personally love rushing with my ICS mx5 that i over paid for. And importing is another thing should watch out for. I got away with importing my M14 but i got lucky. Remember, its all personal preference. There is no best gun, its the person who uses it.
Also, most guns stock arent the greatest. Make sure to shimm, regrease, and get good compression when playing. This will increase longevity and performance. But dont do it yourself, get a gundoc to do it. If you know one personally, ask if you can watch them do it, and learn about your gun. One day you'll be able to do it.
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Old October 18th, 2012, 15:13   #22
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choosing a gun is a highly personal thing, I find, what do you feel comfortable shooting and carrying for an entire day? can you find parts for it? can you find mags for it? can you find pouches for those mags?

Price should not be your primary concern, especially if you're going to be using it for a while.

A lot of people get hung up on smg vs long arm vs sniper rifle... these things mean very little in airsoft, they all operate based on the same mechanics, and an smg like a p90 can be made to shoot just as far and accurately as a full length m14. It comes down to what you want to haul, and what you want to be holding when the photo op comes.
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Old October 18th, 2012, 19:00   #23
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Cool- Im getting a bit of a feel for what this is about. Thanks to you guys for filling me in on milsims.

Still sounds like I can bring

Gun, something to carry mags in, a spare, BBs....

and of course check out the milsim and bring whats required to get into it + not show up in jeans and a T-shirt to an event people are trying to put on with a theme.
That way its gradual buildup of gear.

Hey lurking- I guess thats right really as calibre/ranges are totally different vs the real deal. There is still the handling aspect though. A forward heavy rifle is gonna handle smoother + have a longer sight radius vs. that mp5. so for playing in the woods Id assume that a rifle would be a bit better handling/accurate but hell I dunno.

Plenty of folks on youtube seem alright with their mp5s.
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Old October 18th, 2012, 21:14   #24
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if you guys are afraid of the g36 mags being really big check out the magpul g36 mags, i have a few and they are significantly thinner + they feed exceptionally well.

also i can vouch for the umarex g36 being an awesome gun ( i have 2)
Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old October 19th, 2012, 05:34   #25
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skalnok, I have the GBBR version and it's pretty badass as well
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Old October 19th, 2012, 08:42   #26
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Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
Hey lurking- I guess thats right really as calibre/ranges are totally different vs the real deal. There is still the handling aspect though. A forward heavy rifle is gonna handle smoother + have a longer sight radius vs. that mp5. so for playing in the woods Id assume that a rifle would be a bit better handling/accurate but hell I dunno.

Plenty of folks on youtube seem alright with their mp5s.
since the guns really only shoot on average about 150 ft accurately, and most field engagements in the bush are probably less than that, you tend not to notice sighting differences between an SMG and a longarm.

Barrel length has less to do with accuracy in airsoft than quality of hopup material and BB. So the only thing that would be left is your comfort level in handling a particular shape of gun. It might be a bit easier to acquire a sight picture with iron sights on a longer weapon, but a reflex sight really negates it when it's properly zeroed... point and fill the reticle with target and shoot.
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Old October 21st, 2012, 19:02   #27
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makin me feel better n better about that mp5. now I gotta find a brand
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Old October 23rd, 2012, 17:42   #28
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Get a king arms m4. Great value and great starter internals. Full metal V2 gearbox. Can be customized to shoot as good as any gun out there. Just my 2c
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Old October 23rd, 2012, 17:56   #29
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Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
Well, I'm looking forward to starting hunting next year so I should be good for picking up camo/boots. However not sure how much money I want to spend on gear that doesn't cross over. Do I have any business going into a milsim game without molle, plater carrier, mag wells etc...etc...???

Thanks for the tips mate its all good learning quite a bit. glad I stepped into the newbie tank.

And Im in SW Calgary. Ill look into this age thing if the deals are as great as you say vs. the online retailers Im looking at.

The classifieds are going to be all used, yes? Im not so sure if want...
You can use many different camo types to hunt with, so cross compatible gear is
easy that way. However hunting camo doesn't work well to trick the human eye. You could very easily make a hunting platform out of a modular chest rig of some kind. High end/modern military gear beats the hell out of hunting gear.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old October 23rd, 2012, 18:03   #30
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Originally Posted by Scrivah View Post
Get a king arms m4. Great value and great starter internals. Full metal V2 gearbox. Can be customized to shoot as good as any gun out there. Just my 2c
really now? not be mean here, but he did say that in original post that he was looking at a mp5 for his sniper's loadout and his friend a umarex g36, did you even read it?

Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
You can use many different camo types to hunt with, so cross compatible gear is
easy that way. However hunting camo doesn't work well to trick the human eye. You could very easily make a hunting platform out of a modular chest rig of some kind. High end/modern military gear beats the hell out of hunting gear.
so true, you can run an OD BDU or woodland, heck even multicam, or so says 5.11...
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Last edited by redzaku; October 23rd, 2012 at 18:06..
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