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Old August 7th, 2012, 22:46   #16
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tm px4 storm. kicks as much as my old hi-capa and is stupid easy to clean.

i also find it feels much sturdier than the WE px4 ( less plastic-y more solid)
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...stalker's gonna kill you....and you wont even see it coming! Hell, he'll kill you and god himself will be going, "Where the hell did that come from!?" CDN_Stalker should just be the new god!
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Old August 7th, 2012, 23:00   #17
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I got a KWA USP Tactical and KWA MK23 Soccom both kick ass, had a minor failure on my mk23 last sunday.... slide lock spring wasn't working properly. I decided to strip it while on the move but the spring popped out and I was never able to recover it. I won't try something like that
Fixed it with a spring from a BIC retractable pen though, had to straighten it and bend to proper shape and size.

Both shoot at 380, USP fits smaller hands better and is easier to find a holster for. MK23 is very big, very accurate but hard to find a good holster and accessories.
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Old August 7th, 2012, 23:02   #18
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ANY higher quality brand, Tm, WA, KSC, etc. properly maintained that works for your hands is the "best"

Biggest issue is just finding one that fits you.
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Old August 7th, 2012, 23:08   #19
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Originally Posted by w1lp33 View Post
Personally I'd say the KWA M9 PTP

1) Solidly built
2) Shoots hardish for a gas gun (350 at room temperature, harder on a hot day)
3) Option of 25, 32, and 50 round magazines
4) Excellent gas efficiency (2+ full magazines on one gas fill)
5) Excellent hopup and range for a pistol (I'm a fan of the 'ball bearing' hopup)
6) Reliable, put probably a few thousand rounds through mine, very little wear, no broken parts, minimal maintenance.
7) Lots of holster options specific to the m9 (Serpa's for instance)
8) Nice crisp recoil

Just my two cents. Tho if you're looking for small and lightweight, the ATP has almost all the same pluses, tho I personally don't think it shoots as hard, or quite as accurately.
+1 since i bought my m9 all my other pistols now stay at home for some reason???
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Old August 7th, 2012, 23:32   #20
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My TM FN 5-7 has never failed me.
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Old August 7th, 2012, 23:36   #21
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Originally Posted by Najohn View Post
WE PX4, cheap, metal slide (not plastic like TM) and aslong as your purchase TM mags to replace to WE one, perfection for under $100
I have one of these, and you don't even need to use the TM mags, the HK (that's the brand NOT WE) mags work perfectly for about 90 shots (yeah, 90 shots, that's almost 4 mags). FPS is about 280, and you know what? I get pretty much every body shot at (measured) 170ft. (a hundred and seventy, which is already a good distance for field AEG's), and even a bit more, and that was on .25's, you can probably do even better with heavier ammo. Ultra reliable gun, with awesome hop up. Very easy to disassemble if it comes to that. Costs half what the TM costs, and comes with a metal slide. Gun looks, feels, and recoils great. Excellent compact size.

I've seen them in Canada too, so the gun and spare mags should be easy to come by.


Last edited by Fox62; August 7th, 2012 at 23:38..
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Old August 8th, 2012, 00:40   #22
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My vote definitely goes to the WE PX4. Sold my KJW 1911 MEU for it and don't regret it at all. Great accuracy out of the box and works very well even under cold weather. Mine was working at around 5 degrees when I first got it. Mags will usually last you about 2-4 loads before the gas runs out. It's also very easy to disassemble and clean.

Or if you're looking for something different you could try the TM MK23 Non-blowback. I've heard nothing but good things about its performance, though I don't own one.
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Old August 8th, 2012, 01:00   #23
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my vote goes for the kwa USP series. I've only had one issue with my match which was resolved with only a pair of pliers. And when I run it I run it hard. I've even used it as my primary for a whole day and it never went down on me once.
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Old August 8th, 2012, 02:38   #24
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Originally Posted by Najohn View Post
WE PX4, cheap, metal slide (not plastic like TM) and aslong as your purchase TM mags to replace to WE one, perfection for under $100
Wondering where you're finding a WE PX4 for under $100....

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Old August 8th, 2012, 09:38   #25
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I only have personal experience with a KWA M93R II and a TM HiCapa, and got to talk with owner of, and try some, KJW, WE.

KWA has incredible gas efficiency, probably the best out there, with little cool down effect; 3 x 38 rounds Mags on full auto and it still had some gas remaining for a few more shots.

The nozzle (aka cylinder) is prone to break unless you maintain it, lube/clean really often. The return springs are a bit finicky too. Not too sure about the other series of KWA like the M9 PTP (I'd say they seem to be much more reliable, as the M93 has its share of issues if you look at KWA's forum)

Slides are metal, although light (a pro and a con, depending on what you prefer), polymer outer barel to reduce wear on the slide, which is fine. Gun is well balanced.

TM Hicapa seems to be much more reliable when it comes to the BBU, recoil spring/spring guide. There's Millions of parts available literally everywhere, which is a great plus.

Weight is not as well balanced as KWA's with no mag; inserting the mag mostly fix this.
Stock slide is plastic, but of great quality and can last for a good while. Aftermarket slides are heavier and sturdier.

Gun is much more accurate than my M93, especially when upgraded with a TK Twist Barrel Good choice of sights and optics, the 4.3 has a rail. Trigger mechanism is much simpler and (I think) less prone to issues because of that.

Also, the Hicapa's frames is metal, unlike most if not all of their other models.

Having quickly handled a KJW (don't remember the model), I was not that impressed, but not disappointed either. Seems like a good gun, but I don't have much to say as I haven't looked at the internals.

WE, there are quite a bunch of horror stories out there, (they're full metal but apparently the frame is prone to cracking), despite the good comments on the PX4 on this thread. Note it's the first time I read comments that good about WE, but also the first time I read comments about the PX4 specifically. They're a lot cheaper than most other brands as well.

Hope this help a bit
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old August 8th, 2012, 10:06   #26
Rusty Lugnuts
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My ILLusion built HiCapa is amazing, I owned 5 pistols before it and it's like comparing a Corvette to a Lada. So best pistol- TM HiCapa 5.1 upgraded by ILLusion, and why- Illusion really knows his shit.
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Old August 8th, 2012, 10:07   #27
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This is all great stuff. Thanks guys. Plenty to go on here.

As a side note, is there a holster that locks the gun in somehow? The common thing I hear after our games is:

"dude, I lost my gun" or

"dude, I lost my pistol mag"

That said, I could probably walk around our field and just search for a

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Old August 8th, 2012, 10:20   #28
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
As a side note, is there a holster that locks the gun in somehow?
1. stock TM hicapa 5.1
2. tanio koba grip (so it fits 1911 serpas)
3. BHI lvl 2 serpa holster or clone (huang)

with this combination i have a pistol that has never let me down once in 3 years, shoots straight and hard, and has never been lost nor dropped a mag. the serpa does a wonderful job of retention and ensures you won't accidentally hit the mag release, a common problem with "soft" holsters such as the condor universal dropleg.

despite some controversy over serpa holsters in the real world, they work absolutely great for airsoft.
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Old August 8th, 2012, 10:27   #29
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Horto: Do you know/think a 4.3 with a Limcat slide with compensator (overall 6" I think) would work with a Serpa?
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old August 8th, 2012, 10:34   #30
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I'm going to say TM 1911/HiCapa. I've owned three so far and they've been really solid.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

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