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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:25   #16
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As far as the AEG goes, what about an M14 with the fire selector disabled/removed or epoxied/glued in place? Barrel length is 22" - 500mm inner barrel length. M14 requires M14 specific replacement parts for that inner barrel, though.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:36   #17
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Originally Posted by highny View Post
On the PDI site, they actually sell the receiver and outer barrel too. Then you'll just need to find a stock with parts but I estimate that to cost more than a new clone L96. Unless your planning on beating the receiver a clone will do.

Forgot to mention, a good scope goes a long way. Perpare to spend $80-120 on that and a set of scope rings. If your doing an M16 you may need a set of offset scope ring because of the long eye releif. That'll be $50-80 for real steal at bass pro or $40-70 on eBay with shipping.
I ready plan on spend up to $150 for a decent scope and been to bass pro to look at them. Is 1.5X too much or enough for airsoft sniper?
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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:37   #18
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
As far as the AEG goes, what about an M14 with the fire selector disabled/removed or epoxied/glued in place? Barrel length is 22" - 500mm inner barrel length. M14 requires M14 specific replacement parts for that inner barrel, though.
I am going MOSFET so semi will be programmed only.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 09:52   #19
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For scopes I only ever used (have two) 3-9x40mm scopes and high mount rings (on a bolt action, if you wear PB goggles, they push up out of the way while trying to get your eye relief sorted out, luckily I never wore PB goggles), and 99% of the time my scope was set at 4-5x, always worked perfect for me. 3x gives a wider FOV, good for scanning a larger area, and 9x draws you in close to ID someone hiding in bushes. When going for the shot, I'd dial it back up to 4-5x.

1.5x really is only good when mounting it on an M14 since the scope sits farther away from your eye, gives you a good eye relief.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; July 26th, 2012 at 10:12..
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Old July 26th, 2012, 10:08   #20
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personal preference, I'd say 1.5x isn't enough for engaging at 240ft though
I use a 3x, it's what I'm used to, it gives me a peripheral view that I'm comfortable with, but my typical engagement range is 80-160ft
Just get a 2-6x scope, and find what's best for you
My scope was $26 when I first got it, and it's a tasco so it's lifetime warranty. Cheap scopes aren't an issue for airsoft, but I do suggest getting a mil-dot reticle
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Old July 26th, 2012, 10:16   #21
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3-9x40 scopes are more available and various price ranges, best overall one to get due to the flexibility. I never shoot with it higher than 6x, I need to track my round. And never found much use for the mil-dots outside of extra aiming points, one scope of mine has a reticle more like a crossbow type, parts of the reticle are dashes like the mildots. I'd use on occasion, but over the years even if I had a dot I'd do fine with just that, I found most of my shots I'd have to go 'offline' with the reticle and place the center in a space above and to the side of the target.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 10:39   #22
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M14 is good but taking it apart to fix/replace/upgrade is a pain. If you think G36 is tough, wait till you do M14. You'll also run into problems like if you break charging handle, missing spring to be quite tough to find replacement parts. Lucky for you a clone M14 range from $250-350 used.

I read somewhere awhile back saying that barrel length only helps with grouping. Range and consistency is still greatly rely on quality of BB and a well dial, good quality hop up. Not a 100% sure on this because I ran consistency over range for all my gun. My L96 can do crack/hole shot up to 150feet but find my max range to be around 250feet. When I ran an AEG my max range was 200feet and crack/hole shot to be around 100feet. You may think that's stupid/bad for an AEG because you can spray 50 rounds with a stock and get those shots but my goal is be most effective(aka not spring and pray) I can be.

As for scope, I never go more than 4X. Not even scouting because I find it really mess with my vision or to stay sharp. I find myself feeling 'I need to go max zoom to get the perfect shot' but really not that true. Your naked eyes should pick up on most movement up to 300 meter fairly easily and that's a better scouting tools than with your scope/binocular. I use it to confirm friends or foes.

Just to make sure you understand the numbers in describing scopes: example:
3-12 is magnification
40mm is the size of the picture

A mil-dot helps with finding your shots but if you using semi it won't really matter because you won't have take your eyes off your target to adjust your shot.
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Old July 26th, 2012, 12:21   #23
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Originally Posted by highny View Post
Just to make sure you understand the numbers in describing scopes: example:
3-12 is magnification
40mm is the size of the picture
No, it is a 3-12 magnification, but 40mm describes the objective lens.

The size of the picture is the field of view, which has little to do with the objective lens.

Both the field of view and eye relief depend heavily on the way the lenses are stacked internally inside of the scope. Which is dependant on many things, including the objective lens and the magnification (as they determine the interior layout of the lenses), but different 40mm lensed scopes will have different fields of view and eye relief, sometimes the differences are very drastic.

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Old August 3rd, 2012, 21:27   #24
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I have decided on the Leapers 3x12x44mm scope.
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Old September 3rd, 2012, 16:21   #25
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Having trouble trying to find a dealer that sells and stocks Leapers scopes in Toronto area.

Well got the CA M24 and have to say, nice. Now to start doing the necessary upgrades after I break it in.

Decided not to get a L96 since the cost to upgrade is crazy.

I am trying to get another sniper, a TM VSR-10 to add to my collection but can't find it. Anyone knows send me a PM please.

Last edited by SuperHog; September 3rd, 2012 at 16:24..
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Old September 5th, 2012, 12:49   #26
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Got the CA M24 and now the VSR10 is the challenge.

Got a few quotes from some dealers for a TM VSR10 and the pricing is ranging from $525 up to $600. That is crazy! I might as well get the VFC 338 and pay the extra for a much more beautiful sniper.

Any other 100% VSR10 out there in Canada?
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Old September 17th, 2012, 16:23   #27
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I have using my CA M24 for a while now and decided to upgrade it. Only to be disappointed to find out that the hop up unit is not APS compatible. I don't like theM24 set screw access under the nozzle.

Can the hop up be modified to use an APS version?

I was also told I should have bought a Maruzen APS which is totally 100% APS2
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