Originally Posted by FOX_111
For those that don't know yet, because I keep rambling about it: I got lasered in the eye at one game and still have a blind spot in my left eye periferal vision.
Lasers are banned from games, so don't bother purchasing one. Especially replica tactical laser that have replicated safety labels and replicated specs... wich mean, you don't even know what you are using and what is the real output.
thats fucking ridiculous dood if someone did that to one of my eyes at an airsoft game they would have to worry about more than my boot or fist coming at them
i had a close call cutting some ceramic tiles once (last one of the job to) and my one eye had 2 or 3 small blurred streaks going threw the middle of my eye thank god i flushed the hell outta of it with water and visine and it went away after a week or so but a close call none the less and i will never make that mistake again anytime im using any power tools saws anything where thers a chance i might damage my eyes my safeties are on and what kills me that there are still guys on a job site that are like oh your a pussy just cut it and stop wasting time and im like yea ok if you wanna take the risk of not seeing some beautiful breast or ass again then u cut it!
but if there banned i dont know why i see so many of them still at games all the time... i think there needs to be more awareness of there dangers on the forums and something a little more serious about not having them on any weapons unless you get some sort of certificate like we have for snipers and even still theres still a chance that those operators could damage someones retina so really i just think perma ban