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Old May 1st, 2010, 15:45   #16
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ETD "....You can fit a 10.8v 1500mah nimh battery in there from cheapbatterypacks (contact me for more info if you want the design specs)."

I see you got a battery to fit. Wan't that fun. Why don't you post up the info in this thread. It would help folks out.

** On another note...
I don't own a SIG 552 right now, I sold my last SIG552 when I heard G&G was releasing one.
It was a Franken SIG552 of JG/TM/Hurricane. I already had my G&G SIG550 at that time.
I am purchasing a G&G SIG552 as soon as it is available, based on my experience with the quality of my present G&G SIG 550.

Last edited by Schlyder; May 1st, 2010 at 15:55..
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Old May 1st, 2010, 16:32   #17
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Fair Enough.

Couple points to mention.
ICS Bolt does go all the way back
ICS Cocking handle does lock with a functioning bolt stop
ICS Mags are not compatable with TM and MAG, however there are rumours that G&G mags may fit.

The youtube comment was more of a general comment to today's reviews as I find them very lacking and I suppose I was looking for more in depth coverage in terms of the working mechanics of the gun. Personally I think that gearboxes are a very important piece of the gun, lacking a section or detailed report on it is imho a mistake, but i understand your descision not to strip apart the box untill there is a failure. Myself, I strip apart a gun completely the moment I get it to clean out all the stock dried grease, reshim and ensure all the internals are functioning smoothly.

Your point is well taken however, that I Have not handled a G&G Sig550 as of yet. I will keep my eye out for it.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; May 1st, 2010 at 16:34..
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Old May 1st, 2010, 16:40   #18
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my wally has had over 20000 rounds in the last year its fine. g&g does not meet the standard thats all. in this case nor will ICS so thanks and request close.
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Old May 1st, 2010, 16:51   #19
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We're cool.. I wasn't trying to be pissy. If it came off that way, I apologize.
I just didn't want you or anyone else to discount the G&G SIG without giving it a chance. And I didn't want to derail the thread with too many details.

I will get around to updating my review of the G&G SIG550, and adding the 552.
I for sure will review the internals when I have to open up the mechbox.
And after I get the 552 I will do a little bit about it, but it will be basically the same gun.
As well, I will add some other info I am gathering.

I just want all the SIG lovers to know what's out there. And how good it is.
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Old May 1st, 2010, 17:09   #20
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To clarify the 10.8 fits in tm, jg and cyma 552s. Get a triangle packs from and select elite 1500 mah 2/3 cells and you are golden. The only modification required is to remove the battery holder on the outer barrel assembly. Oh and you need to replace the stock front set with Huang's metal front set for sig 552s (it's a few mm taller giving you the clearance required for a tri pack. If anyone wants pictures I will be more than happy to help you out.
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Last edited by etd; May 2nd, 2010 at 16:52..
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Old May 13th, 2010, 17:40   #21
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Sig mags

I'll let you in on a little secret. It's for all you Goons ( including yours truly )that love SigArms and are considering an ICS version but are hesitant 'cuz of the mags.

A couple days ago I picked up a TM Sig Commando. It was supposed to be upgraded with fancy this and fancy that but it wasn't ( I won't go into it ).
Anyhow it came with a slew of 43 round fake bullet mags. Initially I offered it up to the ics magwell and it seemed tight so I accepted defeat.

Today I said to myself "I'm not gonna be beat by no ****ing toy gun" and I applied a bit more elbow grease and......Ha! Psyche!

All kidding aside, YES, they worked. Three of the bunch were stubborn so I applied some silicone oil (heavier, not spray but spray will work) to the BB retainer at the top of the mag. Loaded about 5 rounds in each mag, fired 'em all and no misery.

Try it out(gently at first) ICS is a virgin to these mags you know!

Now wipe the sweat from your brow and rejoice!

inomini patri, spiritos sancte. Praise the nailed up one!!!
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Old May 14th, 2010, 02:27   #22
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Location: Markham/Toronto greased the mags and brute forced them into the gun? Do they feed properly all the way to empty? And apparently Dark has redesigned the TM magazine or something to feed in the ICS.
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Old May 14th, 2010, 02:41   #23
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By forcing it, you damage part of the mag. Ratters, I do not suggest you recommend to users to do so. Ive modified the TM Mags to fit in an ICS, but it involves disassembly of the mags and a bit of elbow grease. Dremel + Sharp Modelling knife is involved.

I developed the way to make them compatable about 2 weeks ago. Now they work like like they were ment to be with the ICS.
Taro is welcome to do a review on my work when he picks it up tommorow night.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; May 14th, 2010 at 02:45..
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Old May 14th, 2010, 03:15   #24
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Point is I spent 149.99 on a clear sig 552 and 315 on a metal body. I have no issues fitting much bigger batteries than the ics counter part and I had money left over yo do some nice upgrades.

Is it really worth it compared to the alternatives? Not really but if you are not comfortable
Upgrading a gearbox than ics stock is your better option.
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Old May 14th, 2010, 16:02   #25
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Brute force

Not quite brute force, more like a little direct persuasion ;o)

I'll load up a couple or several mags tonight, blast 'em off and post my results.

If something breaks of course i'll let you know and you can all have a giggle.

BTW, Darkangel is correct and probably has more direct experiance with this common mag compatability problem than I do so if you do decide to try what i've done DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Afterall, I'm not holding a gun to your head...yet.

Last edited by Ratters; May 14th, 2010 at 16:13.. Reason: Additional info
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Old May 14th, 2010, 22:21   #26
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TM SIG 552 Mags

Ok people, here are the results:

5x43 round TM sig 552 fake bullet mags fully loaded with EXCEL .23 BB's

all dumped
Semi and auto
no jams
no misfeeds


A couple BB's fell out during mag changes but this can happen with all guns as there are always a few in the hop tube. You could fix this with a longer follower but if your too long it will bust your air noz!

Enjoy the news?

Thought you might!

Last edited by Ratters; May 14th, 2010 at 22:28.. Reason: Added info
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Old May 16th, 2010, 01:41   #27
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One thing I did find is that the ICS hi-cap will NOT fit in my Marui Sig but as I stated earlier the Marui mags fit and function and drop well from the ICS Sig.
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Old May 17th, 2010, 14:59   #28
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^ ICS doesn't actually make any mags for the SiG. They're MAG brand.

Ok, so I was at Dark's on Friday night. He showed me the SIG mag I gave him, which now fits perfectly flush into the SiG. We put a few BBs through it, and they fed. Now, the unmodified mag I gave him kind of fits into with a bit of force, but I'm doubtful it'll feed at all, if it'll even stay in. Dark showed me where the BBs feed in, and if you force a Marui lowcap into the ICS, it'll damage the piece. You should take a look at your mag lips; the plastic is probably destroyed if you've been forcing them into place, oil or not. Listen to Dark, don't force your mags. He knows his stuff.
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Last edited by TaroBear; May 17th, 2010 at 15:03..
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Old May 18th, 2010, 01:55   #29
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TM mags

Ok, I'm glad your mags work, mine work too. As a matter of fact and NOT to sound like a Dick, the TM mags actually fit better in the ICS Sig than the TM???

Call me Crazy, or whatever but they work flawlessly. I hooked 'em all up, in groups of three(TM mags) set up the cardboard box and one-by-one zapped through each set of three with no issues at all. Seating, feeding and dropping all 5/5.

I sat down and looked at the dimensions of the ICS hi-cap and the 43 round TM's and they looked identical. I figured that lack of lube was an issue and some semi-flat spot wear from use on the bb retainer on the top of the mag. You know this is pushed back by the hop tube when inserted in the magwell.

Wear causing flat spots and lack of lubed seemed to be my Gremlin.

I don't know if anyone has actually broken a gun or just been a little frightened because it did'nt go in easy peasy. All I know is it works for me and if anyone asks that's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;o)

Now, if anyone has experiance putting a Swiss Arms 552 plastic body on a TM 552 please speak up.

From what I've seen the ICS/Cybergun uses two retaining Allen bolts on the upper receiver forward mounting points behind the upper handguard whereas the TM uses four retaining screws.

The question is: Are the plastic 552 cybergun bodies compatible with TM or do I just use a Cybergun plastic upper with the Cybergun barrel assembly?:banghead:

Can´t sleep. Clowns will eat me!
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Old May 18th, 2010, 11:32   #30
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It could very well be that either Taro's or your Sigs have different tolerances to allow for the mag fitment discrepancies. Seeing how most of the reports on the ICS Sig show that it does not in fact fit the TM leads me to beleive that you lucked out and the tolerances just happen to fit. This is not the case for everyone. Wouldnt be the first time ICS Tolerances were off.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; May 18th, 2010 at 11:53..
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