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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:12   #271
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I wish Mark and his family all the best. Its a pity it has come to this, but its not totally unexpected.

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
so many talkers... so few doers..
Some people on here might be surprised as to what is going on behind the scenes. Just because it isnt published doesnt mean nothing is happening....or trying to happen.

I know one thing, nothing with change unless the Conservatives get a majority government next time round.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:20   #272
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
and who are those crafty people that you speak of?
Get age-verified, and you shall know...
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:42   #273
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Threads on this forum lock automatically at 300 posts, right? I hope so...this one is a killer to catch up on.

Never bought anything from Mark, so can't say that his business was good or bad. Never saw the point of buying something for a lot more than it could be had for. Too bad he's stopping this aspect of his business...but to speak honestly, I thought that he would have last year when the "guy who shall not be named, but who is a right prick" in BC got his just deserts. A&A's site stopped being useful when he took the pricing people can just charge as much as they want because every new sale is setting the benchmark for the day! Free market!

There's only been once where a retailer had something in stock when the classifieds didn't have it. A week later someone was selling one (and magically the retailer was out of stock again!). Sure, it'll be harder to get fresh supplies of the "bad" parts/AEGs/GBBs...but I doubt that it will be impossible. And if it's impossible then I'm glad mine are built well.

Slow, strangling death...maybe...but it's the I give it 10-15yrs to die completely. Plenty of time to get some good games in (humm..Boarder Wars 17), and by then we'll all have 6mm rail guns...

When they ban the possession of one...that's when it's time to hang it up. Until then...I'm good.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:43   #274
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I know, but how many people here would be willing to fight, and how many would give up, being resigned to not ordering due to fear?

We don't import guns because the fear of seizure exists, even though in reality some guns still make it through, even after being inspected.

I just see a slow pattern of suffocation here, sort of like being suffocated by breathing through a Kleenex. Not difficult to survive for a time, but eventually, slowly, it gets you.
You're right, most people won't go into/stay in a sport with something like that involved. However, I personally believe that if the CBSA ever do try to shut off the supply of airsoft parts by abusing the current laws that people will take a stand. I know I would in that event, not because I want to airsoft, but because I refuse to live in a country were a single institution can twist the law that far from its original context simply to prosecute harmless people and activities. Maybe it's already happened with other laws, but this is the one I keep track of and the one I feel I know how to make a stand on.

CBSA has no legal basis to stop parts and it damn well better stay that way.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:47   #275
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Get age-verified, and you shall know...
its harder than you think. ive been to many games in that they had airsofters present and none of them could age verify me. its a real pain. i wish the guy who hosted the games could do it, but only one guy in the area can and he barely plays...
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Old January 28th, 2008, 22:25   #276
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
You're right, most people won't go into/stay in a sport with something like that involved. However, I personally believe that if the CBSA ever do try to shut off the supply of airsoft parts by abusing the current laws that people will take a stand. I know I would in that event, not because I want to airsoft, but because I refuse to live in a country were a single institution can twist the law that far from its original context simply to prosecute harmless people and activities. Maybe it's already happened with other laws, but this is the one I keep track of and the one I feel I know how to make a stand on.

CBSA has no legal basis to stop parts and it damn well better stay that way.
I can't easily see that happening. Unless they start banning imports from certain retailers (say, sieze anything from WGC) they'll be siezing a lot of non-airsoft shit, which will piss off communities of people more favorable than us who actually have some tug.

I'm inclined to agree with what Brian said about them losing interest and retailers cropping up again in a few years. However, why they haven't prevented CT and Walocaust from selling their clearsoft that is 10000 times more accessible to dumbass kids is beyond me. Must have somethign to do with the power of the corporation.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old January 28th, 2008, 22:49   #277
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ahh the sky is falling again I see ( checks calender) yup...right on schedule.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:17   #278
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
First of all, there is no prohibited replica, so I'm guessing you just meant replica. Secondly, the prohibition on replica firearms doesn't stretch to function, only appearance, so it's not hard to fight should someone capable choose do it.
Out of curiosity, does that mean that an airsoft gun, that in no way resembles a real firearm, like an M41A Aliens Pulse Rifle, would be legal to bring into Canada?

Systema PTW: It's not a gun, it's a religion.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:19   #279
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Originally Posted by WarChild7 View Post
Out of curiosity, does that mean that an airsoft gun, that in no way resembles a real firearm, like an M41A Aliens Pulse Rifle, would be legal to bring into Canada?
in theory yes, but they are really assholes over there and will most likely seize it.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:21   #280
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Originally Posted by WarChild7 View Post
Out of curiosity, does that mean that an airsoft gun, that in no way resembles a real firearm, like an M41A Aliens Pulse Rifle, would be legal to bring into Canada?
In theory, yes. But in practice, the CBSA will likely seize it, and bear it out in appeal. If you make a good argument in your first try, it may not take months to years to go all the way to the Minister.

Not every CBSA agent has seen "Aliens" I'm sure.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:23   #281
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Originally Posted by WarChild7 View Post
Out of curiosity, does that mean that an airsoft gun, that in no way resembles a real firearm, like an M41A Aliens Pulse Rifle, would be legal to bring into Canada?
That came up just a few days ago. The CBSA is ignorant enough that they'll stop and seize anything large and gun-looking, so the issue is really in arguing that your item is not a replica firearm. The problem with the M41A is that there's a Thompson underneath the hood, a fact that's pretty readily available to anyone Googling or looking at the rifle closely, making it difficult to argue that it's not a replica firearm. Finally, if you strip all the externals off, you've got most of a Thompson.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:25   #282
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technically its a thompson mechbox no? so they couldn't make that argument i should think.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:28   #283
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
technically its a thompson mechbox no? so they couldn't make that argument i should think.
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

If you strip off the M41A kit, you get over half of a Thompson's external still intact underneath, including the receiver. That's almost certainly a no-no.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:43   #284
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
I have had occasion to talk to people who have seen 3 cycles of boom and bust in airsoft in Canada.. long time players who were into the "Scene" before there was an Airsoft community... they tell storys about how there were no retailers.. and no importers but they still managed to get guns.. it was not easy.. and it cost a lot.

They have seen retailers come and go... and in the end.. there is always someone willing to step up an meet the demand...

I agree that current enforcement regimes seem bent on shutting down the supply.. but this has happened before.. and in the past they always lost interest and naturally someone came in an started up again.

I donno... maybe its different this time..
The climate in terms of enforcement has changed a fair bit (although not dramatically) since I starting playing airsoft 7 years ago. Admittedly enforcement was virtually 0 at that time, and even some of the most blatant offenders (anyone remember Regiment Airsoft) got off with little more than a warning.

I think there are some issues that need clearing up for the ASC community, and airsofters in general - something for another thread. I would like to see someone fill the gap as well in terms of retail supply, but I have to admit it looks less and less appetizing.

Any owner reading this thread should not be worried about what they own however. The sky is not falling, it's just been slowly pushing down upon us for about a decade (our 10 year anniversary of slow crushing death will be this December 1st 2008 in fact!)
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Old January 28th, 2008, 23:45   #285
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

If you strip off the M41A kit, you get over half of a Thompson's external still intact underneath, including the receiver. That's almost certainly a no-no.
my mistake, i wasn't aware of this. i thought the kit completely replaced the receiver and was basically a kit to drop in the mechbox. my mistake.
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