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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:32   #256
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You are aware that TM's don't have metal bushings either, as well as no metal bodies and no one piece outer barrels (except for the newest M4's)?

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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:36   #257
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
You may very well be right... but I prefer optimism.. You know as well as I that the public retailers are not the only source for guns.
Yes, but what would my response be to the question of "Where can I get an airsoft gun?" if retailers are not there?

The ASC classifieds, of course. But how long can new players keep coming into the sport on guns that have been through several owners before they get it?

Now, all the CBSA has to do is put a strangehold on parts. No law says parts are legal, but if an AR AEG, even 1, is proscribed as a prohibited replica, all parts for it are prohibited, even the ammunition. Sure, it's a stretch in interpretation by alot, but if seizure is enforced on Joe Blow university student for a mechbox, is he going to spend 2 years fighting the seizure, or just give up?

I'm a pessimist, and no part of our current retail situation should give anyone any shred of optimism.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; January 28th, 2008 at 20:56..
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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:37   #258
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very awear of that im saying once you have done this you have an aweosme gun for the price of a tm for the about the same price.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:39   #259
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well im tore now i have heard two diffrent stories 1 form semi new vets saying just wait it though and outhers saying not neccarly bail but be scared.

wow one thread could stir up all this like now im uncertain of even spending much more on getting into airsoft i have the money to but i dont wnat to spend any more money on get bdu's and shuch considering why some ppl feel
M4 coustom full metal with king arms metal body //\\ Galaxy MP5 PDW

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Last edited by jesster202; January 28th, 2008 at 20:41..
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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:42   #260
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Maybe in a few decades, Canada will be become to Airsoft what Cuba is for old American cars.

Airsoft enthusiasts from all over the world will visit Canada to look at our vintage, patched up, but still working 2005-2007 AEGs.

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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:42   #261
The Saint
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Now, all the CBSA has to do is put a strangehold on parts. No law says parts are legal, but if an AR AEG, even 1, is proscribed as a prohibited replica, all parts for it are prohibited, even the ammunition. Sure, it's a stretch in interpretation by alot, but if seizure is enforced on Joe Blow university student for a mechbox, is he going to spend 2 years fighting the seizure, or just give up?
First of all, there is no prohibited replica, so I'm guessing you just meant replica. Secondly, the prohibition on replica firearms doesn't stretch to function, only appearance, so it's not hard to fight should someone capable choose do it.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:43   #262
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Originally Posted by Sentry View Post
Well nobody fucking break your guns because we're gonna have to make the ones we've got last, we're gonna be like cubans are with cars. In 2050 when the rest of the world has like laser airsoft guns that are nuclear powered with holographic sights, we'll still be using repaired tokyo maruis. beat me to it. I didn't read thre whole thread before posting my last reply.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:53   #263
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Originally Posted by Omi-san View Post beat me to it. I didn't read thre whole thread before posting my last reply.
Me too... but I began stockpiling AEGs a year ago hoping they'd go up in value after the import supply shrunk As long as we can get mechboxes in, we're good

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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:55   #264
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
First of all, there is no prohibited replica, so I'm guessing you just meant replica. Secondly, the prohibition on replica firearms doesn't stretch to function, only appearance, so it's not hard to fight should someone capable choose do it.
I know, but how many people here would be willing to fight, and how many would give up, being resigned to not ordering due to fear?

We don't import guns because the fear of seizure exists, even though in reality some guns still make it through, even after being inspected.

I just see a slow pattern of suffocation here, sort of like being suffocated by breathing through a Kleenex. Not difficult to survive for a time, but eventually, slowly, it gets you.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 28th, 2008, 20:56   #265
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my two cents-airsoft is always gonna be a cult sport in canada like cock fighting in the states- no major retailers doesnt surprise me as it is two heaty to bring in huge shipments of these guns under the new legislation. that said there will always be a slow but steady supply coming in from the small guys and we all know who they are-bless their craftyness and dedication. Airsoft in canada is a cult sport and ALWAYS WILL BE unless enough people get into it to change the gov's position on these "replica's". But sorry folks that aint gonna happen and my opinion is thats just fine. I accepted to pay waaaaay to much on booze (ridiculas tax's) along time ago and ive accepted to pay alot more than most other countries on airsoft guns..

I'll cheers my 3 dollar molson canadian to that
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:03   #266
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and who are those crafty people that you speak of?
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:05   #267
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I doubt airsoft will end in a few years or ever. As long as there are people who want to play and it is profitable for sellers, ways will be found for people to acquire new airsoft guns.

All of a sudden a retailer such as SIR that already sell springers, krackens, airguns, and paintball guns could just starting getting JG and possibly a few higher end guns. On the other end of the market, many more private importers sensing profit should show up soon.

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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:07   #268
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Mark its a shame to see you go. You have been very understanding and all around great guy to deal with. I apologize for bugging you so many times for quotes but you were always there and replied as best as you could. You were great and you will be missed. All the best to you and your family.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:07   #269
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
and who are those crafty people that you speak of?
they are out there-living in the forums across Canada
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Old January 28th, 2008, 21:12   #270
Brian McIlmoyle
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I donno

I have had occasion to talk to people who have seen 3 cycles of boom and bust in airsoft in Canada.. long time players who were into the "Scene" before there was an Airsoft community... they tell storys about how there were no retailers.. and no importers but they still managed to get guns.. it was not easy.. and it cost a lot.

They have seen retailers come and go... and in the end.. there is always someone willing to step up an meet the demand...

I agree that current enforcement regimes seem bent on shutting down the supply.. but this has happened before.. and in the past they always lost interest and naturally someone came in an started up again.

I donno... maybe its different this time..

Anyway I can completely understand why a retailer would throw in the towel.. you take all the financial and legal risk.. and all you get out of it is goobs complaining that "you're gouging me" I should be able to get guns at the same price as I can't get them in the USA.
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