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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:38   #211
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as brian said "It took me a while... I believed that action was required at one time... but time in .. has shown that what we really need to do .. is shut up.. and stay on the fringe..." kinda made sence but still i do belive its our right as canadian citizense to beable to speak up for what we belive in but i also hear that we are on the short hand of this sitck so right now im kinda stuck in the middle i think its shitty that were stuck here in this position but in anouther way we dont know if we tryed. as for the peroson who would be able to do this who knows i dont know. but for now i will just wait and see what will happen because we are prety much stuck.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:38   #212
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maybe... but to have one dated post 1998 would mean you have broken the law... So they are up for seizure by the authority
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:38   #213
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im debating selling my gun before its even arrived at my house. i mean if there are no more viable importers, then there will be no one to play with in a few years. so that being said, in all seriousness, will this sport dry up, should i sell my gun. or will there always be this select group of us who play? i ask this as a concerned newb, and i fully admit it. i dont want to spend money just to play for a couple of years.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:39   #214
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
i deleted my earlier comment, but i figure since Britain had it legalized, i highly doubt that it was just out of the sudden realization of what airsoft was, rather im sure members of their community took some time to inform the government what it was. again, im only 18. i have not been on the boards long . i didn't even know there were previous retailers in canada before Mark and Ken. so yes, disregard my previous statement, but dont patronize me. its not like i was asking why can't we import it on out own, or why are the prices so high.
Sorry for my comment Donster. It was not directed at you or i have not tried to patronize you, but it was a sarcastic comment to point out that when we mention the words organize and get together or lobby here on ASC thread suddenly dissapear and get to the trash disposal.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:39   #215
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as said befouyr their have been many outher importers, that have come and gone, dont worry its not like its going to dry up its weather how long we will wait untill that next imoporter comes.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:41   #216
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
im debating selling my gun before its even arrived at my house. i mean if there are no more viable importers, then there will be no one to play with in a few years. so that being said, in all seriousness, will this sport dry up, should i sell my gun. or will there always be this select group of us who play? i ask this as a concerned newb, and i fully admit it. i dont want to spend money just to play for a couple of years.
Unless one person somehow manages to hoard all the airsoft guns in canada, there will always be people playing.

So just dont sell your guns to Ronan.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:41   #217
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
im debating selling my gun before its even arrived at my house. i mean if there are no more viable importers, then there will be no one to play with in a few years. so that being said, in all seriousness, will this sport dry up, should i sell my gun. or will there always be this select group of us who play? i ask this as a concerned newb, and i fully admit it. i dont want to spend money just to play for a couple of years.
Uh, what, so all the people with guns are just going to throw them away or destroy them? All the guns that are already in Canada aren't going anywhere. It's not like there's a shortage and number of guns are going down and magically disappearing.

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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:42   #218
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Originally Posted by jesster202 View Post
as said befouyr their have been many outher importers, that have come and gone, dont worry its not like its going to dry up its weather how long we will wait untill that next imoporter comes.
Will see...

Anyway you can still build a gun from aftermarket parts (mostly armalites) but you can forget new releases for a while unless some vendors put them in the classified.
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:42   #219
Brian McIlmoyle
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Ding! I'm sorry that's an incorrect answer,

Originally Posted by SHaKaL View Post
not by the definition of the law... and you know that... Unless its been acquire before 1998

you keep trotting this out... but you're wrong...

The ACT of transferring replicas became illegal in 1998.. at the same time the possession of the OBJECT of a replica was exempted as an offense.

certainly one can infer that I have committed several illegal acts in the process of collecting airsoft guns.. notwithstanding it is not an offense under the law for me to posses replicas regardless of when I got them.

I think that the crown would have trouble convicting me of an inferred offense without clear evidence of the time date place and object of the transfer.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:43   #220
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Originally Posted by SHaKaL View Post
maybe... but to have one dated post 1998 would mean you have broken the law... So they are up for seizure by the authority
I'm not trying to cause a shitstorm, but I wanted to correct some information that even me - as a new-to-this-forum would like to interject with:

This is being quoted from Brian McIlmoyle:

"Based on what evidence? Possession of replicas is 100% legal.. regardless of when you got them.

Once you have them they are legal to posses.. it is the ACT of transfer that is illegal.. not the OBJECT of transfer.

The police do take the stance that anything that looks like a gun but is not a gun is a replica.. that is the law.. it is how they choose to enforce that law that differs situationally.. and the police have the power to decide what when and how to enforce laws."

On top of that, it makes me question WHY would you be able to get a license to import them *like it seems Mark had, through customs* to get these replicas if they're illegal. <-- that doesn't make any sense to me.

The way I see it, I think there needs to be a lot of clarification... unless the clarity is there and people just need to read it for themselves from some sort of government website or something. Who knows.

Frankly, until the cops come pounding on my door and show me evidence that the airsoft guns that I own are illegal, I'm going to assume that I'm safe having them stored away in my apartment until being used on a private field, etc.

Just my 2c.


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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:43   #221
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Well I for one refuse to give up Airsoft due to the obvious starvation of our sport. If I still have at least 7 other's in my area with the will to Airsoft, I will not hang up my goggles. Can't think of much else to say.

But pray to the heavens the above won't be the case...
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:45   #222
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you keep trotting this out... but you're wrong...

The ACT of transferring replicas became illegal in 1998.. at the same time the possession of the OBJECT of a replica was exempted as an offense.

certainly one can infer that I have committed several illegal acts in the process of collecting airsoft guns.. notwithstanding it is not an offense under the law for me to posses replicas regardless of when I got them.

I think that the crown would have trouble convicting me of an inferred offense without clear evidence of the time date place and object of the transfer.
Sounds like the law that says something along the lines of: It's illegal to possess certain types of drugs... however if you're under the influence you can't be touched (Unless you're driving which is stupid anyway)

Personally - I don't know, but I figure I'm digressing
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:47   #223
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
im debating selling my gun before its even arrived at my house. i mean if there are no more viable importers, then there will be no one to play with in a few years. so that being said, in all seriousness, will this sport dry up, should i sell my gun. or will there always be this select group of us who play? i ask this as a concerned newb, and i fully admit it. i dont want to spend money just to play for a couple of years.
I can answer that question by telling you that this sport will not dry out. This situation is not the first weve had and not the last too. Retailers come and go and thats part of our airsofter life. If i can reassure you, i have 5 guns and one GBB here at home and plenty of years to play. Im just tired of people shooting at each other when something bad happens like it was their fault. Thats all. But the community will survive like it did in many previous occasions.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:47   #224
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I can also understand the stresses associated with this business. There's the legal pressure which is always a big issue. Then there's the CBSA hassles involved importing the obviously very numerous guns he's bringing in. That's a big hassle and can be very stressful. I personally would not want to have to deal with that, no matter how much money I was making.

Then there's the customers. While the majority of customers that are treated right, they will always find something to bitch about. No matter how cheap prices are, there will always be people bitching and complaining. That's the nature of business. There are people you just can't please no matter what you do, and they're a lot more common than most realize. Anyone who's had to work in a customer service job can attest to that. There's nothing Mark can do about that, no matter how hard he tries. And he tries. He gave me top-notch service and I was grateful (and still am) for the products that I got.

My first order arrived with a pistol with a broken and leaky mag, and the AEG broke within a few shots - neither being Mark's fault. Mark had me ship them back and credited me the shipping cost. I decided to 'move up' to a Classic Army rifle instead, so for the trouble, he gave me a great deal on the gun and battery. I have nothing bad to say about the service I received from A&A. It was top-notch. He did what he could to make things right, and I couldn't ask for better than that. So I have nothing bad to say of the man or his business.

I can also understand why Mark has less trouble with people from Manitoba than out-of-province like Thundercactus said. It's actually quite apparent even in this thread so far. He's a well-known member of the Manitoba airsoft community. People know him personally, some probably from even before he went into the airsoft retail business. And honestly, I wouldn't be suprised if he continued with airsoft imports, but privately and on a small scale in the classifieds on the MAA or JSOC or whatever, sort of like what Hellfire989 has been doing here lately. No more retail or outside sales of guns except to the small, private Manitoba airsoft community.

But to people outside that community, he's just a guy that sells airsoft at really high prices and "gouges" people (whether or not that interpratation is correct). They don't know him. They just know he sells guns, and they want guns. And they don't like paying high prices for them. And they complain about the high prices and how much profit he's making at their expense.

I think there's a percentage of that misery that is self-inclicted by constantly jacking prices. I can understand making a good profit on product. That's the point of business, but there's no way that he could be losing money with this, because he wouldn't be doing it if he was. This is a profitable business, or else people wouldn't be taking the risks and going through with it. I don't care how much import licenses are, shipments are lost, etc. There's only so much cost you can pass on to your customers without them starting to complain, and that's a lot of people.

Anyway, it's too bad it has to end like this, but there will always be somewhere to get airsoft guns. Someone will step up and fill the void. Maybe not as overtly as A&A did, but there will be guns available.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:48   #225
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you keep trotting this out... but you're wrong...

The ACT of transferring replicas became illegal in 1998.. at the same time the possession of the OBJECT of a replica was exempted as an offense.

certainly one can infer that I have committed several illegal acts in the process of collecting airsoft guns.. notwithstanding it is not an offense under the law for me to posses replicas regardless of when I got them.

I think that the crown would have trouble convicting me of an inferred offense without clear evidence of the time date place and object of the transfer.
Sorry to burst your bubble but It wouldnt be that hard for a prosecutor to prove that the aeg you havein your possession have been built post most airsofts models wasnt available prior to 1998. If he want to... He can...
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