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Are you under 18 years old? - Discussion Thread



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Old June 23rd, 2006, 16:36   #196
active1x0's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Pliskin
It's not the fact that the airsoft community is responsible for it, it's the use of the weapons that the chrime was commited with. Since it's an airsoft rifle, they want to get rid of the rifles because that's what was used to commit the crime or offense.
Welcome to a Socialist government. We have a fair amount of that bullshit in the United States ourselves. Oh no, don't worry about finding out how the minor got ahold of the gun, nevermind the parents who were negligent with their fuck-up kid, just ban the weapons. And let's ban car companies for car crashes, too. It's the governments job to tell people how to live their lives, as well. Because people are just stupid. Let's ban fun while we're at it. No more fun. For anyone. Ever.
Originally Posted by Droc
I think new users should buy a USB anytime they ask a stupid question, we can PM them a kick to the teeth.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 16:39   #197
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Originally Posted by Pliskin
It's not the fact that the airsoft community is responsible for it, it's the use of the weapons that the chrime was commited with. Since it's an airsoft rifle, they want to get rid of the rifles because that's what was used to commit the crime or offense.
So far, I have yet too see much news about "Guy robbing bank with airsoft", but I have seen many examples of cops pointing their guns at some retard who decided to play airsoft in their backyard or somewhere within public sight.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 16:40   #198
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Yea, that's how it goes in the government. I'm not complaining or asking for the rules to be lowered, but I should like a chance to get out to an event to play, not just be told "wait till 18." I dont want my own gun yet, I dont want to abuse anything, I just want to get out to an event and see what happens there, if people like/dislike me and how I do.
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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Old June 23rd, 2006, 16:42   #199
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Originally Posted by Pliskin
I dont want my own gun yet, I dont want to abuse anything, I just want to get out to an event and see what happens there, if people like/dislike me and how I do.
And I thank you for it.
Originally Posted by Droc
I think new users should buy a USB anytime they ask a stupid question, we can PM them a kick to the teeth.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 17:06   #200
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For anyone underage still complaining about not being able to airsoft, here's a suggestion. Move to California: Apparently you can be 13 and airsoft there.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 17:51   #201
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Originally Posted by Pliskin
Yea, that's how it goes in the government. I'm not complaining or asking for the rules to be lowered, but I should like a chance to get out to an event to play, not just be told "wait till 18." I dont want my own gun yet, I dont want to abuse anything, I just want to get out to an event and see what happens there, if people like/dislike me and how I do.
I think the general concent here is that you can and welcomed to visit a game. (Make sure you ask the host player first) You get lots of information, some players will be happy to let you test the guns, and if you prove to be mature enough, I'm sure they wouldn't mind letting you game a round or two.

And if I'm not mistaken, there are under-aged players who has done this persistent enough to earn the respect of the players/hosts and are allowed to play in the game for a full day.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 17:57   #202
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Location: Moose Jaw, SK
Originally Posted by thephenom
Originally Posted by Pliskin
Yea, that's how it goes in the government. I'm not complaining or asking for the rules to be lowered, but I should like a chance to get out to an event to play, not just be told "wait till 18." I dont want my own gun yet, I dont want to abuse anything, I just want to get out to an event and see what happens there, if people like/dislike me and how I do.
I think the general concent here is that you can and welcomed to visit a game. (Make sure you ask the host player first) You get lots of information, some players will be happy to let you test the guns, and if you prove to be mature enough, I'm sure they wouldn't mind letting you game a round or two.

And if I'm not mistaken, there are under-aged players who has done this persistent enough to earn the respect of the players/hosts and are allowed to play in the game for a full day.
Remember that this is all about the area though.

I mean, depending on where you go and who you talk to, you can get in at an early age, but at others it can be the complete opposite.

By this I mean, at some places, you will not even be able to come out, gun or not. I'm meaning for under 16 and on a boot camp day.

I've seen it happen both ways. The main thing to do is not to beg, not to go straight to the top guy and ask, just start small and work your way up. Number one rule for underage airsofters is to gain the respect of not only the team but also the majority of ASC...

...a high post count, trade rating, and a kickass avatar also helps. :lol:


This wasn't before worthy of a responding post, but I'm going to now that I ended up editing my above post to around a page.

The bottom part of my last post was more of sarcasm than anything. Just because it is popular belief on this board. Which is definately why I added the kickass avatar remark. I believe that post count does matter for some sort of respect on ASC itself, though. Mostly meaningless to anything else. Grammar is usually more meaningful than anything else on this board.

I'm also going to point out that I did not attempt to lie to bypass the system. The jeuler account was inside the family, at first I did not agree to that, but it was. Nothing had been done with that account, it was not verified, it was openly stated by myself to Larry whose it was, after he mentioned that if I was to be verified, it would need to be on a parent's account. Afterwords, he mentioned that the parent would have to be playing. The account was then left idle without anymore attempts to be verified.
This was all known by Larry and I had not once lied to him or tried to bypass the system by lying or using methods that are not mentioned and stated as allowed in the Verification FAQ, as having a parent verified and able to purchase.

I'm also going to mention that all the above senarios involved myself. The bootcamp was actually a contradicting one, being invited to come down with the others by a couple guys in Chris and wiseowl I believe, then after sending an email to Larry, being booted from all of it by him and being accused of lying about the invitation to come out. The email to Larry was by recommendation of wiseowl because I had questioned whether I would be able to participate in the non-gun/non-skrimish events.

This issue was never resolved.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 18:33   #203
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Originally Posted by Kid
Number one rule for underage airsofters is to gain the respect of not only the team but also the majority of ASC...

...a high post count, trade rating, and a kickass avatar also helps. :lol:
Started off right, but then went way off course with "a high post count, trade rating, and a kickass avatar also helps."

Post Count = no respect, just shows you have nothing better to do.

Trade Rating = you are honest in you buy/sell/trade dealings, but you might still be an asshole on the field. For all we know your a collector or chairsofter, and not a player.

Kickass avatar = what the hell does this have to do with respect and being allowed to play airsoft.

Kid, stay queit again for a while please. Your advice is so wrong at times, and coming from someone who was caught trying to by pass the systems in place.......
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 19:03   #204
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As Wise-Owl said, post counts are worth crap. I was at for 3 years, played the game, was in the sites clan and a popular member, and I had I think roughly 80-100 posts. Post counts mean bull, it's the quality of a post, if your helping and staying on topic.

But like I said, I'd love to get to an event and watch you guys play and make some good new friends, as I'm sure would be the most reasonable case. I'd love to gain your respect and give you respect in turn. Happy gametime!
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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Old June 23rd, 2006, 20:47   #205
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omg im only 14 and i play with my cousin and his freands with ICS m16 and crap so i dont see the real problem if you treat them proporly and dont abouse them shot people who are not in games and where proper protection i dont see the main problem. besides i played since i was 12 and both my parents are RCMP and are getting me one for my birthday
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 20:50   #206
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Good for you. I'm sure they are. Good job with the birthday. Mhmm. Have fun.

I hope you do realise that on these boards the people who 'own' the fields wont let you play if you "abouse" the system. Good luck.
Looking for an Age Verifier who passes through Renfrew area to contact me! PM me please!

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Old June 23rd, 2006, 21:02   #207
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Originally Posted by teen_airsoft
omg im only 14 and i play with my cousin and his freands with ICS m16 and crap so i dont see the real problem if you treat them proporly and dont abouse them shot people who are not in games and where proper protection i dont see the main problem. besides i played since i was 12 and both my parents are RCMP and are getting me one for my birthday
Where do you play? Because I've yet to meet you at any of the games in Regina at the only public field currently in Saskatchewan.

The other field is private, and I know you have not been there. Hmmm maybe your the ones who were in the paper a few months ago shooting at pedestrians.......

RCMP you say, we have a few RCMP member who play with us, futher checking I do believe is needed here.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old June 24th, 2006, 02:40   #208
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I believe I'll be making a few background checks as well. Especially now that I've seen Mr. teens other thread in the trash.
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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Old June 24th, 2006, 10:07   #209
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Location: Moose Jaw, SK
This wasn't before worthy of a responding post, but I'm going to now that I ended up editing my above post to around a page.

The bottom part of my last post was more of sarcasm than anything. Just because it is popular belief on this board. Which is definately why I added the kickass avatar remark. I believe that post count does matter for some sort of respect on ASC itself, though. Mostly meaningless to anything else. Grammar is usually more meaningful than anything else on this board.

I'm also going to point out that I did not attempt to lie to bypass the system. The jeuler account was inside the family, at first I did not agree to that, but it was. Nothing had been done with that account, it was not verified, it was openly stated by myself to Larry whose it was, after he mentioned that if I was to be verified, it would need to be on a parent's account. Afterwords, he mentioned that the parent would have to be playing. The account was then left idle without anymore attempts to be verified.
This was all known by Larry and I had not once lied to him or tried to bypass the system by lying or using methods that are not mentioned and stated as allowed in the Verification FAQ, as having a parent verified and able to purchase.

I'm also going to mention that all the above senarios involved myself. The bootcamp was actually a contradicting one, being invited to come down with the others by a couple guys in Chris and wiseowl I believe, then after sending an email to Larry, being booted from all of it by him and being accused of lying about the invitation to come out. The email to Larry was by recommendation of wiseowl because I had questioned whether I would be able to participate in the non-gun/non-skrimish events.

This issue was never resolved. It's also quite off topic. :-|
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Old June 24th, 2006, 12:10   #210
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I think this thread has servered its purpose, the ones who are under 18 and willing to wait we know, the rest who are not, well you can read about them here in this thread and make your own opinions.

In the words of FF, I win

Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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