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Why you don't wear Military Insignia you haven't earned..


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Old May 27th, 2010, 09:32   #181
The Chad
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I wear what I want, my mommy said I could.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 09:58   #182
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Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby View Post
I wear what I want, my mommy said I could.
love it

that's the sort of humour we need more of in airsoft..
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Old May 27th, 2010, 10:14   #183
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I wear 173rd Airborne Brigade patches on both my Vietnam and ACU loadout. We go to military shows for displays and my ACU loadout won at TAC 10. But the first thing I make clear is that I am a reenactor representing the 173rd Airborne in 1969/2008 depending on uniform I have on. I have talked to a few current serving members of the US military one of whom is in the 173rd and all said they are honoured that people out there put time into their loadouts as a homage to current serving military personnel. False representation however crosses that line. If you put on the patches make it damn clear that you are not now, nor have you ever been a member of said military forces unless you actually were.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 10:23   #184
The Chad
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My father GAVE me his name badges and others because he thought my previous impression was cool.

Oh BTW, wanna piss of a CF member, dress like a fucking yank, they love the fact that they give their lives to our freedom and we're running around admiring and pretending to be marines ffs.

Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 10:38   #185
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Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby View Post
Oh BTW, wanna piss of a CF member, dress like a fucking yank, they love the fact that they give their lives to our freedom and we're running around admiring and pretending to be marines ffs.


Now I've heard it all. Please tell me your kidding.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 11:31   #186
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Originally Posted by S.H.I.E.L.D. View Post
I wear 173rd Airborne Brigade patches on both my Vietnam and ACU loadout. We go to military shows for displays and my ACU loadout won at TAC 10. But the first thing I make clear is that I am a reenactor representing the 173rd Airborne in 1969/2008 depending on uniform I have on. I have talked to a few current serving members of the US military one of whom is in the 173rd and all said they are honoured that people out there put time into their loadouts as a homage to current serving military personnel. False representation however crosses that line. If you put on the patches make it damn clear that you are not now, nor have you ever been a member of said military forces unless you actually were.
And your accuracy is impeccable, not sure if you wear a maroon beret (at least I've never seen it).

Because I think that in the history of this thread and the debate on ASC, there has been a general consensus that on the field, reenacting or whatever, patches, even rank for the purposes of playing the game is alright.

But from my view, and Mike and others have certainly brought it up (esp regarding Ukrainian PPCLI), it's the beret and cap badge that draws some ire, especially since those are non-combat garrison items that have no place on the field.

Reminds me though of a group I was invited to where an American decided to take some ill-advised pictures with an appropriate hate on by his fellow soldiers.

Last edited by scottyfox; May 27th, 2010 at 11:33..
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Old May 27th, 2010, 11:52   #187
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
Reminds me though of a group I was invited to where an American decided to take some ill-advised pictures with an appropriate hate on by his fellow soldiers.

okay but that guy's like out at a bar and shit, that's pretty different.

And looks like some other public place with his Sailor Moon gf, looks like some kind of memorial on that back wall.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 11:56   #188
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
okay but that guy's like out at a bar and shit, that's pretty different.

And looks like some other public place with his Sailor Moon gf, looks like some kind of memorial on that back wall.
Oh yeah- by no means lumping the two together, the discussion just reminded me as an aside.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 12:01   #189
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
it's the beret and cap badge that draws some ire, especially since those are non-combat garrison items that have no place on the field.
That really is the crux of it, these units that folks are paying homage to are sanitized in the field if they're SF or at the very least with no rank, qualification, or other insignia for regular troops. Re-imagining is not re-enacting.

The lower number of phony soldiers in Canada may be since we're not as overtly macho a country as the USA or have as many people as the UK. Those places have a real problem with fake SEALs or SAS, etc. out in the civi world running adventure or bodyguard schools and living off their fake background. When an airsofter comes up on the radar, let's say from a loadout picture that wound up on facebook they'll release the hounds by reflex.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 12:10   #190
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Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby View Post
...Oh BTW, wanna piss of a CF member, dress like a fucking yank, they love the fact that they give their lives to our freedom and we're running around admiring and pretending to be marines ffs.

Uh, no.... It's all good, we're all on "the same team". One big happy family; especially when the yanks hook you up MRE's after getting sick of IMP's.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 12:27   #191
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If a person wears a maroon beret with their own cap brass created custom by the team, then this would be a non-issue. I know that 6CBG and ESS both do not wear canadian cab brass. ESS went out and made their own and had it custom made and original. No one claims to be a member of an elite unit. Based on a unit is one thing but not calling them the Canadian Airborne Regiment whereas other teams on here are called CSOR for example. To each their own and if a team wears maroon berets in the field that means you can see them easily. But that is their choice. We do not wear them down town and claim to be elite airborne soldiers. I have done my time in the forces and I respect what they are doing, but there are the old soldiers that would like to carry that on with the feeling of life in the military for all those who wanted to join but were turned away because of physical or timing of application and were denied. That also gives the average civilian a chance to see what it is like in a structured environment.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 12:35   #192
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
Uh, no.... It's all good, we're all on "the same team". One big happy family; especially when the yanks hook you up MRE's after getting sick of IMP's.
And the Marines sure do love when people impersonate them too

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Old May 27th, 2010, 13:09   #193
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
That really is the crux of it, these units that folks are paying homage to are sanitized in the field if they're SF or at the very least with no rank, qualification, or other insignia for regular troops. Re-imagining is not re-enacting.

The lower number of phony soldiers in Canada may be since we're not as overtly macho a country as the USA or have as many people as the UK. Those places have a real problem with fake SEALs or SAS, etc. out in the civi world running adventure or bodyguard schools and living off their fake background. When an airsofter comes up on the radar, let's say from a loadout picture that wound up on facebook they'll release the hounds by reflex.

On the above note, it seems that impersonating military personnel is almost an epidemic in the United States; especially at times of war when service generally is looked up favourably. This rarely happens here, if at all.
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Old May 27th, 2010, 16:34   #194
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"Stolen Valor" or "faking" to be official military personnel in public has a reason - as a variety of laws and regulations are usually different for civics and mil pers., let alone the sweat, blood and trauma *real* soldiers leave in the battlefield to ensure freedom for their country.

Even though, on an airsoft field you are jumping around and shooting yellow plastic balls at each other with funny little toy rifles the general principles of what a military uniform represents prevail.

I can totally understand why CF members get pissed at "wanna-be" soldiers wearing the insignias they had to earn with lots of dedication and effort. I had to earn my parachutist decorations and beret during months full of pain, dirt, hunger and blood, but I don't expect that anyone who hasn't gone through the drill understands the suffering connected with each and every publicly visible tag on a uniform.

The regulations for wearing a uniform when not in a military status are there to protect the meaning and reputation of military symbols in general public and it is a good that they are in place. You have to understand that every real soldier's blood will start to boil when seeing a civilian dressing up and pretending to be the real thing, it's just THAT disrespectful.

However, why not use a more correct approach of peaceful education, instead of running up to someone, smacking him over and ripping off a shirt? After all Canadians are supposed to be calm and nice ;-)
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Last edited by hfearly; May 27th, 2010 at 16:45..
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Old May 27th, 2010, 17:29   #195
The Chad
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No one said they were going to run around wearing a service medal or somthing.

Airsoft is "mil sim" for the most part. Military Simulation seems to me like it means the closest possible thing to Military. Why can't anyone have a team that resembles some department of any government?

Start making people feel guilty for increasing the realism and goodbye fun.
Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
If you were trying to insert a magazine into another magazine then I guess that would be indeed ghey. Inserting a magazine in a magwell seems rather hetero to me. The tape is merely metro, calling it ghey is rather absurd and makes it hard for the metro magazines to socialize with other magazines.
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