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Goodbye Anderson and Anderson



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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:16   #181
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Originally Posted by Omi-san View Post
A&A still has tons of AEGs in stock on his site. What will happen to whatever is left after march 31?
Cash n' Carry.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:18   #182
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Personally, I've never had a problem with Mark. I've made a few purchases from him (including 3 guns) and he's treated me well and given me great service.

Regardless, I do question the recent serious price hikes on products, but I can't complain about the service I've received. It's sad to see our biggest retailer closing down shop.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:23   #183
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Originally Posted by Omi-san View Post
A&A still has tons of AEGs in stock on his site. What will happen to whatever is left after march 31?
I imagine it will still be for sale.

His post just says he's no longer IMPORTING guns. I imagine the ones in stock he will continue "selling".

Always sad to see a retailer go indeed; and it's frustrating because it's not the responsible users who are getting the sport in trouble. It's the kiddie "gangsta's" who take them to school, or play outside with them. (thus causing the stress and threat of seizure on the importers).

So much for our rights.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:25   #184
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Originally Posted by Cushak View Post's frustrating because it's not the responsible users who are getting the sport in trouble. It's the kiddie "gangsta's" who take them to school, or play outside with them. (thus causing the stress and threat of seizure on the importers).

So much for our rights.
Sadly, laws are often geared to that lowest common denominator, rather than the majority who end up paying for the stupidity of the few.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:27   #185
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You have got to be kidding me! I've been dealing with Mark for years now and he's always come through. This simply sucks.
Whisper Kill
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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:34   #186
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I'm not really all that worried. It sucks to see another retailer go down.. but like others have said, good will hopefully come of this. Take a look back to airsoft 3-4-5 years ago. I wasn't around and im sure a lot of others here weren't around. But what I can say is that it was a lot different back then compared to now and theres been a ton of change over the years. Airsoft is still here, theres still a good amount of guns in country that can change hands and theres still new ones being brought over all the time.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:38   #187
charlie tango
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yup it sucks.

price hikes .. I know he lost a bunch of items due to customs and that was happening more and more as this past year went on. as a result his brokerage fees have gone up and recovering losses.. I guess that adds up to increase. How much? tough to say.. im sure he is making it while he can and as a business owner he has a right to do that.

we will always complain about this and that while the getting is good. when the getting gets tough we would be glad to have another like him importing our guns.. that is until we get bitchy again and decide to complain about the new guy.
case and point.. Peter Kang. everyone loved Kang..then they got tired of paying him all their life savings and hated him. Kang went away and we cried but not for long because MARK saved the day! we love mark! now wait! he is trying to make money off of us! lets burn his home!!!!! ...leaving??? what?? oooooh this is not good! we loved mark!

what it boils down to is not dis-liking anyone or the business... it boils down to constant piling of government bureaucracy and the red tape slowly choking you out of breath. Time to get out man. let someone else try it on for size. This does go beyond another retailer going down though. it is another IMPORTER. there havent been many importers in CDN history. Kang and Anderson are 2 of FEW. why do you think everyone shut the doors when Kang left? Ken was supplied by Kang..then Mark. Now they are both gone and Ken needs to find another source
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Old January 28th, 2008, 17:55   #188
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well price will surely go up, not sure how much just like John Rockerfeller (spelling) did to oil. I wish Canada set laws requires 18 year old to have license to own a airsoft like firearm but without registration to every single one since theres no serial, but allow civilian to import the guns. Of course lobby group is only way to get this out.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 18:23   #189
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I'll miss having something in-country to gauge prices, but there are still plenty of new AEGs and GBBs entering the country.

looks like ill be building my m4 from scratch... perhaps a how-to from scratch tutorial is needed?
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want

Last edited by diamond_SEA; January 28th, 2008 at 18:56..
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Old January 28th, 2008, 18:48   #190
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Actually a few of us on JSOC have been telling him to stop all sales outside of Manitoba for about 5 months now as it's the out of province sales that cause all his stress. Not to say there aren't any pleasant people to deal with, but there are alot more UNpleasant people to deal with. It has just been a whole lot of little problems adding up to this, and it's not that his business is no longer profitable (he can always raise prices even more) it's that it's too DIFFICULT to continue doing what he's doing.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 18:50   #191
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Old January 28th, 2008, 18:53   #192
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If you have good prices and deal fairly with your customers you wont have problem finding buyers for your inventory... and you wont have complaint from said customers.

And the last thing a retailler want to do is screwing peoples on asc (RLV bulk order come to mind...)
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

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Old January 28th, 2008, 18:53   #193
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On a side note i think we also have a more complexe situation than some peoples whining about the price of airsoft guns.

Sure we have people that think they've been screwed up by the prices of AEG
in Canada and whine about it. But you also have peoples that have their heads so deep in the seller's/retailler's asses that they come here and post Mark here, Mark there like they know him for the past 10 years and all they have done is buying a gun and a battery from him. So please cut up the crap will ya.

Sure some people had a great service with Anderson & Anderson and there are some that dont. We also have some members of this community who have made a thousand dollars bulk order with him and still dont know what will happen to their money, but hey, thats ok Sellers/Retaillers are Gods here in Canada. Lets go and blame them too because they are complaining and have made Anderson close.

For myself i blame the Canada and his stupid replica law. Here we have a law that divides a community, that make prices go up because retaillers take risk importing what we need to play. And for what? Nothing because we all know that this law change absolutely nothing to the rate of criminality. People are not more secure now than they were before.

So i dont blame Anderson for the prices of their guns i still can choose not to buy from him. I dont blame the people that whine about the price because i understand their frustration. The problem is politic and i have no choice now unless i accept the facts that retaillers will come and go and the prices will still be up.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:10   #194
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because we aren't organized.
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Old January 28th, 2008, 19:17   #195
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
and why again can we not just form a massive lobby group and petition to the government?
Hahahaha you're joking right!!? Ok people he's just joking, nothing to see here, lets move on!!

Hope i save this thread from the trash disposal!
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