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Best Mask/Googles For Field Play? (NOOB QUESITON)


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Old March 9th, 2010, 10:28   #1
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Best Mask/Googles For Field Play? (NOOB QUESITON)

Ok, so I am just starting to get interested and learn more about Airsoft (NOOB). And after some looking around and reading various threads I am utterly confused as to what is the best Head/face protection for Airsoft play.

Some say neoprene mask and goggles, other say use paint-ball masks. Some say Mesh, other say plastic.. I know its also personal preference, but Id like to know what the vast majority uses, and why the feel that it offers the best protection.

So I guess my question is 2 fold. If you want FULL head,ear, mouth, eye protection for outdoor play, and lets face it, cost is not really a factor when it comes to safety, what would the vast majority of fellow experienced airsofters use.

I have seen the KOEI full face mask which looks good, but then can you wear googles over that? and then what about neck and head protection.

Any information as to the best products, pics, and even distributors of your suggestions would be appreciated.

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Old March 9th, 2010, 10:42   #2
a.k.a {BDS} Veritas
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Outdoors most people i play with go with a good pair of goggles (personal preference to style and shape) and a scarf or hat. Indoor is a different story. Most places you need full face gear or a mouth guard and some type of full face coverage.

Ive been sporting these, i have a black and clear pair and love them. Super comfortable.

Was also looking at these today. But like i said it depends on your size and preference. Also if you have a helmet or not i guess.

Edit: Comes down to how pretty you are and how nervous you are to be shot in the face. Haha. Masks and goggles work but can be hard to see. If you cant look down to get a mag thats no good.

Also look here:

Elite Force - Front Line Resolution - What's In Your Mag?

Last edited by Griffen; March 9th, 2010 at 10:48..
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Old March 9th, 2010, 10:46   #3
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You should be fine with an ordinary set of paintball googles, its what most people use. That or ballistic goggles/glasses (Like Bolle X800's, ESS, Revision etc.) I myself use a JT- Spectra goggle and it suits my needs fine. For protection, I simply tie a shemagh or something around my face.

Mesh masks are really iffy because some places are very anal about allowing them on the field (since a bb could quite possibly shatter against the mesh and go in your eyes).
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Old March 9th, 2010, 11:08   #4
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Also depends what field you are playing at and what they require.

Most Paintball fields require Paintball rated goggles and only those.
Some private fields will allow a variety of certain ones.

Personally I love my Flakjaks. (
Not a single fog issue once, very comfortable even when I wore them for ~6 hours on my face straight during a game.

Best goggles I've owned, love them to pieces. I've had no problems sighting my rifle with 'em either, which is something I like.
Usual price for the tan version is around $30 ish, I plan to pick up some OD spray paint and give them a few shots to camo it up a bit.

Or you could pick up Green or black ones here:

Check out Jeffs other stock too, he's got some good stuff

Last edited by Forever_kaos; March 9th, 2010 at 11:13..
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Old March 9th, 2010, 11:14   #5
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Thanks for the response guys, appreciate any and all input in this. Again I am just beginning to get into this sport, and have yet to make it to a game, as I am still trying to build up my inventory and equipment.

In response to Veritas - Well I have never been accused of being too pretty.. lol, however regardless of that I am not sure I want to take a BB to the mouth or something.

In doing my research and reading, I stumbled across a few images of bb's that broke skin and lodged themselves into the guys face??

I mean a little pain or bumps/bruises are one thing but squeezing BB's out of my face, at the end of a game, just doenst seem "fun" to me.. LOL

There also seems to be a number of people whom have broken teeth awell, so I ask, do you also wear a mouth gaud or some type of mouth/chin area protection is you are only wearing a shemag?

Again I am sure that "experienced" players have some type of code of conduct that says no head shots and such, but Accidents do happen, and I'd prefer to be fully protected when I play my first game, to make sure I dont have to visit the Optometrist/dentist after every game.

Thanks Again for any and all input in relation to Best Mask/Google - or Combos that you experienced players use.
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Old March 9th, 2010, 11:16   #6
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When I started here I asked the same question and got a Warning from an admin...

I got a JT Spectra. I think it's nice because you can swap the lenses, can take apart the mask and only use the goggles or use it as a full-face mask and it's only around 60$ and will let you play on any paintball fields.
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Old March 9th, 2010, 11:19   #7
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really? I've had the flakjaks fog up on me from day one. zero ventilation unless there's a strong wind... Then again I fog up revisions other 'safety glasses' type goggles pretty quick too.

JT thermals on the other hand, have never fogged, even in cold wet mornings, hot summer rains, dry nights, etc. just gotta cut down on them a bit and you can sight anything from an m4 to an mp5. throw on a face guard of some type, zip-tie it on, you've got a perfect paintball field approved goggle/mask set up.
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Old March 9th, 2010, 11:46   #8
a.k.a. cloaked
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I don't like paintball masks. You can wear tactical goggles with a balaclava (thick) and mouthguard and you should be good to go. All the protection you need is for the eyes and teeth, anywhere else on the face, take it.
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Old March 9th, 2010, 14:21   #9
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Originally Posted by Da_Beazt View Post
In doing my research and reading, I stumbled across a few images of bb's that broke skin and lodged themselves into the guys face??

I mean a little pain or bumps/bruises are one thing but squeezing BB's out of my face, at the end of a game, just doenst seem "fun" to me.. LOL
That's nothing man, I was at a game where a guy had a BB go into his nose and he ended up spitting it back out... nice nose-bleed too.
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Old March 31st, 2010, 10:37   #10
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Is there a full face mask that will get a low enough cheek weld to use iron sights? Is taking a dremmel to a paintball mask the only option?
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Old March 31st, 2010, 10:43   #11
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whatever is comfortable and keeps BB's out of your eyes.

Everything else is just a matter of style or preference.
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Old March 31st, 2010, 11:04   #12
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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I was at a field yesterday with my ESS land ops. I had my prescription glasses underneath and a shemagh for mouth/nose protection. I saw plenty of people fog, and I never had a bit of fog in mine (I didn't run as much as these guys, was the cameraman, but my ski goggles fogs up everything I go skiing so should give you an idea )
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Old March 31st, 2010, 11:59   #13
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I bought ESS Striker googles.. never fogged up during playing for 3 hours and I was wearing glasses under them too.
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Old March 31st, 2010, 12:12   #14
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I purchased the ESS Turbofans after hearing many great reviews. Looking forward to testing them out!

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Old April 3rd, 2010, 10:30   #15
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Personally I would use any type of goggles/glasses that are CSA approved or Z87. Personally I would go OPSGEAR.COM that's where i picked up my safety sunglasses for at the gun range. Basically what im saying is when looking at any type of eye wear look for a Z87 or a CSA stamp on the glasses this way you know there built properly an will protect your eyes.
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